Dragonberry in Wonderland

Dark Ether



A goofy doodle of a few friends and SG mates from Virtue as characters from wonderland.
Curiouser and Curiouser

I need to draw more breadandbutterflys



Behehehehe >_< That soooo CUTE >_<;;;;

<,< >,>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Very cute!!



More bread and butterflies!
And I never knew Shia was a chupacabra...

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



so cute ! but berry is no alice maybe she can trample tokyo next time *nods*



Wonderland is one of my favorite settings though besides its always fun to merge friends characters with characters from books or movies .

well it was either Dragonberry in Wonderland or Dragonberry playing the lead role in old yeller .......



It's really hard for me to concentrate on the picture with that creepy as heck avatar you got going there Scarfy. Wonderland is indeed awesome. I used to want to go there as a child (pftt who am I kidding?? I would love it now!)



Its my awesomely creepy yet cute spooky girl from the movie Ringu or Ring here in the States

I put her up when I was sick and cranky but I think im going to keep her for Halloween



ooh ooh, i love fairy tales with peoples own characters! Maybe next time some snow white and the seven dwarves with forum peoples in chibi form as the dwarves!

Great concept on this, i love it, especially the "strangely sarcastic Chesire chupacabra" part, it had me rolling!



EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! This one is even awesomer than the first one!!!!! SO CUTE!!



DB, I know its been said by everyone already... but that is so super ultra mega adorably cute on a stick times ten!

Have you ever considered doing Illustrations for children's books?

I know its a step away from Bondage, rufies and ductape but you know... Its a possibility. <.<



Awesome pictur' petite!



DB is a wonderland herself...



DB, I know its been said by everyone already... but that is so super ultra mega adorably cute on a stick times ten!

Have you ever considered doing Illustrations for children's books?

I know its a step away from Bondage, rufies and ductape but you know... Its a possibility. <.<

[/ QUOTE ]

Hee no free time as im studying to be what your Forum avatar is
(no not someone molested by tentecles , A nurse :P ) Its why my art output is so much less than everyone elses

But mucho thanks for the kind words



Wonderland is one of my favorite settings though besides its always fun to merge friends characters with characters from books or movies .

well it was either Dragonberry in Wonderland or Dragonberry playing the lead role in old yeller .......

[/ QUOTE ]





Hee no free time as im studying to be what your Forum avatar is
(no not someone molested by tentecles , A nurse :P ) Its why my art output is so much less than everyone elses

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a severe staffing shortage on Nurses right now, because of the inequality of Pay VS the 3-4 years of Education, Long hours and in many ways having the same job and responsibility's as a Doctor.

Its something that the person has to really want to do and feel the calling for, and its a very, very much needed position. Doctors may get the glory but its the Nurses that pick us up when were down, make us smile when we feel at our absolute worse and perform most of the duties that the doctors probably should be dont or cant because there so strung out and over worked themselves.

My love of you as a friend and respect for your as a person just rose even more.



Hey hey now! No love in here without the appropriate protective rubber coating.


http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



DB, I know its been said by everyone already... but that is so super ultra mega adorably cute on a stick times ten!

Have you ever considered doing Illustrations for children's books?

I know its a step away from Bondage, rufies and ductape but you know... Its a possibility. <.<

[/ QUOTE ]

Hee no free time as im studying to be what your Forum avatar is
(no not someone molested by tentecles , A nurse :P ) Its why my art output is so much less than everyone elses

But mucho thanks for the kind words

[/ QUOTE ]
Two of my cousins studying to be nurses too! heh that's a profession that's not for me though, I would rather be designing buildings or mechanical parts in cubicle somewhere.



Nurses are awesome!

When I was a Search/Rescue volunteer, I seriously thought about continuing on to medical school, but then I got caught up in the Emergency Ops portion of the gig.

You know, the one back at base, taking notes on the radio conversations on five frequencies at once, making sure all the equipment is ready to go out, making phone calls to the Red Cross, taking phone calls from the press, the subject's family and friends, and whoever else shows an interest, all on 4 hours or less of sleep and way too much coffee. All so someone who's gone missing in the mountains can be found and brought home to their loved ones.

So to nurses, EMT's, First Responders, Doctors, med-techs, cops, SAR troopers, EMS dispatchers, 911 operators... you all are the best.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."