Roses are Awesome...[Valentine's RP]




Two punctuated sneezes heralded Ozell's arrival back to the land of the non-hallucinating. Sitting up with a dazed and confused look on his face, he pulled down his cowl a bit to wipe his nose with the back of his hand- then, putting it back in place, looked around at the drastically changed surroundings.

"Well, that was... uhm.. H-Hello Mr. Experiment, Mr. Toy, Miss Rosalind, everyone. Um... Wh-Where did Mr. Poe go? And fuzzy wuzzy wasn't really ontop of me just now, was he?.."



Locria's eyes widened.

If she was one to fidget, she would have fidgeted, but as it were she remained rather rigid, just looking up at Redd with an expression mirroring a somewhat pretty, rather lost goldfish.

"This Unit..." she began, though she had not considered how to finish.

Daniel Garner and the Painkillers. A concert. One hour. The Master had invited her to go. A concert!

"This Unit..." she finally continued, a little breathless. "...would like very much to accompany the Master to the concert. Requesting permission to utilize GSR-allowed civilian disguise."


Rosalind twitched at Experiment's words.


She waltzed over to the scrapper's side, slinging an arm around his shoulders. Her ears were pinned back aggressively, and she was grinning hard, her elongated canines clenched.

The laugh she had just given off began to show red flags to anyone around who had more of a passing knowledge of her.

"Oh, Experiment, Experiment, Experiment." she said, wagging her opposite finger, bearing a single sharp claw. "You should really learn your spirit terminology better. I am a were-human. I am a dog given a human form by magical circumstances, in this case strong loyalty in conjunction with an equinox moon."

Her arm around his shoulders tightened.

"I've also learned a lot of things about bein' a human girl, if you know what I'm sayin'." she said, falsley conspiratorial, as she tapped his neck with her hand, the claw tapping against his armor right where his jugular vein would be.

"And if you say something like that again..." she said cheerily, "You'll have your own problems getting kisses due to the fact I'll have RIPPED YOUR LIPS OFF YOUR FACE AND SHOVED THEM UP YOUR URETHRA. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



"Now now." DJ Zero smirked as he floated past the two, "No more bein' harsh today. An' no, no more explosions either. But ya know...I got me a rhythm for you, Rosie - and it's saying there's someone at the office who came just to see you today. Sadly, his gig's about to be up. But if you hurry you might still be able to catch him."

With that, the multiworldly DJ floated higher again...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Devious -

The link in your sig made my brain explode. D: ))

"For me?" Rosie chirped, all malice gone from her voice as she dropped Experiment like a lead weight. "Gosh, thanks, Z."

Trotting off to the exit of Pocket D, she waved behind her. "See you guys around! I gotta go catch a buddy of mine."

With that, she was gone in a flash, and leaping back towards the offices of the Soul Police Chapter...


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



((I actually saw that already. Ironically enough, I was linked it through a Shadowclan message board.))


Rulaag walked out to where the battle had occured, flipping the ampoule full of hallucinogens through his fingers.

"Bravo." He nodded.

And he was gone in a cloudy haze.


Bear spat and cursed. He'd never get Rosalind the package now.

Right before Rosalind had left the D, the Wyvern had growled one final curse and thrown the chocolates right in front of where she would come out from, flying away in frustration.



Experiment held still for a few moments, until he was sure Rosalind had left.

As soon as the were-human was out of earshot, he sighed in relief and slumped down to the ground, slipping his goggles over his eyes to hide the intense fright of being threatened in such a... Well, a mix between gory and vulgar, way.

The drink he had ordered moments before fearing for his life, lips, and other body parts, slid off the bar, and he caught it from mid-air, chugging down the Diet Cola in one swig. He then placed the glass back on the bar, and proceeded to hit a button on his PDA.

Red and white confetti flew everywhere, raining from the little device, and he walked toward the hero exit to King's Row quickly.

All the while, the fear never left his eyes.

As he stepped from the truck of a King's Row street, he sighed in relief again. He straightened up, and spoke one word to describe every emotion he was feeling right now...





Rosie paused at the box that had just clattered to a stop at her feet. She bent down, and examined it for a moment.

"...Awh..." she murmured. "Big Bear..."

With a little smile, she opened the package....wondering what in the world...


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Inside the package was a small pile of dog treats as well as a brand-new collar, similar to the one she had, but obviously of very high quality.

In the very bottom of the box, below the dog gifts, were two things;

A wrapped piece of expensive European candy,

And an arrow.



"Heh heh heh." Marcus chuckled good-naturedly at Essex, hugging her back with one arm.

"Thanks fer lookin' out for da boys, s'been tough lately. An' yeh, sinc' da split to da Fambly, dere's two of us black-mask lots yas talkin' ta." The Psionicist grinned, taking out his fine Cuban and replacing it with one of the chocolate ones.

"Ey lissen, you gives da professa my regards, an' tell 'em 'es good fer a favor wit Emil, if any, y'know, wetwork gotsta get done."

A couple of the Family in the room cracked their knuckles in anticipation at the mention of it.

"Now I won' keep yas any longa, ya said yaself dat dere's plenny more places ta go. Good ta seeyas, Ess."

"Boss, Vinny on line tree. Sum'n bout dem alien guys we seen 'round da place."

Thanking Essex once more, Marcus' chair swivelled back around.

"Yeh?" He responded as the elevators opened and a squad of Family led Essex out.

It was clear that the Marcones didn't want anyone in that particular building any longer than they had to be.


Curtis flashed out of the RFP teleporter, glancing to either side, making sure he was alone. Skulking over to Arc's room, the Gunslinger dropped a single red rose before hopping back into the teleporter and flashing away.


Curtis came out of the teleporter on Peregrine.

"Hope tha' sing'l rose didn' make me look cheap..." He muttered to himself lowly, unaware of the Tactical Engineer working at the console nearby.

"Sir?" The Engineer looked up.

"Awh, ah didn' say nothin'! Git back ter work already!"

The Gunslinger made his way out and the Engineer shrugged. It was best not to question Curtis.



Rosalind knelt there with Bear's package on her lap.


She couldn't help it. Her cheeks tinged a deep pink, and she carefully undid the buckle in the back of her collar, taking it off.

The were-human examined the old collar offhandishly. Address tag, medical tag, and a heart-shaped tag that just had her name on it.

Looking down at the new collar, there was another tag - a shiny, silver star. Where the heart-shaped tag was a dull red and said "Rosalind", this one just said "Rosie."

"....Awesome." she said with a little smile, putting the collar on. It fit nicely, and she could feel the difference in the material. She put her address and med tags on behind the star, and stood, holding her old collar in her hand. She put the piece of candy and the dog treats back in the box - for later - and held the arrow with a look of thought on her face.


When Bear returned to his barracks, there was an arrow (of much lower quality than those he used, and fired rather inexpertly) stuck in the door. A gift bag was hanging from it cheerily, loud orange and black tissue paper coming out the top.


"Thank you sir! Happy Valentine's Day!" Essex said, waving a hand over her head as she was escorted from the building. Once she was out, she walked with the Marcones for a little ways out to the docks, hugging them goodbye, and slipping into the shadows.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Their momentary allies long-gone, the cops placated and departed, Nester and Kipland Durj made their way to Cedric's party.

"I don't get why you didn't just head there in the first place, man," Nester quipped, "You'd have saved yourself a lot of grief. Then I would have been sent to get the pizza, offered a couple slices to some overly-aggressive hero-types, and been shot with a sniper rifle."

"In all fairness," Kip smirked, "you'd have ducked for cover."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about your near-suicidal plans of attack lately..."

"Trust me, I'm fine."

"You seem down in the dumps..."

"I don't know Nester," Kip kicked a random stone in his path, "It's just... This holiday always makes me think about... her..."

"Ah," Nester gripped his brother's shoulder and nodded, "Well... You're not the only one who lost someone. You've gotta stop living in the past... But only do it when you feel it's time to look forward."

"I think I'm getting there," Kip agreed, "I think I'm getting there."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Nobody's gone. I'm still waiting for Khell to write Balsk's response. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




OOC: *prepares the shoot the horse* *ker-click* >_> What?

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((I figured since it was taking so long, we basically finished that part of the story. Want me to take it down?))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Here's what: ))

"Thanks, but I'm already gonna get an earful from the Doc for brining back a hole." Allen smirked, referring to where he'd been shot through the chest, "If I let anyone but him patch it, he's gonna throw an absolute fit. And no, it's not bad. You could say I'm somewhat heartless."

The blaring of the closing police sirens drove the smirk off his face again.

"Hm, looks like I gotta cut my visit short, it figures." Allen growled, turning to Balsk, "Guess I'll ask my pals over in the Eastside about you then. You're probably Alan's cousin or something...except he's blue..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Bear touched down lightly, the fierce scowl that was always on his face remaining true to tradition and radiating strongly.

"Sir!" A Talon reported, "Something for you, sir. I, uh, think they tried to give it significance by shooting it into the door, but, well, their technique was terrible..."

Shoving the Talon out of the way, Bear made his way up to the door.

As soon as he saw the orange and black, his soul-melting grimace eased into a light smile. The Talon Agent's eyes widened.

That was the first time he'd seen Bear smile since he came on to the force.

Bear looked inside...



Inside the bag there were only a few items. A thick stack of flat bags filled with Pop Rocks tied together with a ribbon. A little plush border collie with soft, curly fur, Rosie's old collar draped loosely around its neck, heart-shaped tag dangling cheerfully from the front. And a small, silver dog whistle with a four-leafed clover engraved on the side, a tag hanging off it in her messy handwriting.

Call me anytime!


Rosie hustled back to the SPC offices, smiling to herself.

[censored], maybe Valentine's Day didn't suck quite as bad as she thought.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Valentine's day.

The couple loved the two words, and were showing exactly how much they loved it. Holding each other close in their arms, their lips meshed and melded as they sucked and kissed on each others' faces, they hid in an alleyway close to a King's Row warehouse. Bodies pressed up against a wall to hide from others, their arms wrapped around each other, they had not a care in the world as they were left in each others' love.

They would soon damn well have a care in the world.
Kabuki Reiketsu, one of Kairaishi's personal bodyguards and errandsmen, kept his eye on the two. He was not on autopilot, Kairaishi was controlling his movements remotely--the puppetmaster was nearby.
Reiketsu silently unsheathed one of his three swords--specifically, the one sheathed at his waist.

From a distance, a person could perhaps make out what seemed to be the whistling of a blade slinging through the air, along with two sharp cries--after that, though, there was suddenly nothing.
Any observer who would investigate would see Reiketsu calmly picking up a few smoke bombs he dropped, and then leap up into the sky--too high to follow, unless someone was capable of flying. And even then, Reiketsu would have been too fast to follow.

Kairaishi lifted up his sakkat with a thumb as he saw Reiketsu leap back onto the top of the skyscraper he was perching on, Bousatsu standing loyally behind him.
The puppetmaster smiled wryly.
This would lead to an interesting turn of events. Already, news radios and TV broadcasts were talking about couples who were mysteriously vanishing--nine so far. There were no clues and no trace left behind, aside from two cloth puppets left behind at each scene--each sewn into a heart, rendering them inseparable.
One more will do. He thought. If you want to drive a point home, it's better to have lots of people--misery loves company.

Reiketsu, Bousatsu, and Kairaishi alike all lifted up their hands and threw down a smoke bomb, vanishing in a puff of white that covered their teleportation away.



OOC: Bah.

BIC: After having goodbye to Kip and Nestor and seeing the police off, Balsk finally decided to get around to Allen.

"Ok, look here wolfie," Balsk said, motioning for Allen to step closer. "Now look, I can tell you're a nice guy what with all the heroing and what not but generally one doesn't ask an aquaintance sensitive questions in the open. It's not that polite. Now if you really want to talk, you can grab some of that pizza lying around, some of it's still in the box, and come inside with me. I don't have anything else to do today anyway."

Just then, Balsk looked over Allen's shoulder and noticed Rosie coming toward them with a happy grin on her face.

"Hey, Rose!" Balsk shouted at her, waving his hand once to get her attention.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Allen had to admit he was quite susrpised when the police officers had taken things so lightly. The last time he'd been here, they'd wanted to arrest him for just not being human...well, probably more for resembling a Warwolf with a starship...

Heh...maybe things've changed a bit after all.

"Well, I don't want to be any more trouble." Allen retorted, siling sheepishly, "Can;t be sure that hit wasn't out for me, and..."

He stopped as he noticed Balsk looking over his shoulder at something behind him. Before the Draconian even greeted Rosie, Allen turned about...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Arc Jump walked semi distractedly through the RFP base, a stack of reports in one hand while the other twirled a locke of her silvery hair as she read the top most report.

For the electric generating reploid, the day just seemed... pointless. The nominal 'heroes' all slacked off to suck face and while crime was down, it wasn't really by much. She continuously ignored the little flutter in her generators upon each visitor to the base. As usual, she was annoyed at each one. Both for coming to see her more popular sister and for not being who she really wanted to see.

Not that she hated Essex, she loved the tiny reploid as much as she understood the concept, but the shear amount of beings she associated with... she was very glad Freedom Corp didn't monitor base arrives, or else the Doc would be arrested and the reploids probably dismantled.

Puffing a synthetic sigh, AJ elbowed the panel to open the door to her room and resigned herself to getting her armor out and picking up the slack.

A splash of red in the mostly blue and white room drew her gaze to the rose on her desk. AJ spent several minutes staring at the plant and blinking, CPU maxed but no output forth coming. Finally, the 15 year old appearing girl tossed the papers on the far side of the desk and picked out her more... lighter clothes. The dark blue and gold vest and skirt to go over the more... abbreviated bodysuit she swindled out of the Doc.

With a click that settled the gauntlets and shoulder pauldrons in place, AJ walked out. A final smile at the now make-shifted vase and rose.

...Eh, maybe it ain't too pointless after all....

When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.




Rosie stopped, startled at the sight of Allen talking to Balsk.

She was completely surprised. She hadn't -actually- expected him to come. And to see her?

"Aren't you...weren't you...You came all the way from...."

The were-human felt her cheeks tinge for the second time that day.

Goddammit, stop doing that! <_<

"Gah! I don't know what to say!" she said, grinning. "Damn, it's good to see you!"


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Baslk stepped to one side to get a clearer view of Rosie and then looked back and forth between her and Allen for a couple of seconds.

"Riiight," he said before turning around and walking back toward the SPC building.

"If you still want to talk, you can find me at my cubicle," Balsk said over his shoulder, waving one hand goodbye.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Well, whatddaya know!" Allen smiled broadly as he retured the combi-rifle to the holster on his back, quite susprised at Rosie suddenly standing right in front of him.

Maybe the Doc had been was a day of strange coincidences on Terra.

I guess I can stay a little longer.

"C'mere, you." he laughed as he gave the were-human a firm hug in greeting, "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"And where are you going?" he laughed as a hand reached for Balsk's shoulder just before he got out of reach, pulling the Draconian back, "You're not thinkin' of leaving me alone with her, are ya? You have any idea what she'll do to me...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Rosie blushed, hugging Allen back, her tail wagging happily. At Balsk's hasty retreat and Allen's words, she bristled a little jokingly.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" she joked. "Come on, I already got into my brawl today. Let's all go inside before someone sees us. Jeez, a space soldier, a dog-girl, and a draconian walk into a bar..."

Shooing the boys inside the SPC building, she nevertheless sighed in relief when they were safely in. She deposited some of her things in her cubicle before turning around, folding her arms.

"So what's going on?" she asked with a grin.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace