TWCC Voting Thread!
Crimson Inspiration looks pretty slick. I'll vote for that one!
I'll vote for Crimson Inspiration.
My vote goes to Radiant Thunder.
1) Fearsome Fireman
2) Crimson Inspiration
3) Grae Blizzard
All very neat, but those three stand out more.
Nobody "gets" me, Baby! I'm the wind...
Chicks dig Giant Robots!
Servo, your vote has been counted for Roxstar.
Yeah, I should've clarified: Only one vote per voter.
count another for Rox's Fearsome Fireman
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Grae Blizzard
i'll throw my vote in for Radiant Thunder.. that costume came together well and is fairly original looking.
My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)
Voting done!
C. Dragon- 0
C. Insp- 5
RStar - 3
Radiant - 4
Rdud- 0
RobZomb- 0
GraeBliz- 1
There you have it. 1st place winner is Crimson Inspiration! Hopefully, if I can get contact with LJ and tell her who to draw, then you should receive a drawing of your winning design!
2nd place goes to Radiant Thunder, who should receive a sprite of the costume!
3rd place goes to TFFODDDBRSACNBGRBRXITLSIEEHRERHEEROIAS by Roxstar, who... Well, I'll try and get a prize done for him. He definitely needs to win something for getting 3rd!
And that's all, people! This has been the First Weekly Costume Contest! Tune in... Tomorrow...?... for the next round!
Hurray! Thanks guys! They all looked great!
The Dragon may have come in with no votes, but she was on top with zero! So...umm, yay! Congo rats to you more winning types ^_^
I can see forever 0.0
Hehe I completely missed this! DOH! And no prize needed green I like making toons for fun.
This is the voting thread for The First Weekly Costume Contest! Unfortunately, on a very short notice, I was forced to move the deadline back a full day, because of a BBQ I ended up having to attend this Saturday, and nobody really told me until today. Anyway...
The voting system is like I explained it in the Original Thread: My personal favorites will get some extra votes in a poll in which you, the people, will determine who wins this competition of artistic tailoring!
Here's our Entries!:
Crimson Dragon - By BlackberryThorn
Crimson Inspiration - By Powerforge. Personally Rated as 1st place by me, and thus gets a +3 to the vote count.
The Fearsome Fireman of Deathly Disposition, Kindly named by Green Regis, and has an impossibly long name because of Roxstar's Indecisiveness of what he should name his costume design. - By Roxstar. Personally Rated 3rd place, and so gets an extra 1 vote tacked on.
Radiant Thunder - By DracoExMachina. Personal 2nd place, and thus gets an extra 2 votes tacked on.
Red Dude - By JohnnyKell
RoboZombie - By CybinMonde
Grae Blizzard - By Grae Knight. He didn't quite use the correct visor, but I'll let that pass.
Right. So, post your opinion on who you should think should win. By Sunday, the votes will be tallied up and the 1st prize winner will be commissioned an art piece from Lady Judgement! 2nd prize winner will be commissioned a sprite by me!