Art Submissions For City Scoop




Maybe a little humor can help? I give you...




..... *milksnort!!!*

That is awesome....

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."




Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Just to drop in a quick note: The Scoop has a new Art Correspondent*. She should be introducing herself soon.

* Not me. I loves me my artists, I really do, but three years of wrangling a herd of them was enough for a while. It's much like herding cats - an ultimately rewarding but immediately confusing endeavor.

Prophecy & Dreams | Prophecy & Dreams Discussion

Nerd Flirting | More Nerd Flirting | Nerds Talking About Flirting

Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



[color=pink] 'ello all! Tiz I, VexXxa, your new Art Correspondent! I am very excited to be an official scooper for all of you! A little about me...I am not a total n00b to the world of artistic creation. I am an amateur artist, far from being a pro when I see some of the talented artists in these forums. For me, my artistic talents appeared when I was very young and the only things I was permitted to use at my young age were crayons. And let me tell you, everything was my target back then! I loved horses so much, that all I did was draw and color horses all over everything. The floors, the doors, the driveway, the most fav was Mom's newly painted hallway walls! Biggg horses done in red and pink crayon! What an artist I was...all proud of my first and last mural. My strongest talents are definitely pencils. With some dabbling in inks and colors. But now, after seeing the talents in these threads, I find myself really wanting to see what inspires the artists here. So, enlighten me with your visions and send me your creations that I can feature in my articles for the City Scoop.


The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



[color=pink] 'ello all! Tiz I, VexXxa, your new Art Correspondent! I am very excited to be an official scooper for all of you! A little about me...I am not a total n00b to the world of artistic creation. I am an amateur artist, far from being a pro when I see some of the talented artists in these forums. For me, my artistic talents appeared when I was very young and the only things I was permitted to use at my young age were crayons. And let me tell you, everything was my target back then! I loved horses so much, that all I did was draw and color horses all over everything. The floors, the doors, the driveway, the most fav was Mom's newly painted hallway walls! Biggg horses done in red and pink crayon! What an artist I was...all proud of my first and last mural. My strongest talents are definitely pencils. With some dabbling in inks and colors. But now, after seeing the talents in these threads, I find myself really wanting to see what inspires the artists here. So, enlighten me with your visions and send me your creations that I can feature in my articles for the City Scoop.


[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome Vexxa!

Can't wait to see your rendition of MarDun!

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH



Welcome Vexxa ... happy to have you on board.

I will even submit another piece for your consideration. It ended up beeng a colab piece between Graver (pencils), Taclobanon (Inks) and myself (colors). The subject was Thor's Assassin's villain, Assassin of Thor.

It can be found here.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



[color=pink] But now, after seeing the talents in these threads, I find myself really wanting to see what inspires the artists here. So, enlighten me with your visions and send me your creations that I can feature in my articles for the City Scoop.


[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps you would like to put up a list of art themes, you'd like us to draw... say for future issues? Oh and welcome...



Saint Patty's day is close, can we get some "green" art for said holiday?



[color=pink] Thank you for the warm welcome! I will be looking for a variety of images, which means I'd like to include some early pieces from your childhoods and current day creations. For the current day pieces, I'd like the themes to be CoH/V related. But I also would like to include your most favorite/least favorite pieces of "any" G-rated theme. If you would like to be considered for one of my articles, please PM me and I'll get with you. I am totally looking forward to writing about you all and getting to know you all as well!!!

Good idea, Ennvee! Maybe we can do "All Things Irish"
[b]I'll come up with a theme list for some of my future articles. I appreciate the input.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Just wanted to shout out another welcome



Haven't checked this thread in a bit.

Welcome, VexXxa!




Thank you for the Welcome...I already really like what I see. Andddd I can see that you all are going to keep me quite busy viewing your talents and writing up articles about you. Very exciting for me! I hope my articles will be enjoyable for all of you!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



For this coming issue, we've used:

Flame Enchantress, by PANGular (submitted by Flame Enchantress)

Gale Storms by Dakota Sunrise (submitted by Dakota Sunrise)


Court of the Cards by Aprion (submitted by Aprion)

We actually had prolific writers this time, and not as much space for art. These three show different styles, but darn, I wanted to use more of it all! I especially wanted to use Thornster's submission in our PvP section, because it's a lovely piece that contrasts well with the subject matter.

You guys make it terribly hard to pick out just a few. Thanks for making it that way.

(and I'm picking, 'cause I'm helping with final layout)

ETA: I was just informed that I needed a small (170 pixel wide) picture to go into the side column of the first page. There.. er. Weren't any. At least, not that I saw. So Toxic_Shea's animated Blue Steel Avatar is going in there. It's cute, but we're a little uncertain about an animated picture on the front page.

Anyone who wants to toss in a handful of 170-wide, yet also short pictures would have our gratitude. We don't need many, but the occasional ones are nice. And most of them would wind up on the front page!

Prophecy & Dreams | Prophecy & Dreams Discussion

Nerd Flirting | More Nerd Flirting | Nerds Talking About Flirting

Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



OK, I'm compiling a list of what we've actually used vs. what's been offered since June 24th, 2008. Once I've gotten it together (which could take me a week or two), I'll try and get a list together someplace where people can see it and let me know if corrections need to be made.

With any luck, we won't repeat much and we'll not only get all your names right, but attached to the right bits of art.

I'm going to have to take a moment and remind folks that we're stuck with PG13 / T-for-Teen in what we can put in the Scoop . We've been getting a few submissions recently that have been either good or fun (or both), but certainly not publishable! If your Grandma wouldn't want your little sister (or cousin, or nephew, whomever is under 15 years old) to see it, chances are pretty good we can't print it.

Prophecy & Dreams | Prophecy & Dreams Discussion

Nerd Flirting | More Nerd Flirting | Nerds Talking About Flirting

Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



Its difficult for us around here. We're all horribly perverted.



Its difficult for us around here. We're all horribly perverted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, me too....

Nah, really. You'd think that in a game that allows itty-bitty string bikinis on triple-E chested women, we could get away with more. It's not so much a matter of perversion, however, it's a matter of - honestly - what Grandma would accept. For some reason, in-game can get away with a little more than we can get away with in-print; probably because it's theoretically possible to more thoroughly limit who can see what's in the game (there's a monetary and EULA gateway) than we can limit who is able to just randomly trip over the Scoop.

Truth is, pretty much everyone who's posted stuff here directly has stayed with the PG-13 / T-for-teen guidelines, with a couple of teasing exceptions. I've had one or two direct submissions or queries that didn't come from here that I've had to pass along this information to, so it honestly was in line of being a reminder, rather than a note that y'all are being pervs.

Prophecy & Dreams | Prophecy & Dreams Discussion

Nerd Flirting | More Nerd Flirting | Nerds Talking About Flirting

Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



very nice pic Flame Enchantress!



We have a little more art than usual in the Scoop this week, along with a thank you.

The art we're using this week (so far, I think we're going to get another one or two in at the last minute, since we have one more short page) from THIS thread:

Teeth & Ambitions Bared, by Blood-Wolffe

Deuco - Virtue-Defender by SyrusB

Vagrant Lore & the Reciprocators by Undercroft

Hericane by Russ Platt

Kaori's Study Break by Dakota Sunrise

Turbo's Crew, by imagesbyalex

Storm Devil, by Juggertha

(I have another 7 to choose between to put in on the last page. If I go with one of the bigger ones, I can only put in two. If I go for the smaller ones, I might be able to put in three. It's going to depend on what looks the least crowded, really, but it's a short, short page for text. I'll play with it, and indicate what else we've put in.)

The other images we're getting this week are one direct submission and two from the artist interview.

Again, thank you for making it really darn hard to figure out which bits of artwork to stick in the Scoop every week.

EDIT: We're adding in another three. They are:

Freedom Rain, by Mainasha (submitted by Rocketboy)

The Masked Shrike, by Rocketboy

Statesman - Freedom, by 8baller

I know the last one is technically a Lego manipulation, but it's still neat (and if the one Lego critter that was built had better photos, we'd probably be using that, too - we still might).

Prophecy & Dreams | Prophecy & Dreams Discussion

Nerd Flirting | More Nerd Flirting | Nerds Talking About Flirting

Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



Quick photoshop sketch of my lvl17 Claws/SS Scrapper!



Perhaps you would like to put up a list of art themes, you'd like us to draw... say for future issues? Oh and welcome...

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I remember trying that approach for Issue 12 (roman theme) and getting no usable art... I did appreciate the one from Soul_Train (who acknowledged that it would be out of bounds for the Scoop) that could not be used though.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters