3d Rikti
Looks really cool so far! I can't wait to see it finished. There are some really fantastic things that can be done with that program. There are a couple of artist on my watch list that use it.
Left ya a message on DA <^_^> very cool!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
That looks really good.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
What is that funky alien font you used at the bottom of that picture?
What is that funky alien font you used at the bottom of that picture?
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks like Roswell Wreckage to me. (Yes, I am a font fanatic.)
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Thanks all. I'll keep rollin with it and see what happens. And you are correct the font is Roswell Wreckage available at blambot.com
There's a lot of awesome stuff there.
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
That's looking great so far. Can't wait to see the finished work!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Eight, that is awesome! The features look right on, and I love the texture used around the rim of his dome.
I'll be watching your progress on this one.
Looks great. Are you doing a whole body or just chest up?

That's AWESOME! EEE! Fun to see the Rikti in 3D they look even more menacing! =D
WOW! that's awesome looking.. along with the others, i can't wait to see the finished product.
(then you could always use the data from it to make a model, yes?)
My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)
That looks very, very good. How far are you intending to take the model? Texture and rigging? If you end up rigging it, what program do you use for your rigging? I'd love to take a stab at the texturing.
Also, have a friend that rigs models for Poser. It would be awesome to have a true Rikti model for use in Poser. I wonder if Cryptic would be up for a licensing deal to allow you to sell assets... hmm... (*sounds of brain-gears grinding*)
Thanks all. Sadly, work has had me swamped and I haven't been able to touch it the last couple of days. Maybe tonight or this weekend.
CydinMonde: You're correct on the model part, actually is already is a 3d model.
DarkJedi: oh Captain my Captain...I'd be honored if you wanted to play around with it. As far as to what my plans are. It's funny, I started out with it just as a topic to play around with Z3. My current plan now is to create a Rikti bust, which would include upper armor that holds the head. In the end it would be a 'Rikti Portrait'.
I'm trying to get it to look as 'real' as...well...an alien head...ok, nevermind. Anyhow, going for realism.
So, texturing and minimal rigging required to pose the head and give him some kind of facial expression.
I've bounced him back and forth between Z3 and Maya (originally I only modeled the head and neck in Z3), and I decided to extend that out in Maya (and again, just sort of testing). Rigging and base armor would be created in Maya. I've got Poser, but have never rigged any custom characters in it. I just use it for pose reference. So I'd probably just defer to your bud for that.
Currently, I'm done modeling the head and I'm back in Maya laying out the UV's (not a big fan of ZBrush's UV proceedure). Like I said though, haven't touched it in a couple of days.
I actually started a vid tutorial on it which I'll probably finish up. It goes from a big sphere in Z3, to a rough model, then using Z3's new topology brush I layed out better topology for it, sadly I didn't grab video of continued modeling from the cleaned up model to final model.
The low rez model sits somewhere around 1,100 quads I believe. With the high rez just short of 4mil.
I'm contemplating doing a series of bad guys. I'd like to see more grittier clockwork and some really messed up freakshow than what we've seen so far. Sort of McFarlane-like. We'll see where things go from there.
I'm glad you like what you've seen so far. If I did go the full-body route I'd probably rig and animate them in some way. I mean...why not right?
Take it easy all,
a.k.a. 8Baller
p.s. Oh, and for the record, I'm basing the model off of Rikti concept art from a CoH/CoX book I've got. Some liberty has been taken to try out stuff, and just play around.
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
I've got Z3 now... and am dying for some basic tutorials.
Got any?
Yes...tutorial #1: It's new software so SAVE OFTEN! Although not nearly as frustrating with bugs as the new Photoshop was when it launched I've had a couple of lock ups, last night was at a pretty bad time. So save often and you should be ok.
More direct tutorials can be found at the following:
Zbrush Central
www.zbrushcentral.com - the zBrush community forum, they've got a whole section of the forum just for tutorials. You can pretty much find whatever you want there.
House of Tutorials
www.houseoftutorials.com - this guy, John Welsh has probably the best tutorials I've seen and he was super quick to whip up a batch for Z3 right after it lauched. The forums say he used to charge a monthly fee but he seems to have dumped that for now.
www.3dtrainer.com - has a section for Zbrush 3 and is very much directed at beginners. Usually it's a service you have to pay for but they've posted a username and password for a limited time on the zbrushcentral tutorial forum that gets you in the door.
Just a general note, as you would hope with any software upgrade some things didn't change too much from Zbrush 2, then again others were totally revamped. Just be aware of that if you catch yourself watching a Zbrush 2 tutorial and wonder why you can't find certain buttons/functions. I'd probably TRY to stick exclusively to Z3 tutorials.
Hope this helps.
p.s. oh...and save often
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
Thanks a lot bud.
I'm really looking forward to taking this step... but it's a bit daunting.
Those tuts will help though.
Ok, more Rikti....2nd times a charm.
Front and Profile
Up Close and Personal
Still no posing at all and no real lighting. This was rendered right in ZBrush. For the final I think I'm going to try to get this back into Maya.
So far, really liking the new stuff in Zbrush 3, and still so much more to learn.
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
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3d Rikti, man that's fun to say.
But anyhow, I was playing around with some of the new features in ZBrush 3 and started putting this Rikti head together. I figure if it all comes together it will be a piece inspired by the next CoH "Issue", "Invasion"
Thoughts are welcome, it's about 75% through the modeling state. Still have some high rez details to work in.
3d Rikti Head - Initial
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller