Roses are Awesome...[Valentine's RP]




Suddenly, C.B. was hit with a horrible thought...

"Hm... Maybe this sin't the right rooftop..."

Holstering the pistol in his left hand, he called up Kipland Durj.

"Kip! KIP! Any clue yet on where the guy was shooting you from?"

"How the Hell should I know?" Kipland's voice, which sounded oddly similar to Cobalt Black's, replied loudly from the communicator, "I guess from where I am... The building I'm in. I think that's where the muzzle flash came from..."

"Hm... Well, nothing up here now... I'll do a cursory search and if I don't find anything, I'll let you know the coast is clear for now..."

Cobalt put the communicator back on his belt, drew his pistol again and started stalking across the rooftop.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Uh oh." Rulaag stopped Ozell before he could say anything.

"Freeze, Poe!" He roared, slinging a gust of wind at the arsonist, hoping to blow away his bottles. Just to follow up on that, he charged his eyes to fire a blast of radiation, if needed.


Reikoff and Curtis were supremely silent as Cobalt walked across the rooftop. They weighed their options mentally:

A metahuman dead, or the element of subtle suprise kept?

For once in his life, Reikoff decided on the latter. But, just in case, both soldiers remained ready in case he stumbled across one of them...

Besides, from what Reikoff could see, they were just nine mils, not even AP grade. Curtis' .357s could send him to the ground, and Reikoff was pretty confident that his military-grade body armor could stop those kind of bullets...



"So... There's nobody else up here, huh?" Cobalt Black hollered after his glance about the rooftop revealed nothing, "Nobody at all, huh!?"

He could almost swear he heard crickets answering him.

"[censored] probably figured I was on my way..." he grumbled as he holstered his pistols and pulled the communicator back up, "Kip?"

"You never turned it off," came the reply.

"Yeah... Looks like it's all clear up here. I'm gonna go roof hopping and try to snag a train back to my apartment. I've got company waiting for me."

"Mindy and Misty, huh?"

"Yeah... They're nice. See ya tomorrow."

The seeming gunslinger then turned and started strolling to the edge of the rooftop.

Kip looked out the door and tried to get the attention of the werewolf or the dragon.

"Hey, hey guys, a friend of mine says that it might be clear out there..." he waited a few seconds for a reply, "Guys?"

He stepped outside cautiously, looking up to see if his friend might have been mistaken.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Reikoff soundlessly smirked as he took careful aim with the Sniper Rifle once more at the door. He was careful to keep the glint of the sun off of his scope, and this time he fitted a silencer. Remaining in cover, he relied on Curtis to make sure that he wasn't found.

He couldn't do anything until Cobalt was gone...



((It doesn't bother Reikoff that it appears there's a Gunslinger stalking him?))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Poe glanced up.

Then he was blown backwards by the gust of wind.

"Pain..." He muttered.

Rulaag was suddenly tackled to the ground by two Longbow Ballista.

"No violence in Pocket D." They growled, and started dragging Rulaag towards the elevator.

Poe got back up and dusted himself off, swearing a streak that would have made a robot blush as he fawned over his white vest.



The elevator on the hero side *DING*ed cheerfully, and Experiment stepped out, dusting himself off. "I would still like to know why that guard takes so long to let me in here... I swear, you accidently stare at her chest for a minute, she gets all offended."

He began walking, but stopped to allow a few drunk Skulls to projectile vomit halfway across the area. He glanced over to make sure they were done for a few seconds, and stepped over the puddle.

"Hello, children," he yelled to the main floor, grinning widely, "Happy Valentines Day!"



((Considering Reikoff is an Elite TacCom and Curtis an Elite Gunslinger, I'd imagine they'd be pretty calm about a Gunslinger, Grey.

Okay, so Kip is in the door of the building Reikoff's on...which means he's doing the 5th-Column-aim-down...and being an expert smiper, I'd think him to be at a good distance from the SPC's front building...okay, I have my positions. ))

Allen had spent the time meticulously surveying the sourrounding buildings after he'd caught his own fall with a roll. The Mach wave had only come to his attention after Reikoff had already fired, and he'd seen no muzzle flash, which likely meant their sniper was a professional marksman using gear that matched his experience.

He saw no glint of a scope, no trace particles wafting up from anywhere. From what Allen knew of Terran weaponry, the guy was most likely operating a gas-powered rifle of some sort - no need for powder cartriges.

So he listened. Carefully.

Sadly, to no avail. Cobalt's and Kip's actions effectively drowned out what he was scanning for - and with Sol high in the sky, sight was near-useless at this point. Allen may have had excellent night vision as well as thr ability to see parts of the EM spectrum humans could ony theorize about, but he was used to much darker conditions. The star's brightness was a pain to no end.

A very heavy-looking rifle that looked like something out of a sci-fi flick at the ready, he kneeled at the ready, waiting for their opponent to make the next move...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((I'd figure Malta operatives would be bothered about what looks like another Malta Operative looking for them, but whatever. I kind of have to wait for Soviet Troll's characters to make their next move, mine have made theirs (C.B. leaving, Kip walking out into the middle of the street) until they're presented a new opportunity to act/react... Am I getting the etiquette for this RPing experience right? I never intended to become so heavily involved... I just wanted to be nice and hand off a pizza.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Eh, once you've blasted your way through what, three alternate dimensions? You don't really worry about such things anymore.))

"Get off of me, you fools." Rulaag snapped at the Ballista, "He was making an aggresive action. I was merely incapacitating him!"

The Alien growled and cursed in Osh'Kan and searched his armor for his Hero I.D.


Cobalt was gone. Curtis mentally reminded himself to have a kill tag set on a certain Gunslinger, but that didn't really matter right now.

What mattered was that the targets were active again.

"Cowboy," Reikoff hissed nearly silently, "Get out there and cause a distraction. When they aren't watching for me, I'll pop one in the head. Copy?"

"Yee-ha. Ah reckon this 'eres what ah'm good at." The Gunslinger grinned back.

And suddenly, there was a teleport flash right next to Kip.

"Howdy!" Curtis exclaimed, then proceeding to empty his clip at point-blank towards the man.

That was Reikoff's distraction. In that split second, he only prayed all attention would be turned to Curtis' sudden attack, because the next shot he squeezed off was going right for Allen's head...



The Ballista hesitated at the sign of Rulaag's hero I.D. and his proclamation. They both turned to Poe, who shrugged.

"Don't look at me. I WORK here! I have I.D. and everything!" He flashed a card. It was the Bar-Tender's. Poe had taken his own picture and pasted it over his, but the ballista didn't look closely enough to tell.

"I was making a batch of drinks for that big group over there..." The pyro-maniac pointed to a table with eight people at it, most of them chugging vast amounts of beer as they spoke.

"When suddenly, he comes out of the blue with his stormie thing!"

"I saw the whole thing!" One of the party-goers at a nearby table said.

"I admit, this is my first time here in Pocket D, and I don't know how everything works, but that guy there clearly attacked the bar-tender!"

The ballista both turned on Rulaag with fury in their eyes, grabbed him by both arms, lifted him off his feet, and began marching him to the elevator. Rulaag got a glimpse of the smirk on Poe's face as he began reaching for another bottle.



Rulaag moved one arm a bit to catch the attention of the Ballista.

A gust of wind shot the card from Poe's hands, right to the Longbow.

"Look closer." The Alien commanded.

Poe got a glimpse of the smirk on Rulaag's face as the Longbow stared down the card.



Experiment poked his head behind the Ballistas' shoulders, seeming to have appeared out of thin air, it seemed. He checked it over, and smirked. "Wow. You could at LEAST have created a phony card. Seriously, all ya really need is a computer, and some interdimensional disposition material... Things. Y'know, that stuff Mr. Zero uses to construct this stuff."

He grinned, and turned to Poe. "Oh, just an FYI? You REALLY need to be nicer. Y'know, just in case you forgot it was Valentines or something. Seriously. Meanie."



Poe was grinning when the ballista turned back to him.

"Too late."

He held a bottle in his hand. It was a molotov cocktail, obviously. Something was strange, however. The liquid inside of it wasn't clear like normal alcohol. It was GREEN.

Poe's discarded halucinogenic canister nearby told all too well what was inside the thing.

"Nighty night, sweet dreams!" Poe cackled, and hurled the bottle at the big table with the eight people sitting at it. They were all increduously drunk, and wouldn't be able to dodge in time even if they could have seen the bottle coming.



The upper right corner of Kipland Durj's lip twitched as the bullets slammed into the passive shield protecting him. As the rounds continued to find their mark on his torso, it started to seem there was some sort of bizare body armorhovering jsut inches above his skin.

"To Hell with it," he muttered before his eyes flashed.

The black purple smoke expanded out and wrapped around his body. It then coalesced and solidified into a bizare biorganic seeming body armor. There were no more explosions, but rounds bouncing to the ground.

"Will you stop doing that, [censored] hat?" he barked when the Gunslinger went to reload, "I've had enough of a day with you guys already! I've had it up to here with you guys," he chopped just under his own neck, "and I'm on my final straw... So... before this becomes a ridiculously unnecessary bloodbath, CALM the [censored] DOWN!"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Then again, why dodge? After all, with heroes around, you didn't really NEED to dodge much.

Well, unless said hero was either amazingly brutal, or a pyromaniac, but still, Experiment was neither.

He reflexively aimed his arm and fired. No spine ejected due to the dimensional properties keeping his powers dampened, but an organic string seemed to fire in its place, wrapping around the bottle and pulling it upward as Experiment did the same with his arm.

The cocktail went up, followed by the release of the organic lining. Most likely hitting the roof of the D, Experiment bowed. "And there you have it folks. Yet another disaster averted by Exp--"

The lining began falling in front of Experiment, and he blinked. Having heard no smash, he sighed. He stepped back, and the bottle exploded in front of him, sending the substance in his general area.

At the very least, the whole thing didn't land on his head. THAT would have been unfortunate.



Poe was busy laughing his [censored] off while the Balista, Experiment, and Rulaag's vision began to cloud.


When the smoke cleared...

The two ballista were completely naked. They moved their hands to cover their shrunken nads. Steroids will do that to you. They both started moving for the elevator, too embaressed to make comment or fight.

Then they bumped into a large gigantic suger plum that had dropped out of nowhere.

Experiment was suddenly surrounded by several poison dart frogs singing "We wish you a merry christmas!"

The party-goers, Rulaag, and Poe were nowhere to be seen. Hundreds of random and wacked out hallucinations started popping up around the club, but there were no actual people inside.


Poe smirked, out of the range of the hallucinogenic gas, and began to ready another hallucinogenic molotov...

"So..." He asked Rulaag casually. "What now?"

He flipped another pea-sized gas canister into his hand.

"Don't even think about it. Un-filtered, one of these babies can fill the entire club."

He casually started to fill the bottle with alcohol.



((Err...Diov...hate to burst your sequence here, but Rulaag is nearly completely immune to hallucinogens >_&lt)



((Oops. Sorry, editing...))



((There he is in my backgrounder... At the end, now.))

In a far corner of the club, relaxing in a booth chair, a massive spikey Brute named Power Breaker suddenly found himself chilling out with two Carnival Mistresses. Grinning, he breathed deeply, his nanite network alerting him that all he was seeing was a halllucinogenic dream.

"I don't care," he bellowed, "I like this... Just keep this from going all Vanilla Sky on me, and whoever's hitting us with this stuff, keep it coming. For once, I'm actually entertained by this place..."

He reached for where his beer should have been, but realized it was gone...

"Hm... a slight drawback..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.




Clearing his throat and ignoring the annoyed shouting from behind him, Balsk muttered a few words and faded from sight under a complex invisibility spell. Quickly opening the door and dashing off to the side to avoid getting shot, Balsk shaded his eyes and started surveying rooftops. Protective membranes that acted like sunglasses flicked over his eyes to protect them from the harsh sunlight and the miniature camera built into the tip of his tail whirred slightly as it scouted with advanced sensors.

Hopefully he would remain unseen and spot the attackers before they made their next mo-....

Balsk glared at Curtis as he teleported next to Kip and, seeing the young kid pull on some sort of armor, dismissed the fight and went back to looking for the sniper.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"So tell me Ozell, just what DOES bring you here, hmm?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"W-Well, Rulaag, I was just--"

And that was when he was cut off as the action started. Knowing better to argue with Rulaag, or Poe, he had pretty much been waiting for it to conclude and holding his breath...

The two ballista were completely naked. They moved their hands to cover their shrunken nads. Steroids will do that to you. They both started moving for the elevator, too embaressed to make comment or fight.

Then they bumped into a large gigantic suger plum that had dropped out of nowhere.

Experiment was suddenly surrounded by several poison dart frogs singing "We wish you a merry christmas!"

The party-goers, Rulaag, and Poe were nowhere to be seen. Hundreds of random and wacked out hallucinations started popping up around the club, but there were no actual people inside.

[/ QUOTE ]

And then he burst out laughing... then made the mistake of inhaling to catch his breath. While Rulaag was next to immune to things like these, Ozell had proven on multiple occasions that he was extremely susceptible.

After a moment, his pupils dialated (though this was hard to see, as his eyes were a solid white anyways) and he stared intently at a spot on the cieling across from the club, oblivious to all other hallucinations going on around him. After that, he began in a slow walk toward whatever he saw. Of course, there was no way he would be reaching it- he'd sooner fall off the railing if someone didn't stop him. Or maybe just bump into it and throw up, it could go either way.



Currently, Walter was on the verge of jamming out--with his speaker system ready and a guitar in his hands, he was reliving "one of the few decent things about a wasted youth". Specifically, a few of the CDs in his room were of a band named "Redd, White, and Black"--a metal band that incorporated techno and orchestral elements, each played by a respective member. Walter Redd was skilled with guitars, Elia White was a professional orchestral composer and player, and Johnny Black was an excellent drummer as well as a synthesizer. They had made a few decent CDs together, but circumstances that were never made public broke them all up, and each of them went their separate ways.
With his jacket, hat, and mask taken off, all that remained to identify him was his usual pale skin, sunglasses, a pair of white slacks, and a black turtleneck covering his body. He tilted his head from side to side to crack his neck, he flicked a switch on the floor to start the music.

The resulting symphony that followed could only be described as gorgeous.
Walter seemed at home in this, his body constantly swaying and turning as his fingers flew across the strings, adding in the guitar along with the prerecorded synths, drums, and violins. Music promptly filled the room, emptying the silence that was previously there before. This was...MUSIC. Music was not only the symphony that went into the ears, it was also the desire and the soul that was woven into the composition--every note had to have a POINT to it, every note had to be a clear reflection of the users that worked with blood, sweat, and tears to make it a reality.
This...was music.
And yet, he mused as he continued to all came to nothing. He put his soul into this composition when it was first made, and nothing but pain came as a result.

A minute and forty seconds later, right when the song had finished, Walter heard a knock at his door.
He frowned. He had wanted to savor the accomplishment that comes with having played a song, and played it well, but he supposed interruptions came with not telling your subordinates that you would be busy.
He nudged the switch with his foot again to turn off the next track, which was already playing, and promptly walked over back down to his throne, sitting down in it with a dejected WHUMP. The headstock was pressed down onto the ground, the body of the guitar pointed upwards, his hands resting on top--it seemed some sort of scepter in between his legs, blocking view of his mouth as he simply sit there, pausing a moment before responding to the knock. He took a quick glance at the security monitor above the door.
Hm. It was Locria. The GSR units didn't often visit him, it was usually him that visited them. Whatever would she want? Perhaps she just had a question to ask him. Or perhaps there was something around the base that needed to be done. Or perhaps she didn't sleep well, and needed to be comforted--he didn't put it past the GSR units to have nightmares in their sleep, but he had never asked, and thus never knew for sure.
He shrugged, speaking in his usual firm tone. Whatever she wanted, he'd find out.



Experiment's hands gripped Ozell's arms, his convulsive chuckling easily heard. "Look, don't walk away. You konw that you have to deliver that basket to granny, no matter how hard that wolf will try to stop you. Trust me, Little Red Riding Hood, granny NEEDS those muffins."

With that, Experiment let go, and picked up a napkin from a nearby table. He placed it on his head, and jumped on the bar in a heroic pose. "I am Experiment 2.0, also known as Little White Riding Hood! Sidekick to Little Red, I will find granny's house, and outsmart that wicked wolf! Hurrah!"

With that, he jumped into a bowl of pudding.

Which turned out to be another table.

It smashed under him, and he lay on the splinters.

"...This pudding is crusty. Someone should put it back in the fridge..."



((I just realized... it's still midday, or at most afternoon... Man, my characters are a group of rowdy drunks :P Also, Prodiguy, that is frickin hilarious.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.