ATI Issues and Settings Recommendations




I am not great with computers and this thread is filled with frightening words that make my eyes twitch, so I am going to ask some possibly stupid questions.

I am receiving a couple of ATI cards today, a 5770 and a 5850 for my family's two PCs. I have run Nvidia cards since basically forever; the last ATI card I had was a Radeon 9800 Pro. Of course now I learn that our main game, CoX, doesn't play nicely with ATI cards at the moment. I have been told in no uncertain terms by She Who Must Be Obeyed that if she can't play her DP fender on Test once this upgrade happens, I may suffer a fate worse than death (my own cooking). Here's my questions:

1. Is this the right way to go about this upgrade: Uninstall Nvidia drivers, reboot into safe mode, run Driver Sweeper to kill off the residual grunge of the old drivers, reboot normally, install the newest ATI drivers?

2. Do I need to install these hotfixes mentioned in the thread?

3. Can I run bloom et cetera in the in-game settings and enable AA in the ATI drivers and have both work? As in, does the ATI driver setting override the ingame setting? Does this also apply for AF?

4. Do I still need to keep water effects Off if I want to use bloom and depth of field, or should I call the whole thing off and just turn off bloom/DoF altogether?

Thanks for your patience, this whole thing is a weird mess and I don't really understand why there is such an issue. Nvidia's stuff just seemed to always work but I am not a brand loyalist and I buy whatever makes the most sense when it's time for an upgrade, so this time it's ATI. I don't understand enough to know whether ATI or Paragon Studios is at fault, but I am pretty sure that neither company wants people to struggle with their products. I'm glad to see that once i17 hits and we get Ultra Mode this will all become moot!



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
1. Is this the right way to go about this upgrade: Uninstall Nvidia drivers, reboot into safe mode, run Driver Sweeper to kill off the residual grunge of the old drivers, reboot normally, install the newest ATI drivers?

Yep, that would be the best way to do it.

2. Do I need to install these hotfixes mentioned in the thread?
No. ATI incorporates hotfix changes into future official driver releases. So all you need to do is download the 10.2 drivers and Catalyst Control Center software (they can be found bundled together on the Catalyst drivers page).

3. Can I run bloom et cetera in the in-game settings and enable AA in the ATI drivers and have both work? As in, does the ATI driver setting override the ingame setting? Does this also apply for AF?
Until Ultra Mode, you cannot run Bloom AT ALL if you want AA and AF. Same for Depth of Field and Desaturation Effects, and you must set Water Quality to low. You must also disable AA and AF in-game and force them through the card. You do this by going into the 3D settings in Catalyst Control Center and unchecking the "use application settings" box for both AA and AF. Just set the levels of AA and AF you want via CCC and you're good to go. You may need to go back and re-enable application handling of AA and AF for other games; it's up to you.

4. Do I still need to keep water effects Off if I want to use bloom and depth of field, or should I call the whole thing off and just turn off bloom/DoF altogether?
As said above, disable Bloom, DoF, and Desaturation Effects, and set water to low.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Thank you kindly, I followed your advice and it is working well. The only issue I am having is that I can't alt+tab but I haven't seen a fix for that yet. I hear windowed mode still works but I can't handle the window borders and whatnot so I will just be glad I have a second monitor to use for browsing while I am playing.



Got the new rig with win7 up and running. I can't alt-tab at all either. On the plus side, ATI's FSAA is still cleaner than Nvidia's.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Got the new rig with win7 up and running. I can't alt-tab at all either. On the plus side, ATI's FSAA is still cleaner than Nvidia's.
I had the same issue. Go to your Desktop and 'Personalize' then switch it to one of the default themes.

Granted, the latest issues I'm having with my video is that when I open a window in the game (Costume Changer/Options/Bio) it blacks out my screen. Sometimes it's just a flicker, other times it locks up my computer.



Yeah that's the weird thing about Windows 7. You have to make sure an Aero theme is ON when playing CoH or you can't alt-tab.

Frame rates don't seem to change much between Aero on and off though, so it's not too bad.

I get that flickering whenever I open a window that includes a shot of a game character, like a contact window or my costume window. And the "shot" used is pretty blocky, whereas on my previous, Nvidia-powered system it was fairly smooth.

But I haven't had a crash since using 10.1. I heard 10.2 is out now, any problems?



None so far.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
Yeah that's the weird thing about Windows 7. You have to make sure an Aero theme is ON when playing CoH or you can't alt-tab.
Well that's just bizarre. But ok. First thing I did was reset desktop to classic. I'll throw on an aero theme tomorrow and will hope for the best. Thanks!

Be well, people of CoH.



10.2 seem tons better. I might even stick with ATI for the new card. We'll see got $300 to blow on a vid card and maybe some RAM.

Running with a 2 year old mother board. and 2 gig's of ram.

Probably can get away with just the video card.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
10.2 seem tons better. I might even stick with ATI for the new card. We'll see got $300 to blow on a vid card and maybe some RAM.

Running with a 2 year old mother board. and 2 gig's of ram.

Probably can get away with just the video card.
Just remember, GR is touted by the Devs to be ATI compatible. Even the GR demo played at HeroCon was on an ATI card.



Yup on the Aero background and alt-tabbing. Works just fine now.

-And the master shall become the student. WOOT!

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Yup on the Aero background and alt-tabbing. Works just fine now.

-And the master shall become the student. WOOT!
I don't understand... is there some sort of specific background that one needs to use, or just any Aero theme? When I play CoH in fullscreen, Windows decides to switch to the basic theme for me just because it can. Since upgrading my graphics card to a 5770, I've yet to find a way to be able to alt-tab while in a fullscreen game.



I run vista, the biggest problem I have is alt tabbing while in game I get some weird glitches when I do that sometimes.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
I don't understand... is there some sort of specific background that one needs to use, or just any Aero theme? When I play CoH in fullscreen, Windows decides to switch to the basic theme for me just because it can. Since upgrading my graphics card to a 5770, I've yet to find a way to be able to alt-tab while in a fullscreen game.
I don't know the answer to that. Ever since I reset the desktop to one of the default Aero themes, alt-tabbing has worked flawlessly.

Under XP, one of the performance tweaks I do is to go to System Properties, Advanced, Performance, and set it to Adjust for Best Performance.

I did NOT do this under Win7. I've left it at the defaults. There is one item in there called Enable Aero Peek but there's several other items in there that don't exist in XP.

Perhaps getting the defaults there will assist you?

Also, are you running the 10.2 Catalysts? I am and seem to recall someone earlier mentioning that the 10.2s fixed their alt-tabbing issue.

Be well, people of CoH.



That would be me. We discussed it briefly on the Test server the other day. The second I upgraded to the 10.2 Drivers, it fixed the Alt-tabbing issue. However, please note that if you alt tab excessively, there's a chance that the game will start reading the wrong files or the images. I spent half an hour last night walking through PI wile the sky cycled from clouds and whatnot to a giant version of the zone map to the marble floor from the Atlas City Hall, etc, etc.

Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I followed all the recommended settings in this thread and everything looks...jagged on the edges.

"Iron defenses and a crappy attitude do not, a tanker, make."

Proud Leader and founder of The Gangbusters Super Group and The Madhouse Villain Group: Ask me about becoming a member!



Originally Posted by Flarecrow View Post
That would be me. We discussed it briefly on the Test server the other day. The second I upgraded to the 10.2 Drivers, it fixed the Alt-tabbing issue. However, please note that if you alt tab excessively, there's a chance that the game will start reading the wrong files or the images. I spent half an hour last night walking through PI wile the sky cycled from clouds and whatnot to a giant version of the zone map to the marble floor from the Atlas City Hall, etc, etc.

Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I followed all the recommended settings in this thread and everything looks...jagged on the edges.
I'm still using 10.1 and I alt tab like crazy, and have never seen those kinds of graphics issues, so I don't know what to say to that.

To fix the jaggies I had to disable all the settings as recommended(DOF, Bloom, Desaturation, AA/AF off, Water Low), and I hit "Apply Now". Then I went into the CCC and unchecked "Use Application Settings" and set the AA and AF up to my desired levels. Then I had to quit and restart CoH.

And now my jaggies are gone.

Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
I don't understand... is there some sort of specific background that one needs to use, or just any Aero theme? When I play CoH in fullscreen, Windows decides to switch to the basic theme for me just because it can. Since upgrading my graphics card to a 5770, I've yet to find a way to be able to alt-tab while in a fullscreen game.
If you're still getting this after you upgraded to 10.2, try this:

Go to your CoH folder and Right Click-Properties on CityofHeroes.exe. Go the "Compatibility" tab and make sure "Disable desktop composition" and "Disable visual themes" are both unchecked.

And just for good measure, do this for CoHUpdater.exe, too.

That should hopefully fix it so Windows doesn't switch to a basic theme when running CoH.



Originally Posted by Flarecrow View Post

Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I followed all the recommended settings in this thread and everything looks...jagged on the edges.
All I did after loading up Win7 and 10.2 drivers were the same steps I did under XP with one exception. Due to some games not allowing anisotropic filtering to be completely disabled, I've left that on Use Application Settings.

All the rest are set as per the OP.
Bloom, Depth of Field, Desaturation FX all disabled
Water on Low
AF in game at 8x

FSAA off in game and forced to 4X - Wide (something) in the CCC and edges are smooth as can be.

Be well, people of CoH.



Interestingly enough, my jaggies occur only on Test, but not on live, with the exact same settings.

"Iron defenses and a crappy attitude do not, a tanker, make."

Proud Leader and founder of The Gangbusters Super Group and The Madhouse Villain Group: Ask me about becoming a member!



I've lost my Catalyst Control Center and every time I try to DL it it fails to install.




Just got the XFX 5850 Black Edition and was skimming through this thread and I just want to say Thanks to you Bubba for all of the information in here!



I am unable to alt+tab out of the game since I installed Windows 7. I know about turning on Aero and it is on, I am running the Aero Windows 7 theme, but as soon as I start up CoH Aero turns off. While I am in game I can't alt+tab, and the windows key doesn't work. Well, that's not true. Alt+tab does switch me out of CoH, and the windows key does pull up the start menu, but CoH stays "in front" of everything so I can't see the other applications or the start menu.

I run the game via Steam, if that matters. System is Windows 7 64 bit, Radeon 5850 video card, 10.1 driver version (have also tested with 10.2 with no change.).

I want to reiterate that I do have Aero turned on so as to avoid wasting your time or mine. I think the problem is somehow related to Aero turning off when I run CoH. Is that the normal behaviour?

edit: maybe this isn't so much an ATI issue as a Windows 7 issue? If so I apologize, but the folks in here seem the smartest about video problems



Emberly, I'm on Win7 64bit, with an ATI 5870 and running the latest 10.2 drivers. I have zero issues alt-tabbing, windows keying, anything.

I don't run CHV through steam. EDIT: Completing thoughts is a good thing. have you already hit the steam forums for alt-tabbing questions? I ask because on both nvidia and ati cards, I've run into weirdness of different types alt-tabbing while playing on steam.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Emberly, I'm on Win7 64bit, with an ATI 5870 and running the latest 10.2 drivers. I have zero issues alt-tabbing, windows keying, anything.

I don't run CHV through steam. EDIT: Completing thoughts is a good thing. have you already hit the steam forums for alt-tabbing questions? I ask because on both nvidia and ati cards, I've run into weirdness of different types alt-tabbing while playing on steam.
I've taken a look at the steam forums and found nothing. I'm curious though, Bill; when you play does it turn off Aero while you are in game? Mine turns off Aero and the notification area gets a message saying that some features of Cityofheroes.exe are incompatible with Aero.

edit: Trying a whole new installation via the normal channels rather than Steam. We'll see if that helps at all once I get back from work.



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
If you're still getting this after you upgraded to 10.2, try this:

Go to your CoH folder and Right Click-Properties on CityofHeroes.exe. Go the "Compatibility" tab and make sure "Disable desktop composition" and "Disable visual themes" are both unchecked.

And just for good measure, do this for CoHUpdater.exe, too.

That should hopefully fix it so Windows doesn't switch to a basic theme when running CoH.
I'm quoting my own post here for convenience. Emberly, try doing this for your CoH install. If you have a desktop shortcut for CoH, do the same steps for it as well.

For your Steam CoH install, it should be in "Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\City of Heroes". For the normal CoH install it should just be in "Program Files\City of Heroes\" (or "Program Files (x86)" if you're using 64bit). Hope this helps.