Dursagon's 3D Request Thread
not bad... like action...
Action pose good
Bad guy: good
Position: good
It's a good start. Look forward to seeing more.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
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Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
is he fighitng an AT-ST?
I've just done another of Menerra for Aldrazar. This was a relaxed pose I did. I think after I get some more renders done, I'll do a different version with more action to it. maybe a jungle type scene...
Anyway, I hope people like.
That's pretty! I'd like to see a screenshot of that one, since I have a bellydance-dressed alt myself and like to see other people's.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Aaah the clothing on the belly dancer is rather pretty!
I couldn't resist doing another version of Menerra . I hope this time a captured the feel of the character as she is in the game. I was trying for a demure pose but still flash the claws. I'm hoping it worked. If not, well, I tried my best. I guess I came back to this character because I like the premise of her and i just wanted to tinker with her some more. Hopefully Aldrazar will like it.
I honestly hope you don't take offense to this, Dursagon, but I've noticed that quite a few people on these board think Poser is a decent standalone program that can be used to create 3D art, but it really isn't. Douglas Shuler (DarkJedi) said something along the lines "Poser spits out the renders it's told to. It's the artist behind it that really gives it something extra."
I think what you've done so far is great (I've watched how Flare has progressed over the past few months and she looks great) but I think if you went ahead and went one step further and took your pieces into Photoshop and started tweaking even basic elements such as light composition, your work would become that much better.
If you'd like, you could export your Poser scene into a .obj file and I'll go ahead and render it out in Maya using Renderman just to give you a little taste of how much of a difference lighting does make.
Keep it up. I'll continue keeping my eyes pinned to your stuff.
I'd like to see that. I really envy those who understand 3D lighting. It is a constant sturggle for me.
I honestly hope you don't take offense to this, Dursagon, but I've noticed that quite a few people on these board think Poser is a decent standalone program that can be used to create 3D art, but it really isn't. Douglas Shuler (DarkJedi) said something along the lines "Poser spits out the renders it's told to. It's the artist behind it that really gives it something extra."
I think what you've done so far is great (I've watched how Flare has progressed over the past few months and she looks great) but I think if you went ahead and went one step further and took your pieces into Photoshop and started tweaking even basic elements such as light composition, your work would become that much better.
If you'd like, you could export your Poser scene into a .obj file and I'll go ahead and render it out in Maya using Renderman just to give you a little taste of how much of a difference lighting does make.
Keep it up. I'll continue keeping my eyes pinned to your stuff.
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I won't take offense. I have 2 limitations that kinda limits me on what I can do besides not having a tool like Renderman or Maya. The first is that I don't have the knowledge of Photoshop to do much beyond making things with paintbrushes and stamps and basically simple stuff. The second is I have nerve damge in my right arm which makes it extremely difficult to control the brush tools. The more I try to focus my hand on a task, the more tension pain I feel. That is why I've been spending a little more time trying to make objects. I have something that I've been working on that'll show what I've been putting my efforts into.
If some wonder how i can play the game, it's because I can use my left hand to play the game.
My situation is close to like my father-in-law who went blind before he died but still used his sense of feel to continue with his stain glass work.
So, if you want to do a collaboration, great! I'd love to have someone take what I can do and do something I can't easily do.
This is what I have been working on. I know it is a minor detail, but I created the headset you see Flare wearing. Slowly but surely, that is what I'm trying to do with poser that is a piece of me in it besides throwing a bunch of premade stuff together and calling it art. If I had tons of money and time, then I would probably try getting stuff like Maya and other tools and just go to town, but I can't so I work with what I got. This piece took me a week to put together because of the headset creation and recoloring of all the elements. Texturing is kinda hard for me, but I do it to put that much more into what I do.
I've been going through the same thing lately, learning how to make my own objects, and now working up to armor pieces and such. Maya is definitely out of my price range, too. If you have a little money to spend, I highly recommend Silo. Version 2.0 was just released, it's $159, and well worth it in my book, I find it real easy and intuitive to use.
I guess I came back to this character because I like the premise of her and i just wanted to tinker with her some more. Hopefully Aldrazar will like it.
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Aldrazar does indeed like it, as I said on DA. I like it a lot!
Feel free to revisit her anytime, I certainly won't complain about that!
I finally got it done. Here are some of my characters.
My Deviant art page.
I honestly hope you don't take offense to this, Dursagon, but I've noticed that quite a few people on these board think Poser is a decent standalone program that can be used to create 3D art, but it really isn't. Douglas Shuler (DarkJedi) said something along the lines "Poser spits out the renders it's told to. It's the artist behind it that really gives it something extra."
I think what you've done so far is great (I've watched how Flare has progressed over the past few months and she looks great) but I think if you went ahead and went one step further and took your pieces into Photoshop and started tweaking even basic elements such as light composition, your work would become that much better.
If you'd like, you could export your Poser scene into a .obj file and I'll go ahead and render it out in Maya using Renderman just to give you a little taste of how much of a difference lighting does make.
Keep it up. I'll continue keeping my eyes pinned to your stuff.
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I won't take offense. I have 2 limitations that kinda limits me on what I can do besides not having a tool like Renderman or Maya. The first is that I don't have the knowledge of Photoshop to do much beyond making things with paintbrushes and stamps and basically simple stuff. The second is I have nerve damge in my right arm which makes it extremely difficult to control the brush tools. The more I try to focus my hand on a task, the more tension pain I feel. That is why I've been spending a little more time trying to make objects. I have something that I've been working on that'll show what I've been putting my efforts into.
If some wonder how i can play the game, it's because I can use my left hand to play the game.
My situation is close to like my father-in-law who went blind before he died but still used his sense of feel to continue with his stain glass work.
So, if you want to do a collaboration, great! I'd love to have someone take what I can do and do something I can't easily do.
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That'd be awesome. If you want to go ahead and send me some of your Poser .obj files I'll go ahead and do some basic light renders for you to have a look at and we'll go from there.
Now for my latest I present Larissa Rasputin for everyone to see.
In the further attempt to push my abilities, I did a few new things with this piece. I was going for a ice over the body type of effect. I also did some softening in PS.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I dont suppose someone could sign up for a queue for getting into the queue? I think these look great, I'm still pretty new to the art scene, and haven't seen anything like these before, beautiful work Dursagon!
...In the further attempt to push my abilities, I did a few new things with this piece. I was going for a ice over the body type of effect. I also did some softening in PS.
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Are you still developing this piece or is it pretty much completed? I have a few suggestions to run by you if you're still going to make tweaks... but if it's done, then no worries.
A very nice person ^ had pointed something out with my last piece and I now know why my art has been looking a little rough. I didn't have anti-alias turned on in my rendering settings! I feel so Homerish. Doh! I'm going to go revisit all my renders and redo them with the setting change and see how they look afterwards. I may have to do some PS touch ups after that so some pieces may take a day or two.
I'll update this post.
Excellent idea! I could'nt put my finger on it, I thought it was shadows but maybe that's it. I look forward to seeing the updates!
Ok, for my latest render, I present Sun Gryphon!
I had some issues this week which slowed me down but I did this piece after loading some more elements. I just hope Gryphon likes it.
That's really nicely done, man.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
For my updates, I redid Flareback 8-1-7 and changed the lighting as well as the shadowing. I also turned on the anti-alias and it looks much better than the original without anti-aliasing.
Now if I can just remember to turn it on everytime, I'll be set for awhile until I have to think of something else to add to make things fresh.
Ok, for my latest render, I present Sun Gryphon!
I had some issues this week which slowed me down but I did this piece after loading some more elements. I just hope Gryphon likes it.
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Love it, as I said before I want wings like that in game!
Well I have been pretty busy with trying to get a request line going for 3D art. I'm still limited with the male characters but I think my 1st attempt at Back Alley Scrapper turned out ok.
I also have requests for 4 others which are:
1: Menerra
2: Larissa
3: one of Sungryphons characters... (altaholic...)
4: War Bride
When I get these finished, I'll open up once more and try 5 more. Just remember I'm limited on the guy toons I can do but I can do almost anything for a female toon.