Consolidated Base Editor Requests




Consolidated Base Editor Requests

Not to be confused with "Base Items We'd Like" here is a list of requested changes to the base editor made during the Post I9 Review:

Personal Items Menu List
System to "allow" the coloured placement of logos
None option for floor & ceiling trim
Allow trim for doorways
Ability to copy & paste room settings or have new default
Give Storage items their own tab
Review existing tabs
Allow for room placement without doorways
Allow style specification for doorways
Allow storage items to connect to worktables
Save stored items if delete room
Allow the 2x2 Workshop to hold 3 tables
Allow more beacons on an advanced telepad
Add a beacon to Pocket-D
Lower the cost of decorative rooms
Give reasons to have large rooms (most not worth it)
Allow a no-raid base to ignore raid pathing
Review editor UI make more like Wentworths
Crafted items to list both craft & placement costs & picture
Ability to join two rooms
Searchable editor
More entrance types
Show current Aux & Object limits (plot,room, item)
Add Place Personal Items to the normal editor too
Make raid path visible in editor

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Review editor UI make more like Wentworths

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You mean as far as categories in one list and details in another? That'd be interesting.

An idea often mentioned in terms of Wents, but I believe originally a base request...
Let us create a Favorites list. Or a Most Recently Used list.



An "undo" button (doesn't have to work on crafted items.)

A "copy room" feature (again, doesn't need to affect crafted items - but creates an identical room with all the furnishings, textures and lighting settings of the selected room)

A "room holder" that allows a room and all of its contents to be held outside of the plot temporarily. This is to help re-arrange rooms in a "full" plot without having to delete and rebuild from scratch.

A "copy item" button. Does not have to work with crafted items. Creates a copy of the selected item, with the same facing/orientation.

A "clear room" button. Clears all non-crafted decorations from the room.

Granular editing permissions: Separate Add/Delete/Move/All permissions for the following...
-Functional (Primary) items - Include storage, telepads, rez rings, power and control primaries, batteries, anchors, weapons, etc.
-Aux items - Anything that attaches to a functional (primary) item, including power and control auxes, medical auxes, telepad beacons, weapon auxes, etc.
-Decorative items - Anything that has no particular functionality.
-Rooms ("Delete" option on rooms automatically provides delete permissions for functional, aux and decorative items)

The intent here is to allow such things as "open permissions" for beacon swaping and the like. Rooms could have overriding permissions (so that the new guy doesn't delete all of your control Auxes and shut down the base, but can still change the "anything goes" telepad from Rikti War Zone to Atlas Park. Similarly, a decorative "lounge" could be configured to allow SG members to add, delete and move decorations at will.)



A "room holder" that allows a room and all of its contents to be held outside of the plot temporarily. This is to help re-arrange rooms in a "full" plot without having to delete and rebuild from scratch.

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that just strikes me as insanely complex. What if you leave the editor with a room being held? What if you crash out of the game while in the editor with a room being held?
Is it better to just deal with the reluctance to delete rooms? Stop trashing crafted items when they're removed!

Let me wrap this in with your Copy Room idea, though, and propose this...
Add ways to save and use architectural plans.
The problems with copy and off-plot clipboards is that things can still be "in play". Move the room copy out of play.
Save a version of the room in a pre-made room lists. Now you can create a copy from there. for moving, you don't need to worry about picking up a room and shuffling it to a sandbox area, you simply trash the room and then (if you want) recreate it from the saved plans.
this also would help undo massive base editing, you could save and restore old versions of the rooms if you don't like the new look. (or if a SG Member went and trashed it all.)
Take it a step further... maybe SG members can create rooms in that listing (a simulator type of base editor) and only certain people in the SG can put them into play. Now anyone can create a base design, but only Leaders could change the actual base. What would that do for edit permission?

A "copy item" button. Does not have to work with crafted items. Creates a copy of the selected item, with the same facing/orientation.

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That's an interesting and simple way to handle a "Favorites" shortcut to get many of the same item. I like.



When you place a new room, it should enter play with the styles, tint and lighting of the room you're currently standing in (instead of defaulting to Tech 1). That's an easy way to apply the style of your base to a new room, without having to use the button that overwrites that one room that was in a different color, or having to figure out why the lighting looks a bit off in that one new room.



To your revised solution for the sandbox area, and the style behaviour, I say "excellent ideas!"



(I had this in another thread a week ago or so. I'll repost it here in the more-official thread.)

The big change I'd make is to have 2 rows of tabs. All functional tabs would be 1 row, all decorative tabs in the other.

This is how I would have arranged the decorative menus....
<ul type="square">[*]Architecture - Pillars and stairs. (Stairs are not something I think of as a "detail", they're part of the room itself.) Floor Tiles can go here, too.[*]Tables - including Desks, Counters. Any large, flat surface that normally has stuff placed on it, even if you can't actually put something on top of the version in-game (like the SG Logo Tables)[*]Cabinets/Shelves - bookcases, wall-mounted cabinets, etc.[*]Furnature - mostly Chairs, but also the Beds.[*]Lighting (as it is now)[*]Small Details - anything that's small enough to put on a table. Phone, lab rack, papers, etc. Small Wall-mounted details would go here, too, such as vents and the fire extinguisher.[*]Large Details - anything that's usually put on the floor. Safe, plants, copier, etc. Large wall details go here, too, such as SG Banners.[/list]

Tech, Sewer, Arcane all work nicely as themed sets. I like the idea of grouping by theme. Maybe adding a few more groups could cut down the amount of horizontal scrolling in the other lists. You could add...<ul type="square">[*]Office - the pre-decorated desks, cubicle, copier, recycle bin, board room table (which helps, since it's tough to file as either Table or Seating above)[*]Supergroup - for all the Logo items[/list]Perhaps have 3 rows of tabs - Functional, Grouped, General Decorative.

So that's what I would do to clean up the item inventory. How about you? What do you think should be rearranged in the editor to make it easier to find?



New Theme: Military - this uses features seen in Longbow, Arachnos and other military bases in game that exist no where else.

New Theme: Factory/Warehouse - contains items seen on these maps, that are not addressed elsewhere. Items addressed elsewhere could be moved here.

I dont know that the rowed tabs will work without a certain level of complexity, but if it can great.

- "Are you sure you wish to apply this to the entire base?" OK box to appear if you choose to apply Style, Color or Lighting to Entire Base. I cant count the number of times Ive been working and accidentally clicked this and had to fix everything after that.

I do support the change of the Architechture group: Floor tiles, Stairs, Pillars (hopefully other objects to come)

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I dont know that the rowed tabs will work without a certain level of complexity, but if it can great.

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If so, they could change the left-hand button from "Place Item" to "Decorative Items" and "Functional Items". That would make 2 shorter lists of tabs, instead of stacked.

If we get Functional tabs separate, there's probably no need to filter the few that don't apply. One extra Energy tab while sitting in a Control room is not going to be in the way if you've removed 8 Decorative tabs. This could mean less code to make a 2-row or 2-button interface.

They need to make a Storage tab. And maybe delete the Empowerment tab and move the Stations to the Workshop tab (since they only go in workshops).



Slash commands.
Currently everything in the base editor is operated with the mouse. Providing slash commands could make editing easier for those dedicated to the idea. Slash commands could also be used to allow fine manipulation of objects if the developers wanted to include such. (/move_object 10, /rotate_object, ect.)



Slash commands.
Currently everything in the base editor is operated with the mouse. Providing slash commands could make editing easier for those dedicated to the idea. Slash commands could also be used to allow fine manipulation of objects if the developers wanted to include such. (/move_object 10, /rotate_object, ect.)

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Oooh! Thats an idea!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Slash commands.
Currently everything in the base editor is operated with the mouse. Providing slash commands could make editing easier for those dedicated to the idea. Slash commands could also be used to allow fine manipulation of objects if the developers wanted to include such. (/move_object 10, /rotate_object, ect.)

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or how about hotkeys? most other hotkeys would be useless in the editor (can't think of any besides calling up the chatbox) so why not set this all up thru a keybind interface? then you rotate with a single keystroke instead of 14 of them.

having key controls for moving the position of objects would probably help solve a lot of stacking troubles. and it would probably make it easier to position things on the ceiling.



Acutally, with slash commands we could make our own hotkeys. If Cryptic felt like taking the time they could add an extra built in macro that switched to a base editing key setup, and back.

Honestly though, slash commands should be easier to set up than a second key setup for the editor.



A setting to remember and use the orientation of the last object placed would be nice.



I'm rather new in here and resently I've been given command and complete workload of a small but definately growing SG, and the first thing I've been trying to recify is the base.
The first couple things I noticed that would be useful and I haven't seen anyone mention..

A basic in game base building tutorial. Not saying 'give me all the details' but some of the basics. Like.. basic room suggestions/requirements from a small base just starting.. And how to connect a power supply! (the last of which I'm still trying to figure out!) And a 'what is required to make this item work' would be nice as well.

I've seen a similar suggestion of Combining rooms, but what I would like to do is set rooms side by side without the hallway blocks. So that I can still keep with a small but cozy base, without having to go huge before the SG is ready to handle the rent load by having less waisted space.

More items allowed per room.
Being able to put together a maze like store room would be fun.



Check out the guide in my sig if you're still trying to figure the start up stuff.

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



Save stored items if delete room

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Make this an option I use the fact a lot "as is" to mass delete magic desks when I'm done.



While your guide is certainly informative and helpful, I think Bali's point is that it would be sooo much more user friendly/intuitive/convenient to have an in game tutorial such as that which exists for the crafting of enhancements.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Yeah it would, but the number of people that craft enhancements far outweighs the number that edit bases. I imagine the devs time is better spent elsewhere than coming up with such a tutorial.

To be honest, there is nothing in the base editor that cannot be figured out with time and practice.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



While your guide is certainly informative and helpful, I think Bali's point is that it would be sooo much more user friendly/intuitive/convenient to have an in game tutorial such as that which exists for the crafting of enhancements.

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Yah, I realize that was what he was looking for. I wasn't sure if he was still having problems, though, so I figured the point to the guide might help out. Seeing as how I can do nothing about *in game* stuff, I offered the assitance I could.

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



the ability to move and rotate a room with everything still in it would be awesome.
As far as new tilesets for decoration I would love to see a grid pattern for walls, floors, and even ceilings so that you can line stuff up even easier and get a better concept of height to make things easier to float.




To be honest, there is nothing in the base editor that cannot be figured out with time and practice.

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Sorry, but I have to disagree here. When I started base editing I found it extremely frustrating and un-intuitive... Here's a sample of a conversation I had with hubby (sitting at the desk behind me).

Me: "Honey, what did you do to this room?"
He: "What do you mean, dear?"
M: "Well, I'd like to change the color"
H: "Go to the color tab"
M: "I did that, and it sort of changes color, but there is a tinge of green that won't go away"
H: "Well then, you're doing it wrong"
M: "How am I doing it wrong?"
H: "I don't know"
M: "Is there another place to change the color?"
H: "I don't know"
M: "Well how did you do it in the first place?!"
H: "I went to the color tab"
M: "I was just there!! It's not working!!"
H: "Well then, I don't know!"
M: "Shi-! Would you just please turn around and look at my screen?!"
H: *grumble grumble*
"Okay.... where are you.... okay.... well, I think I used that box up in the corner, there..."
M: *click*
H: "There's a color tab somewhere up there.... ah, Lighting"
M: *click*
"Oh for $%&amp;*'s sake!" *head thunk on keyboard*

Hence the lesson of Lighting vs. Wall Color.

There have been many such frustrating lessons over the last couple months:
"Why won't this room go where I want it?"
"Why can't I move the entrance to any space on a brand spanking new plot with no other rooms even built yet?"
"Teleporter Room must be within path to entrance? but IT IS!!"

.... and so on.

The fact that I am still building is merely a testimony to my own stubborn and obsessive nature.

It seems to me that even a brief "Go Over the Basics" in-game or in-editor tutorial could alleviate a certain amount of unnecessary frustration that occurs when learning these lessons. Heck, it might even encourage more folks to take advantage of a really wonderful creative aspect of the game.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Second the motion for a tutorial. Even a reasonably comprehensive help section would be a huge plus. I picked up the basics thanks to a base building friend and the rest has been trial, error, and what's been here.


Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so! -Elastigirl

The SOLUS Foundation -
A Liberty-based bastion, seven years strong.



The ability to float items without using magic desks.

I believe that enough players have shown some incredible ideas and designs by using the Magic Desks.

But using it can be a pain in the backside. I am currently trying to float another floor ( Thus making a 2nd floor in a room ) and just doing the layout to get and idea, because I know once I place the items I am stuck with what I have as it will become very difficult to fix or add anything else.

Allow a tool to float items. a simple placing the item and then a up and down arrow

I think if it was more available and less time consuming, you would find even greater displays and accomplishments

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five: