MMOART Anniversary & Labor Day Launch Special!!!




MMOART is now two years old!! To celebrate our second anniversary, and to kick off the official launch of our new expansion site, MMOART Studio, we are offering a limited time Labor Day Launch special! From now until September 3rd, 12 midnight (CST), all MMOART Studio orders will receive a 20% discount!

For those of you who don't yet know what MMOART Studio is, it is our expansion site that features a team of talented artists, hand-picked by yours truly, to provide additional MMOART commissions. All artists will work closely with me on each and every request, ensuring that all works will have the same quality and detail as many of you have come to expect from us over the years. So ORDER NOW, time is running out!

In other news, check out two new pencil pieces I released: Doc Boy and Firefighter Frank! And in the works are Omega Brothers (rough draft stage, changes pending), Fire Guardian (pencil stage), and Odessa Dark (ink stage)!

Now for our brand new site feature! I've been experimenting with Art Rage (I can't say enough about this illustration app, it is absolutely awesome!) and a new video program for a few days, and now I can post video of MMOART WIPs! The format still needs to be finalized and I'll dedicate a permanent WIP Video link to the site soon. But for now, check out the video of a quick rough I did for one of the Ever After chibis! More coming soon folks!



*eyes get big* Art Rage O_O



Oooo, Art Sale??? Me want sooo badly to splurge...




great to have you back Gill!



REALLY diggin Odessa Dark!




NOW he has a sale!!! when my bank account is runnin' dry...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Wow, a sale. Pardon if I don't go overboard with the enthusiasm.

A year ago, I won a contest. One of the prizes was to be a piece from MMOART. In the past year, I got one VERY rough preliminary sketch which looked like it was copied straight out of a Wolverine comic. The sketch couldn't have taken more than two minutes to do. I responded to the artist with a suggestion for a possible better pose for the character. There was no response. I have emailed from time to time over the year, but I'm still no closer to having the artwork than I was a year ago. My piece has never even shown up in their queue. Yeah, I know...paid projects come first. But no, they don't come first for an entire year. If you think of it that way, as long as MMOART has commissions in progress, the prize artwork will never get done.

If I had gotten my artwork in anything resembling a reasonable length of time, I would be blowing MMOARTs horn far and wide, and may have generated several new commissions from SG mates and other folks I know, some of whom have had cash pieces done from other artists in the interim.

C'est la vie.

Pardon me if I'm less than an enthusiastic MMOART fan.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



*ignores prior posters comment as that can be handled via pm's*

Glad to have you back Gill.



*ignores prior posters comment as that can be handled via pm's*

[/ QUOTE ]

*Watches as the prior poster misses the point of my earlier post.*

It's not about my getting the art. I've given up on that. It's about letting others know how they treated the commission. It's about integrity. They (MMOART) took an obligation upon themselves which they then proceeded to ignore.

I won't be checking this forum again, so I won't see any replies. Save your time and energy for something more constructive than flames and telling me what I should have done.

Have fun and play nice!

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



Hey guys thanks for the feedback!

Power_Play we sent you a second update and a follow-up email and never got a response from you. I do believe it featured the changes you requested. I'm not too sure when you emailed us but there was a post on our site and through our newsletter describing the mail/spam problems we were having and I requested that emails be sent directly to my personal account. I also posted that very same announcement on the boards here as a matter of fact. Another thing I must point out is that none of the contest winners have been in our queue so its not strange that yours wasn’t there either. The bottom line is a few things have come up in that past few months that set us back a bit. But I honestly tried my best to make sure I announced it everywhere I could… our site, deviantart, myspace, and our newsletter. I have also spoken to pretty much every contest winner whose piece I haven’t gotten to yet and they are patiently waiting. I must tell you though that my obligation is to paying customers first they have been patient also and they have spent their hard earned cash so I must take care of them first. I will tell you that Junkyard King and Soul Train are in line before you so yours will be coming soon after theirs.

One more thing I must address is you suggesting that my work was copied from a wolverine comic. There is no greater insult you can sling at an artist and I must say if you disrespect me or my talent like that again I have no problem keeping my art to myself. Anyone who knows me here will tell you that i don’t lose my cool very easily but that my friend is right on the line. The fact that your character has claws exactly like Wolverine and also flaps on the side of his mask pretty much just like Wolverines, does present a huge challenge in regard to him not resembling Wolverine. Especially in the rough draft stage. I however am positive that I can come up with a pose/composition that you will be happy with. So please contact me at your earliest convenience at and we can collaborate and discuss the project in greater detail.



I won't be checking this forum again, so I won't see any replies.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was replying tho Power_Play's first comment when he made the quoted statement. I will try and contact him via board PM's and the only email address we have on file for him, and if I dont hear back from him then Scarf Girl you just got yourself a free piece of art =)




Well to be fair, he does have a point. The contest folks have been waiting behind your paid queue, for almost a year. I kind of saw the writing on the wall, and that was what prompted me to upgrade mine to a full color piece. I suppose it's a good thing, that you would HAVE a queue for this long. You're not hurting for business, that's certain.

Of course, no one foresaw your accident either, or Lush's getting swamped with work. But hey... you're running your own biz, sometimes setbacks happen. As customers, we don't have much choice, this isn't mass-produced stuff so it's impossible to pass the work off to someone else.

And ... sometimes someone's patience runs out.

I renew mine by looking at the bluelines you sent. It's very effective.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Gah! I am so tempted to get some art, I really really really love the MMOart style. But... *turns pockets inside out and little moths drift away*

Le Sigh, another commission to request that needs to be added to the 'to-get' list after I have spare money.

And I agree with Gill, it is one of the worst insults to claim an artist copied or plagerised some one else's work. There are far better ways to vent frustration with a situation. It is likewise not good that it's taken so long for the work to be done, but from the sounds of things this is all because of a breakdown and loss of comuinications. A sad state of affairs, but there we have it.

I look forward to seeing what comes from the MMOart studio.




Very classy response, Gill. You continue to prove that you are indeed a standup guy. And big grats on the 2nd Anniversary.



The art is as awesome as ever *feels envy growing* @.@

and gratz!

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |




<^_^> welcome back!!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I find it interesting that people wait until MMOART posts a thread before they decide to voice their issue. Seems to me if it troubled one so much and for so long, then a thread should have been created several months ago.

In any case, the poster got what they wanted, a response to his/her query. I wonder since there was such a level of disapointment, would they refuse the artwork, as too little too late? No I imagine they wouldn't.

Frankly, when it comes to creative original artwork, I'll wait for the gourmet dinner in lieu of the happy meal.

Communication is a two way street...keep both lanes open.

Now then...more artsy less farcy.



*best Christopher Walken voice* - "I have a fever, and the only prescription... is MMOART!"

Welcome back, Gill.



*best Christopher Walken voice* - "I have a fever, and the only prescription... is MMOART!"

Welcome back, Gill.

[/ QUOTE ]

<,< Lol!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I will tell you that Junkyard King and Soul Train are in line before you so yours will be coming soon after theirs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Junkyard King's player here and all I can say is WOOOOO! I'm sure I can *twitch* wait a little bit *twitch* longer. Good art takes *twitch* time!

*begins to madly chew his fingernails in anticipation of an MMOART masterpiece*



I still remember your coustume for Junkyard King , it really was pretty awesome .



I think Im gonna have to check you prices Gill and do some Math. I really would love a commission from you and if the sale is good I'll jump on it.



speaking for someone that has 3 pieces from Gill and a fourth on the way. I've been a little discouraged by the set backs but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know my new art will be amazing. Thru the down time Gill has keep my updated the whole time and I've even been able to refine and adjust my art from its original concept to include someone that is very dear to me. I can't wait.. I dont want to wait. but I will

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



I will tell you that Junkyard King and Soul Train are in line before you so yours will be coming soon after theirs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Junkyard King's player here and all I can say is WOOOOO! I'm sure I can *twitch* wait a little bit *twitch* longer. Good art takes *twitch* time!

*begins to madly chew his fingernails in anticipation of an MMOART masterpiece*

[/ QUOTE ]

Your outfit was outstanding!! I can't wait to see it MMOART-ified, I know its going to rock!

*Also begins to calculate the 20% sale as well as her pennies*



*best Christopher Walken voice* - "I have a fever, and the only prescription... is MMOART!"

Welcome back, Gill.

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