Consolidated Empowerment Station thread




I don't think they were to easy before... I mean, you had to be willing to traverse the shard for crying out loud...




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You know... I have a Kora Fruit mission door in Atlas Park.

For real. At one point I had the mission in my que, but a server reset or patch or something moved the door to Atlas. I used to use it for harvesting koras for use in Siren's Call back before insp storage was introduced.

I still have the mission, but I don't bother using it to harvest tier II inspirations. But I DO use it whenever some noob in Atlas asks if he can team with me for a PL.

"SURE bud! In fact, I have a mission right over here...!"

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I like the animation for fast attack. it's these cool glowing rings



Instead of making empowerment buffs into inspirations, have them create a 1-shot temp power that has the same duration. That way, you can build the empowerments and activate them as you need them. The Devs could then increase the power of some of the buffs while reducing their duration to retain balance.


"40 characters is my limit... okay, 50... 50 is my limit... okay, 60... 60 is my limit... okay, 70..."



Instead of making empowerment buffs into inspirations, have them create a 1-shot temp power that has the same duration. That way, you can build the empowerments and activate them as you need them. The Devs could then increase the power of some of the buffs while reducing their duration to retain balance.

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A click buff still has the same problem as an inspiration. The buff would not persist thru the character's death.

and that is a problem because over 1 hour, in situations that are dangerous enough to need Empowerment in the first place, I would expect there to be death.

What you would need to get around the death problem are powers that generate an auto power, not a buff. The click power has to work like the Empowerment station currently does. However, I know of no powers in the game that generate other powers, so this is probably something they'd need to code. (Heck, if powers could generate powers, you could have Group Fly create a toggle for everyone in range instead of people asking you to turn it off.)

I'm not sure how easy that would be to code, but what would be the point? No one is really explaining the advantage that a delayed-activation Empowerment would give you. Saving 2 minutes of travel time before you activate it doesn't seem that big a deal, would the 2 extra minutes at the end matter?



A click buff still has the same problem as an inspiration. The buff would not persist thru the character's death.

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There is some precident to the contrary.

The debt protection powers from the winter event, when used, quietly created an auto power. The auto power would then persist through death.



However, I know of no powers in the game that generate other powers, so this is probably something they'd need to code. (Heck, if powers could generate powers, you could have Group Fly create a toggle for everyone in range instead of people asking you to turn it off.)

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Weren't the presents during the winter event like this? I believe that everyone got a power that they could give a gift to someone else with. Honestly I'm not too sure how it worked anymore, hopefully someone else remembers. At the least I believe it showed that the mechanics are in place for Insperations to grant temp powers.

It would be nice if Speed Boost could drop a +speed toggle in an ally's tray too, solve those complaints.



improvements to Speedboost aside (oh how I'd love that) the question still remains: how would clicking the power 2 minutes later improve over starting it now? I'm not seeing any difference.



improvements to Speedboost aside (oh how I'd love that) the question still remains: how would clicking the power 2 minutes later improve over starting it now? I'm not seeing any difference.

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You could craft it ahead of time and store it for when you need it.

Or craft and use one now, and have another waiting for when it wears off.

Formerly Fx_10
It's like someone taped two ninjas together to make a giant ninja!
Founder of Team Awesome!
Official Justice Chairperson of Awesomeness



improvements to Speedboost aside (oh how I'd love that) the question still remains: how would clicking the power 2 minutes later improve over starting it now? I'm not seeing any difference.

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You could craft it ahead of time and store it for when you need it.

Or craft and use one now, and have another waiting for when it wears off.

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This is a very good idea. That would definately make base salvage more active....kinda like how the market is now. Give us a good use for it, people will use it to death. Soon there would be more of a demand for base salvage at WWs too.



I just like the reaction I get from teammates seing my buff bar go all the way across the screen with empowerment buffs :-)

BTW I maintain sell orders for all twelve types of components at the Black Market (only, not WW) for around 30,000 inf per piece. It's a bit expensive I know. If there were more demand I could drastically lower my prices. If people start posting stacks of bids at lower amounts (say 10-15K?) I would happily craft to meet demand. But once I run out of profitable immediate sales, I leave one stack of each component for sale at around 30K. They don't move very fast, and 30K each is what the time spent crafting is worth to me. I could make a lot more inf on that slot speculating on salvage or recipes, but I enjoy crafting :-)

So if you like empowerment buffs, please leave up bids for components at the Black Market!



You could craft it ahead of time and store it for when you need it.

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yes, that's the mechanic of it, but still not explaining the benefits.

Or craft and use one now, and have another waiting for when it wears off.

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OK, now THAT's a good reason.

But it's a benefit geared to people who already craft these and want it to be easier to craft more of them. That doesn't help convince people to craft them in the first place. If I see a power as useless, I'm sure not crafting a backup copy of it, I'm not even crafting the copy to use now.

So what's the bigger problem here? The general uselessness of the table, or making it more convenient for the few recipes that people like to use? and should both parts be fixed at once, or just prioritize one of them and get coding time for other things?




i would actually use the stations if you could determine "when" I could activate the buff. I would carry a resist slow, but only use when i needed it on my fire tankers and brutes.

I have a hard time justifying making the buffs, and then the buff going to waste, as I can not predict if I would need the buff or not.

If the buffs were trigger-able, like a insp, I would be more than happy to wait, say if a MM said something like, hitting base for kb buffs for the pets...if the team were fighting Nemisis or Council. I think the buffs would really catch on, if we could see them used easily. Other people would be like...hey I didn't know you could even do that...



However, I know of no powers in the game that generate other powers, so this is probably something they'd need to code.

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As mentioned above, "Holiday Cheer" grants temp powers, as does "Mystery Gift".

Also, Chain Induction works by granting a temp power to the enemy that attacks a nearby enemy. Hamidon's blue mitos have a similar attack.

Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.



Also, Chain Induction works by granting a temp power to the enemy that attacks a nearby enemy. Hamidon's blue mitos have a similar attack.

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That doesn't persist thru death, which is the whole point. Their effect is really no different than Transfusion generating a pet-like power centered on a character - and just ask any Kin how annoying it is to have your Transfusion target die.

but again, the question at hand is not whether it CAN be done, most anything can, the question is what it's WORTH to bother converting all 25 empowerment recipes to such a setup.
Is the ability to carry a temp power for later a fix for a design flaw, or a wishlist for a better type of buff?



I think the problem with empowerment buffs is that many of them are too weak to justify the investment of effort in activating them, much LESS the investment of resources.

The proposed "make them storable" does NOT address this, no.

But it IS doable using current tech, and has a place of discussion in a "consolidated empowerment thread", even if it is a tangential issue.

Basically, I think I'm in agreement with you, in that I'd rather see the effort in "fixing" empowerment buffs put into fixing what's broke about them, rather than making the broken buffs more convenient.

Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.



Heh, I think you missed the point there. What he was trying to say is that there is a piece of code that already exists (Someone, _Castle_ maybe, confirmed this) called "Grant." They use this in a number of powers (Chain Induction, Holiday Cheer, Holiday Spirit, and [apparently] the blue mito attack already mentioned, plus Noxious Gas) that have the capability to grant an entity a temporary power. There is a lot of flexibility here, in fact I would not be surprised if Empowerment buffs as they exist now are assigned using the Grant method.

The section you quoted from that post was the wrong one - you may remember the Holiday Spirit power, when activated, gave you a new Auto power of the same name which *does* persist through death. This could work. =)



would you prefer an analogy?

I think they should make the Empowerment buff icons blue instead of white.

That's another change that would not be worth the coding time. It would not help the popularity of the powers, just make it a little more conveneint for people who already use them to spot them on their buff bar. Changing them to be time-delayed activated would be a similar waste of time.



Okay, you win that one. Think about it from that angle (the real issue at hand, that is) and this change would be a mere QoL tweak that wouldn't fix the base problem. Truly, the reasons not to change them like that (amount of coding/art time this would consume) greatly outweigh the reasons for changing them (maybe players would use them more if they were like candy).

Reading over the second paragraph there and Teeto_K's post (which I missed) I agree entirely.

I win a cookie (thorough flogging?) for quoting an unimportant paragraph to write about how unimportant it was.



Completely new tangent time! Yippee!!!

Someone has to go in and fix all the text on the station recipes, right? So they say 1 hour instead of 15 minutes.
When that's done, can the names of the recipes be improved at the same time?

I mean...
Hold Resist
Immobilize Resist
Increase Attack Speed
Increase Flight Speed
Increase this
Increase that
KB Protection
Lethal Resistance

That whole chunk of "Increase whatever" in the middle is, at least to me, not in any logical order at all. If I want Run Speed, I'm inclined to scroll to the R's, not the I's. And really, would it be anything OTHER than an Increase? Write it as Run Speed Increase, or Run Speed Buff.

Just figuring this might help make the station more friendly to use, which means more people may have the patience to play around with the 4 or 5 useful recipes we have.

oh, and speaking of usability, *all* the worktables with that interface should get Expand All / Collapse All buttons to make them easier to use.



Thanks for listing the empowerment stats.
Long before Wentworths I sold my empowerment machines, calling them unkind words.

The base is bigger and base salvage is eeeasy to come by. I will make those machines again.
I will also apologize to them for the names I called them when I originally deleted them



Anyone have information on what invention salvage converts to what base salvage? I'm planning to put an empowerment station in my base soon, and I wanna get as much use out of if as I can.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Someone has to go in and fix all the text on the station recipes, right? So they say 1 hour instead of 15 minutes.
When that's done, can the names of the recipes be improved at the same time?

That whole chunk of "Increase whatever" in the middle is, at least to me, not in any logical order at all. If I want Run Speed, I'm inclined to scroll to the R's, not the I's. And really, would it be anything OTHER than an Increase? Write it as Run Speed Increase, or Run Speed Buff.

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Just give the assignment to Back Alley Brawler, he'll name the empowerment: "RUN FASTER!" Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!




I find the status resistances to be really sub-par. Would it be so bad to make them, say, Mag 2 protection?



I think they should make the Empowerment buff icons blue instead of white.

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Awesome change! (Seriously - there are enough unused shades of blue for power icons that they could find one that really makes empowerments stand out from any primary or secondary toggle/autos)