I can't explain it, but:




When I saw this, I thought of the City of Artists community, and how I imagine their interactions with the PvP community would end.



Shame on you Marcian!
Now I have to explain why I was laughing so loudly to my cubie...

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Somehow, I can actually see Nintendo making a game similar to that someday.



Rofl <,< Photoshop hero, that's great!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Somehow, I can actually see Nintendo making a game similar to that someday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are ya kidding? Nintendo’s got the cajones that it would make this the next Legend of Zelda game!



When I saw this, I thought of the City of Artists community, and how I imagine their interactions with the PvP community would end.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of Photoshop...



Somehow, I can actually see Nintendo making a game similar to that someday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are ya kidding? Nintendo’s got the cajones that it would make this the next Legend of Zelda game!

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, Mario Paint 2 would have been good enough.



When I saw this, I thought of the City of Artists community, and how I imagine their interactions with the PvP community would end.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of Photoshop...

[/ QUOTE ]

WIN! <,<

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



God, LENSFLARE? That is a SIN.



haha.. well there's always Okami, which as I understand it is very painterly



HAHAHAHA awesome!



I suck at that game too 8 (

doomed to a life of gaming mediocrity =P



Best penny-arcade strip I've seen a while.



thats pretty nifty +10 points to the City Scoop kid !



Maybe it's because I'm a writer not a painter, but I didn't quite get exactly the joke. I appreciat PA artistic style, but for me, that strip really didn't do much.




well Marcian posted it in the context of PvPers versus Art forumers
(The PvPers would be the ones rocking out on guitar hero ) and likely in a pvp battle they would do really well , but in a photoshop battle (something that is so unlikely to happen its laughable) we would totally dominate :P

Its almost like getting beat at football and saying "yeah well if this was badmittion you'd be toast" two totally unlike things that have no bearing on each other

And otter writer person ...please don't hate me because of my typos and poor sentence structure



*bwa ha ha ha ha ha giggle snort*



And otter writer person ...please don't hate me because of my typos and poor sentence structure :sad:

[/ QUOTE ]

=O_o= Hate you?? In the name of the great crap who's mighty splashing creates the rain, how could I hate you!? Only the most lowly and inconsiderate of people would hate someone fer grammer errors. And as some one who reallies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

And what Grammer errors? I didn't notice any.




And as some one who relies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

[/ QUOTE ]



And as some one who relies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

You see!




And as some one who relies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]


Poor Tundara.



And otter writer person ...please don't hate me because of my typos and poor sentence structure :sad:

[/ QUOTE ]

=O_o= Hate you?? In the name of the great crap who's mighty splashing creates the rain, how could I hate you!? Only the most lowly and inconsiderate of people would hate someone fer grammer errors. And as some one who reallies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

And what Grammer errors? I didn't notice any.


[/ QUOTE ]

<T_T> I'm sorry Tundy, I really am! But that made me giggle SO hard!

Best. Typo. Ever!

<T_T> *huggles the queen of otterness!*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



And otter writer person ...please don't hate me because of my typos and poor sentence structure :sad:

[/ QUOTE ]

=O_o= Hate you?? In the name of the great crap who's mighty splashing creates the rain, how could I hate you!? Only the most lowly and inconsiderate of people would hate someone fer grammer errors. And as some one who reallies heavily (very heavily I may add) on my Grammer/Spelling Checker, I'd be the last to comment on someone else's sentence structure.

And what Grammer errors? I didn't notice any.


[/ QUOTE ]

<T_T> I'm sorry Tundy, I really am! But that made me giggle SO hard!

Best. Typo. Ever!

<T_T> *huggles the queen of otterness!*

[/ QUOTE ]


Poor Tundara!

*offers her plenty of clams as a balm for her bruised ego*



I hate it when I do that typo...

=_ _=;;

*accepts the clams graciously*