Consolidated Thread - SG Missions




Making SG missions a notch above a normal mission's difficulty would certainly be an option for making something that encourages teaming. Kind of like how Hazard Zones have larger sized spawns to encourage using teams there.

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Yeah, I'd love an option for doing the RSF/STF but having the AV/Heroes be a lvl higher for it if you do it via the sg computer. (the RSF like it used to be) Or just a regular mission option setting it to 11 for the hell of it and the challenge... Or don't even include that, but allow us to do the current strike forces via the base and the raid teleporter making it nice and convenient for us. Give us incentive to have that raid porter and the computer. In this case you don't have to travel via the zones to all the mission doors and can just instance in to each mission immediately. Nice and clean and easylike.



to expand on my idea a bit: Perhaps have an option that shows up when you talk to a contact such as Lord Recluse that says "Agree to form a Super Group Strike Force" and after you do it, you can then all say something like "TO THE BATCAVE!" (or whatever you call your base) and just do the missions as you normally would, but in the base via the raid porter. That way you still have to assemble in the proper zone to start the SF. Also, have the name of the SF be the name of the sg, in my case it would be Strike Force Bane of Prometheus rather than some random name. I dunno, it's not the greatest idea ever but it would give a little sg identity to it and promote sg/coalition teaming more.



to expand on my idea a bit: Perhaps have an option that shows up when you talk to a contact such as Lord Recluse that says "Agree to form a Super Group Strike Force" and after you do it, you can then all say something like "TO THE BATCAVE!" (or whatever you call your base) and just do the missions as you normally would, but in the base via the raid porter. That way you still have to assemble in the proper zone to start the SF. Also, have the name of the SF be the name of the sg, in my case it would be Strike Force Bane of Prometheus rather than some random name. I dunno, it's not the greatest idea ever but it would give a little sg identity to it and promote sg/coalition teaming more.

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Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

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why? because it has the word "Raid" in it? what if it was instead called the Advanced Telepad? what if part of the suggestion was to rename it to aid in the roleplay?



Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

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why? because it has the word "Raid" in it? what if it was instead called the Advanced Telepad? what if part of the suggestion was to rename it to aid in the roleplay?

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Because its a big clunky ugly thing with costs (size being the biggest cost factor) balanced for PvP not PvE.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

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why? because it has the word "Raid" in it? what if it was instead called the Advanced Telepad? what if part of the suggestion was to rename it to aid in the roleplay?

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Because its a big clunky ugly thing with costs (size being the biggest cost factor) balanced for PvP not PvE.

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lol, very bad reasons. Especially if it was to be renamed and balanced for PvE like we are suggesting...



Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

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why? because it has the word "Raid" in it? what if it was instead called the Advanced Telepad? what if part of the suggestion was to rename it to aid in the roleplay?

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Because its a big clunky ugly thing with costs (size being the biggest cost factor) balanced for PvP not PvE.

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lol, very bad reasons. Especially if it was to be renamed and balanced for PvE like we are suggesting...

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I don't care about the name but as its stands its a rather "big" thing to have to have in your base to enable you to use the Mission Generator which already takes some effort to get. Especially when it seems entirely unnecessary.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I think that having access to generic missions and specialized missions would be an amazing addition to the concept of Super Groups. What better way to power your SG base up to its prime than running missions as a SG? Even better: allowing specific enemies or enemy types (arcane, tech, or better yet: a series of missions facing a specific enemy)

Things the SG would need:
- multiple members: You must have 2 sg/team members (at least)
- Base Item to give Mission (Computer or Artifact or such)
- Mission Teleporter (or whatever teleporter is needed)
- Salvage: Possibly to allow for a specific type of enemy?

Types of missions:
- Standard Newspaper Missions.
- Mayhem/Safeguard.
- AV/EB Missions.
- Specific (OFFWORLD?) Task Forces
- Attack enemy base!
- Defend your base from attack!

Things the SG would earn:
- PRESTIGE! (maybe little or no xp inf or rewards but buttloads of Prestige)
- BASE ITEMS!: rewards/spoils of war/trophies to put up around the place.

The Attack and Defend Missions could be scaled up or down depending on the number of people in the base (similar to the Rikti attacks) and either auto SK to 50 OR use giant monster code.

I think that base invasions could be AMAZINGLY cool to RP. The prestige doesn't really break the game at all, except for those who really like base editing.

People like me....



I would like to a SG missions that work so that everyone is exemped/sked to the same level. That would actually help SG members team when they don't have the right numbers of mentors etc.

Beyond that I'd like to see the odd story arc. I also think these missions should be a little harder (these people are suppose to work together) and maybe give slightly more prestige.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Small point but the base raid telepad should only be required for raiding bases.

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why? because it has the word "Raid" in it? what if it was instead called the Advanced Telepad? what if part of the suggestion was to rename it to aid in the roleplay?

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Because its a big clunky ugly thing with costs (size being the biggest cost factor) balanced for PvP not PvE.

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lol, very bad reasons. Especially if it was to be renamed and balanced for PvE like we are suggesting...

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I don't care about the name but as its stands its a rather "big" thing to have to have in your base to enable you to use the Mission Generator which already takes some effort to get. Especially when it seems entirely unnecessary.

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Who Necro'd the thread? Only a year ago and I don't remember saying any of that

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Who Necro'd the thread?

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well, it *was* marked "do not delete" for a reason



I think SG missions are a great idea but i would think that it would be best to make then for a team of one SG's members only. This would help make a lasting reason to join and stay with in a SG.

As far as what those missions should be i think a system much like the Safeguard/Mayhem in that you will chose from a set of mission and work your way up to a "bank" like mish. this could be a mayhem type mish where you go into an mobs base and tear it up while shutting them down. Or a base defense mish where you defend your base from a counterattack the mobs you have been fighting launch. mix this with the TF/SF options like flashback missions to let us spice things up.

As far as level requirement i think if it wouldn't be to hard. that mobs in this type of mission should be much like GM and the Rikti invasion spawns. this would allow all members to gain xp despite lv differences in the group. If that not possible treating it like a tf would allow auto exemp ans sk.

To avoid what i have heard killed the CoP instead of the normal mish complete reward. grant players a larger prestige amount in place of xp. now this could be a programing nightmare and or there might be things that just don't work. None the less i think that they need to add something like this if not to make SG's fun but to allow player SG's to do the things that the NPC SG's have done in the games lore.



As far as level requirement i think if it wouldn't be to hard. that mobs in this type of mission should be much like GM and the Rikti invasion spawns. this would allow all members to gain xp despite lv differences in the group.

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does anyone else fear that auto-leveling to the content would be a potential for massive powerleveling? You could take a 50, PL a pair of level 1's, and not have to find mentors for both of them. And yes, they gain XP at 50, not 49, but on only a 3-man team instead of divided by 4, or even divided by 5 if they were planning to sit AFK at the door with their mentors.

and now expand "powerleveling" to include the question of if you give extra SG Rewards for such a mission. You'd get a setup where it's easy to pad the mission for that added reward without regard for levels or "presence".

just a thought.



As far as level requirement i think if it wouldn't be to hard. that mobs in this type of mission should be much like GM and the Rikti invasion spawns. this would allow all members to gain xp despite lv differences in the group.

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does anyone else fear that auto-leveling to the content would be a potential for massive powerleveling? You could take a 50, PL a pair of level 1's, and not have to find mentors for both of them. And yes, they gain XP at 50, not 49, but on only a 3-man team instead of divided by 4, or even divided by 5 if they were planning to sit AFK at the door with their mentors.

and now expand "powerleveling" to include the question of if you give extra SG Rewards for such a mission. You'd get a setup where it's easy to pad the mission for that added reward without regard for levels or "presence".

just a thought.

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If everyone is the same level it will not be as good for PLing as the normal "bridge" set up. In fact it would be identical to SKing. The only difference would be that in theory one character could SK 7. No a big deal IMO.

Mind you if the PLers did start doing this and we no longer got all those bridging and mentor farm requests I for one would not be upset

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



If everyone is the same level it will not be as good for PLing as the normal "bridge" set up. In fact it would be identical to SKing. The only difference would be that in theory one character could SK 7. No a big deal IMO.

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The problem comes in being AFK. Let me simplify the example with 1 lowbie.

Current setup: your 2nd account, so something you normally can't move around. Let's figure it's too hard to auto-follow a 50 AOE herder farmer character on some maps. So you need another mentor to stand at the door with them. Say it's a 50. Now your 2nd account gets 1/3 of the mission XP at +1, and you collectively get 2/3 of the loot drops.
Proposed setup: no mentor needed. Now your 2nd account gets 1/2 of the mission XP at +0, and you get 100% of the loot generated.
This is going to come out in favor of the non-mentor setup.

the key difference is that without a bridge you're not wasting that chunk of the XP on someone who's not your 2nd account.

This math is going to favor the no-SK setup for 2 lowbies each getting 1/3 of the XP at +0 compared to 1/4 of the XP at +1. and for 3 lowbies getting 1/4 at +0 compared to 1/6 at +1.

Edit: but let me be clear where my actual concern lies.
A recurring theme about SG Missions is to make them a source of extra SG rewards. Things like extra Base Salvage, or more Prestige, or SG Badges for doing some number of them. This is to make them distinct from other random-generated content like Newspapers, and it creates a way to get more rewards working as a group instead of as separate individuals.
If you don't even require a mentor for a low level characters to get that benefit, then the SG benefit becomes too easily farmable with padding. This also happens at the expense of bringing along higher level non-SG people who would be active, removing some multiplayer aspects of what would seem to be a feature with a lot of multiplayer focus.
IMHO, I thought the idea of added SG-related rewards was a huge selling point for any system we come up with in here. I'm going to lean in favor of that feature over a little convenience in sidekicking.



What if you removed all XP gain from SG missions and doubled all prestige gain. I'd like to see something like that whether they used the invasion/GM code for mobs on the missions or not. Certainly would eliminate issues with using the mission to power level at least.

As for the missions themselves, I would like something more involved than the newspaper missions, but those would do for a starting point. I would really like the SG leader involved in assigning missions to the mission computer and/or specific team leaders, with several missions piecing together clues that would lead to larger missions, depending on which missions were completed. For example, the SG leader has a pool of 12 missions to choose from, 5 of which may be assigned to the mission computer. Depending on which missions are chosen, and the results of those missions (it should be possible to fail them, or only partially succeed) different choices can occur for the next series of missions, perhaps opening a tier 2 set of missions that have six choices, three of which can be assigned, and then once those are complete it leads you down to the tier 3 mission, the big finish.

Admittedly, that gets a bit involved, but with the new conditional dialogue and the upcoming player generated missions, maybe we can get there.



My personal take on this would be summed up as...

1) Simple and direct, like the Newspaper or Scanner provides, only on the Super Computer
2) Provide a reward for working as a SG, but not a requirement
3) Build up to a SG Version of a Mayhem/Safeguard

on making them unique...
- To make them group-themed, they should utilize mutliple-click glowies.
- Give each mission an Elite Boss to kill, to increase the challenge.
- Using outdoor maps would make them distinct from news missions.
- If these are outdoors, how about renaming the Raid Porter into a Mission Porter, or a Group Porter or something and giving it the added function of starting these missions?
Doesn't really have to be too complex, just team-focused.

The reward should be bonus Prestige if a certain amount of people from the same SG gain Prestige upon completion (so in SG Mode and within level range). Maybe 100 Prestige each if 3+ members of your SG are present, and 150 Prestige each if 5+ are present. So you can combine 2 coalition SGs and both get rewarded.
Some subtle observations on setting up the bonus this way: the bonus is independent of the relative difficulty of the mission, it's not "double the mission bonus" or something - so you can't exploit this in a PL-type sidekick setup. You also need to get a reward for the bonus to trigger, so you can't get 2 non-SK'd lowbies from the SG to sit at the door while you solo this and reap the bonus.
You could also limit the bonus by time, like PVP zone missions.

SG-Mayhem, SG-Safeguard?
Obviously the pipe-dream here would be the often-suggested raid on your base by NPCs. That's a bit tough to design, with things like base pathing and potential goals for raiding. How about something simpler for now?
How about a very challenging mission like that famous "get these glowies in 10 minuts"? Don't tell the team what it is until they take it, give them 15 minute to...
- Kill any 3 DE Giant Monsters on a map full of them
- Kill a COT AV and his 4 Elite Boss friends (a challenge like the Aeon fight in the States TF)
- Hit 50 glowies on an outdoor map
Something INSANELY fast-paced and designed for 8 people. In-your-face, get-in-and-get-out, wild fun that you might truely fail miserably and have fun failing!

oh yeah, you can easily add badges for doing some number of these, or doing specific tasks within them (Glowies, Hostages, etc)

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I'd be against having them require a raid porter, because for those SGs that dont ever plan to raid or do the pvp thing, we dont have a raid porter and if your base is already stuffed then requiring an SG to increase the plot size to get another tp room and thus pay rent would kind of suck. If you have a raid porter great but also make them like a train mish for those of us with no room to expand.



What if you removed all XP gain from SG missions and doubled all prestige gain. I'd like to see something like that whether they used the invasion/GM code for mobs on the missions or not. Certainly would eliminate issues with using the mission to power level at least.

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But then you can get more Prestige for your SG by letting a 2nd account idle at the door.
Essentially changing from a character PL to a SG Prestige PL.



I'd be against having them require a raid porter, because for those SGs that dont ever plan to raid or do the pvp thing, we dont have a raid porter and if your base is already stuffed then requiring an SG to increase the plot size to get another tp room and thus pay rent would kind of suck. If you have a raid porter great but also make them like a train mish for those of us with no room to expand.

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It's the "I don't plan to raid" part that made me suggest renaming it a "Team Teleporter", since it'd no longer be a raid-only object. Requiring a certain amount of "stuff" to run these missions doesn't seem like a horrible request - groups may find squeezing in a mission computer on a mainframe to be more inconvenient than fitting the porter (cue discussion about a new class of object instead of Control Aux).

However, note a part of the idea as presented that may have been too subtle: The missions are runnable by anyone, they are not limited to the one SG.
So you could take 3 members of your SG and join 3 members of your coalition who have the MissionComp and Team Porter. That reduces overhead for smaller bases. And in fact, since you can use a coalitions normal porters, perhaps using their raid porter is just as easy - especialy if they implement the idea of zoning direct from your base to a coalition's.

some other random thoughts on this tangent,

Train missions are interesting, but there are no trains villainside. I would think it could be layered into the ferry system (could be wrong) but those aren't clickable like train doors so it may not be as user-friendly.

Making it a plain old door somewhere is a bit inconvenient if you are trying to team with a variety of levels an SKs.

What if there was a "SG Mission" beacon to drop on a normal porter instead of the grossly oversized Raid Porter? Where does that relate to the old forgotten "return to mission teleporter" idea?

Could all this have an easy solution if the Raid Porter is deemed too outrageously huge for its own good?