City of 'Nuts (5) - Stolen Property
LIke our battle cry? "Let the cold embrace you Lady Judgement!"
*giggles* Sorry, I just couldn't resist myself. Feel free to skip over this one and include someone else who hasn't been in it yet. I just couldn't help myself!
Sleep Lady Judgement and when you awaken act like an Ape.
Best try I could come up with.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
"Cresent, do you know what time it is? It's Time To Get Awesome!"
Love the new CoN, LJ. These would have been perfect as the running comic strip inside the CoH comic.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
"Freeze Crestent!" just doesn't have the same ring as "Freeze Suckas!" so I don't really know what to do.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Mr. Awesome has the right idea..., you guys can try again along those lines... Consider it as you're teaming up, and you have the key phrase to say, "let's go", but don't just say let's go, that's boring, make it more in tune with your toon...
Actually that's a running gag/bind I use for some of the people I regularly team up with. I ask one of them the very simple question of the time to which someone new to the group would probably answer with the real time and someone not new would say "No that can't be right, Mr. Awesome, maybe YOU know what time it is?" And I reply with of course "It's Time To Get Awesome"'s a long set-up but is still funny after well over a year.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
"Feel my Turkey Justice, Mr. Awesome!"
Huh...saying it out loud makes it sound...disturbing....
What's with all this Hero on Hero violence? Don't you guys have any uplifting battle cries that rally your teammates into action or does no one take the Leadership Power Pool anymore?
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
What's with all this Hero on Hero violence? Don't you guys have any uplifting battle cries that rally your teammates into action or does no one take the Leadership Power Pool anymore?
[/ QUOTE ]
This Turkey works alone....
As for the Hero on Hero violence, isn't that what's supposed to happen when Heroes meet for the first time? It's like, in the rulebook or something...Turkey Lurkey plays by the rules.
EDIT: But apparantly, Turkey Lurkey doesn't read everything before he posts.. "Feel my Turkey Justice!" is TL's battle cry, but I guess if he was teaming with odd of an occurance as that would be...his rally cry would be something more along the lines of:
"Try and stay out of my way, Mr. Awesome."
The Malta Sapper crowds Mr Awesome, who pants on the ground, unable to move. The Sapper raises his weapoon for the final blow, and Mr Awesome puts his face down on the concrete
"Never thought it would end like this..."
Mr Awesome heard the electric static discharge as the weapon came closer to his head. He could almost feel the Sapper Smile beneath his mask as Mr Awesome hair begain to stand on end....
There was a shout of pain, unbearable pain....
Mr Awesome looked up to see the sapper collapse, his uniform charred and smoking, he looked up to see the end of a Mighty Fire Sword, and looking down it's hilt at the sapper was none other....
"Eat that ****...
...than Igniitus
It's hard to work in my catchphrase, it comes AFTER the [censored]-whoopin!
What's with all this Hero on Hero violence? Don't you guys have any uplifting battle cries that rally your teammates into action or does no one take the Leadership Power Pool anymore?
[/ QUOTE ]
Can't afford the Leadership pool - too much End drain.
My normal battle cry on Dark is "Not in the face!", but that seems lacking in the turkey-reference department.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Nuuuu! my pants lol
oh and...
"Speed it up Dark you're too slow!"
*Trips Speedy with an ice slick*
"Hurry up Speedy you're too slow!"
:Confuses Turbo:
Shesh Turbo get out of my mind range!!!
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
Stares at all the violence
"Can't we all just settle this over a nice cool glass of Ovaltine?"
Get's smacked in the head with a random flying object
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
Pure awesomeness (yes that is a word )
As allways a enjoyable read LJ.
*Makes snowman clones around Snowman Frost*
"Attack my army of frost!"
but....but.... I thought the other snowmen loved me.
"I will have that magic hat of yours soon enough!"
LOL funny as ever LJ keep em going.
but that's really more of a warning that Moggie had too much coffee and is abotu to do something stupid then a battlecry.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
That would result in unfortunte hairballs I suspect...
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Stolen Property - for Turbo and Speedy!
Apologies if you're not included this week, post a recent screenshot if I HAVEN'T ever included you, and something interesting about you? OR if I have included you before, you can help me with next weeks by playing this game:
POST YOUR HEROIC TAG LINE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO POSTS ABOVE YOU IN IT... i.e. "let's get em LJ" - by next poster, get it? I will use the ones I think work the best. See ya next week!