Arctic Sun needs stories!

Arctic Sun



My recent call for art was well-received, so I thought I would see if the people in the RPG forums might have some fiction squirreled away, just waiting to be published.

There will be two more issues of the Top Cow Comic (19 & 20) before the run ends.

Afterwards, well, we'll see how else we can showcase your work.

But I'm looking for some good, short, punchy tales to close the comic book with. Shorter really is better this time around (1500 words *max*, and 700 - 1000 is best).

Possible themes:
* Super Groups in action
* Fighting the signature villains
* Your Hero's (or Villain's) greatest triumph (or loss!)

* Be as creative as you want, but keep it PG-rated. Files must be in .doc, .txt, or .rtf format.

Full guidelines can be found here.

Please submit stories to me, at

Arctic Sun



Gah! >_<

I just looked through my various collections of short stories, thinking about actually submitting something, when I discovered that not a single one was under 1,500 words. The closest I got was 1,510. >_>

I'll submit it anyway. High time I did so, anyway.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



yeah same for mews shortest story mew gots is mews brutes story and its a doozy.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




My last post took up ten pages on Word. Single spaced. Now, granted, I divided my paragraphs with a double space, and often did the same for single frames of dialogue... But still!

3,622 words. Sweet!

To further progress my stories, though, I can't condense that down.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I whacked the holy tar out of mine and I managed to get it from 9000 to 2894 words. That's it. After that, it stopped making sense.
Not that I make that much sense to start with...

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



My shortest story I have is 5013 words long.


Stupid guidelines...



I'm not even gonna start here...damn sudden writing impulses.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I'll have to see what I can crank out here... is there a deadline that these need to be in?

And Khell... they may let 1,510 words slide if it's a REALLY good story.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



I can do 1,500...but that still doesn't make any of my stories good. =P




Really? 1,500?


Well, that kicks me out. I practically write books.

Novella, is their literary name.



I just sent one. The same one that you'll find at the end of my "Grey's Army" thread...

I was a little surprised I had just under 1400 words.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Mine are way too short...