Hugo is awesome.
noted Soul
I already started playing nice this time , honest ! and me and Marcian had a long intresting talk via PM's and alls mostly square we still disagree on when scarves became cool though .
<3 Soultrain
I say they originated with me, Scarf_Girl insists that she sucks.
It's an odd repartee.
*sits down in corner and hugs her red title and cries*
Oh stop it you little Drama llama :P
Your far to late to this dust up , but you can offer your opoion on Scarves , prenancy insurance , cybering in the D , seal clubbing , the buying of indulgances from the church or how full of Awesome sauce marcian is .
Now go post some new art im expecting at least a new piece from you on DA every other day !
...scarfs are for newbies...
"Scarves , prenancy insurance , cybering in the D , seal clubbing , the buying of indulgances from the church or how full of Awesome sauce marcian is ."
Scarves are THE most awesome fashion accessory/useful item in the world. Fuzzy, silky, long, short all are fantastic! Pregnancy insurance could be a useful think :P. Cybering is most likely two lonely guys with girl toons, lol To each his own though XD Seal clubbing is just 17 kinds of wrong, I don't think I need to explain them all. Won't even go anywhere near that church comment. And Marcian is so full of awesomesauce people would be willing to lick a hot grill because it's that important (Reference to an A1 commercial if anyone is wondering)
I thought members of the J-Force had no fear ! be brave lil otter be brave !
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought members of the J-Force had no fear ! be brave lil otter be brave !
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, calm down J, calm down.
*Stabs J-Man wit teh horsie tranqs*
There, that aughta hold em for a few...
=. .=
O.o ! you carry horse tranqs with you ?!?
O.o ! you carry horse tranqs with you ?!?
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont need a tranq... i have a sword... that generally calms people down.
>.> for the record, decapitation is not considered and approved sedative >.>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
>.> for the record, decapitation is not considered and approved sedative >.>
[/ QUOTE ]
It keeps things quiet... besides i never said decapitation...
...threats and just throat slashinmg works just fine, full removal is unnecessary
>.> for the record, decapitation is not considered and approved sedative >.>
[/ QUOTE ]
It keeps things quiet... besides i never said decapitation...
...threats and just throat slashinmg works just fine, full removal is unnecessary
[/ QUOTE ]
But its fuuuuun <.<
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
well thats one way to get a head in life ......
well thats one way to get a head in life ......
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, he won't be attending that hat convention
Why not? No reason you can't even without a head. >_> ... <_< Except for the whole being not living thing...
=. .=
Why not? No reason you can't even without a head. >_> ... <_< Except for the whole being not living thing...
=. .=
[/ QUOTE ]
"Why that bowler cap looks magnificent on your neck stump!"
Hahaha <'x'> Oh dear.
Besides <.< in a comic world, when has being dead ever stopped... well anything <,<
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Hahaha <'x'> Oh dear.
Besides <.< in a comic world, when has being dead ever stopped... well anything <,<
[/ QUOTE ]
... wanna test that theory?
>.> Ya know, I'm kinda attached to this living thing. <.<;;
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
>.> Ya know, I'm kinda attached to this living thing. <.<;;
[/ QUOTE ]
There are certain advantages to bieng dead... but if you prefer lving it's fine...
Oooh nice...
I just wish the gerbil could be moved a little to the left... <_<
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a mole, not a gerbil !
Hiyas Keech and Happiest of Birthdays to you little sis
Oooh nice...
I just wish the gerbil could be moved a little to the left... <_<
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a mole, not a gerbil !
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, my apologies.
Happy Belated Birthday.
scarf, you've gone off the deep end again. Stop it.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."