This Costume Look Any Good? (BAS Space-age)




I was messing around with the costume creator, and came up with this... Anyone think this looks good? BAS - Galago!!!

I kinda' wanted a space-age/armored suit... But I don't know if it really goes with the character.. (Okay, it doesn't go at all >_&gt but I can't think of another street costume...

Any comments and critiques are appreciated.. Thanks

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Not that bad IMO. Although.. I'de go for making the boots match.. because I like matching stuff.



Heehee... well its not my style...

Yeah, the boots... I'd say maybe go with Tech Wired or Crey Tech in a grey to match the arms.



Pretty cool looking, I like the purple and gold



I'd actually lose the cape, myself.

He looks fantastic, he could totally be a little megaman

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I agree with lethe lose the cape and change the boots. everything else is fine.



If only we could have 'backpack' units instead of capes and wings. Because a little pack or jet object or storage thing would look perfect on this toon.

The cape I feel makes him look like he's got something caught on his gears

..... Unless that's the look you're going for! In which case the ripped one would be fun!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Maybe some tech wings would look good with the armor. and the rocket boots.



Maybe some tech wings would look good with the armor. and the rocket boots.

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BaS your newest costume slot should be your Official Vanguard Rikti butt kicking action wear .

I know alot of folks on Virtue have made a costume slot for Vanguard/Alien hunting when in the RWZ .

I think your on a good path with this outfit .

the only real oponion I can give you is use the same colors or color scheme as your most used costume , you'd be surprised how often you'll be recognized by color in a group before someone actually gets close enough to see the the detail of your costume .

some quick questions

Do you fly ?
(Rocket boots are incrediably cheap now and have a nice sleek look as well as lil animated jets as you fly/hover)

Do you normally wear a chest emblem ?
(I strongly suggest the Vanguard chest emblem its a nice bold design and is largeish , but if you don't wear a chest design the new harness that is shown under chest designs is very awesome as well . it looks like the long bow ones )

Have you gotten any of the Vanguard costume pieces yet ?
((While I hate when folks toss all the vanguard pieces and call it a new costume , mixing and matching a few of their merit earned pieces with existing costume options give you a cohesive
quasi futuristic vanguard look while still remaining a individual ))

.................................................. ......................................
okay thats enough rambling from me

I think you picked one of the better chest pieces in the game IMHO but think your losing some of the cool factor of that piece by hiding the back side of your costume with a cape .

As a melee character most of the squishies will be staring at your backside as you lead into battle best to showcase the back just as much as the front .

long and short

I like it



Hey guys, thanks so much for all the feedback

I'm definitely gonna' change the boots now.. I wasn't really sure if I wanted it matching or not.. Took away the cape and I think I look a lot more streamlined

Scarf - the colors I use on BAS vary... The main one that I like the best uses Red, Green, and Brown.. I tried them when I went to do a revised version, though I look like a muddy X-Mas advertisement crazy: I'm not that popular for people to recognize me anyhow

I don't fly, although I really do like the Rocket Boots... maybe I should get the piston boots when I have the money to spare... and I just looked at the vanguard costume pieces.. they look ridiculously fricken' awesome I'll definitely have to add that on... Maybe I'll even try the head part, that covers the eyes *Shrug*

Thank you guys so much for the quick responses They've been really helpful Here is my revised version as of now... Clicky

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



That looks alot better.



Very streamlined and sharp looking

If you get a chance stop by wentworths the rocket boots have really dropped in price as have all the costume pieces. costume pieces are alot more likely to drop during the normal course of play so even if you don't get boots you liable to get something you can trade for boot .

If you don't fly might I humbly suggest the Winged boots as they come in four styles (but all four unlock with just the one costume purchase) and they leave a color specific trail while you run (if the boots are blue they will leave a blue trail )

or Barring those take a gander at the Vanguard boots with knee guard (trust me kneee guards look cool )

Pylon raids in the Rikti War zone are the fastest method to earn those merits you'll need for a piece or two oh Vanguard armor (Im really jazzed over the vanguard pants at the moment )

but you definitely don't need every piece (Its sorta like going to Disney land and wearing Disney product over every inch of exposed skin )



Yeah being able to see his back is a definite bonus. That is one massive back

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Oh yeah, that second one is much improved. Looks like an actual outfit now, instead of looking like someone hit "Random" in the tailor window. Good fix!

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Amazing what matching boots can do

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



The whole outfit looks quite nice! And I agree with Scarf. As soon as you can, get some Jet boots.
Haven't seen the Vanguard boots, but I'll go with Scarf on this one as well.
Putting on some Winged boots would be unique, in a way, but probably wouldn't flow too well with the rest of the suit. I'd personally go with either Jet or Vanguard. Or you can just keep your current boots. Those are fine as well.



Not that bad IMO. Although.. I'de go for making the boots match.. because I like matching stuff.

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Same hehe <^_^> I like the overall design, the boots are the ONE thing thats really throwing me.

I also *personally* prefer the more 3d legs rather than the ones that are flush to your skin - but thats me <,<

<^.^> I love the helmet though.

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