Roses are Awesome...[Valentine's RP]




Air collapsing into a vacuum - the characteristic noise produced when something disappeared in teleport.

There! That rooftop!

Allen didn't hesitate an instant, bringing his rifle to bear. His eyes focused almost like a zoom-lens camera, locking onto the location of the sound and analyzing the situation.

There were two – and one was aiming straight at him!

Not with me, pal.

An instinctive impulse to his leg muscles sent Allen up like a coiled spring, his finger squeezing the trigger at the same time.

But not in time.

Speeding ahead of its own Mach wave, Reikoff's sniper round caught the Allen in mid-rise, tearing right into his chest where a human's heart would be, drilling through, and blasting out the other side. His uniform took a sizeable amount of the punch out of it, but the shell still made it through, taking a good trail of blood with it.

Nevertheless, the energy shell still left his rifle's barrel, rushing over to Reikoff at hypersonic velocities - the only thing faster right now was the flash of the initial discharge. The aim having been thrown off slightly by the impact, however, the quasi-projectile was no longer heading for the TacCom, but just slightly below his location.

Even before Allen's back hit the ground, the energy shell made contact with the edge of the roof, detonating with enough force to send a good potion of the roof into the upper stratosphere...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Curtis took a couple of steps back. "Holy smokes, what th' 'ell 'r yew?!"

Reikoff didn't have that privelege as his sniping position was blown to pieces out from under him. The Commander, however, wasn't about to die today.

Like something out of a high-budget action flick, Reikoff got a good footing on a large chunk of falling debris and rode it down the side of the building, firing a hail of bullets as he fell.



Kip sighed in relief, "I don't even know, Gunslinger... But you've stopped shooting, and that's good enough for-"

He stopped in midsentence, gazing upward suddenly as he watched the werewolf assault the sniping position. He winced behind the mask on his face as the wolf seemed to get ripped in half, then saw what must have been the sniper, another Malta Agent, firing radically in his direction, bullets impacting all around and some even pelting him. They felt like paintballs fired from twenty feet.

"[censored] it..." he muttered as he reached behind his back and the armor spat a green cylinder from out of his utility belt into his hand, which he promptly slammed into his leg and said, "Sorry, man. Looks like the whole situation is way out of our hands, now."

And he attacked Curtis with a sidekick aimed at his upper chest.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Figuring it was about time to act and that Kip had the cowboy agent covered, Balsk pointed his free hand at the sniper and focused his magic. It had been harder to do lately and drained more of his mystical strength, but he had enough in him for a couple of blasts.

Leading the target a bit, Balsk muttered "Shraktar." and fired a bolt of lightning from his hand right at Reikoff.

From down the street came the wailing of sirens. Apparently someone had called the cops.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Holidays often confused Cypherr. But then again, that was obvious for one who was confused most of the time anyway. Especially on subjects pertaining to a culture she did not know, and the social behavior of a species she didn't quite understand yet. But nonetheless she tried, and this was one of her moments. This was observation. This was research, Cypherr-style.

She perched on a rooftop, lazily laying on her stomach, her claws outstretched before her as she gazed out at decorated the shopping center. Her eyes squinted in determined concentration.

Flowers. Pink. Candy. Red. Lights.

Her ears flatted against her head, and her fur bristled. It was all a blur. A blur of color, dazzling displays, flashing spectacles, and daring advertisements. It was a fascinating thing to absorb, really. Shininess drew her attention. Color excited her. The displays and strangely shaped objects piqued her curiousity. But one thing continued to nag persistantly at her conscience. What was the reason of it all? What was the POINT of this sudden festivity? Her curiousity demanded an answer.

Her distracted thoughts were interrupted as a young couple approached the store. Cypherr strained over the roof and peered down, pressing flat to make herself smaller and more discreet as she observed them quietly. The young man led the girl to a flower stand in front of the entrance, plucking a single red rose from the display and offering it to her with a sweet smile. The girl's cheeks burned with a crimson blush, and she gladly took it, pausing to inhale the pleasingly floral scent of it's petals before stepping over to embrace him.

Cypherr's tail, which had been swaying steadily behind her, dropped instantaneously at the sight.

So THAT'S the reason.

She felt her fur unwillingly prickle, and muttered out a grumble as she rolled over onto her back, staring up at the sky as she tucked her tail between her legs. She grasped it with an irritated hand and started to comb her claws through her fur.

"Ssssstupid hyoo-mun mating seasssons."

Her eyes drifted closed with the strange, but familiar exhaustion that accompanies lonliness, her mind starting to wander as it always did. A million images started to phase in and out, as though she were sleepily watching a movie reel, flickering old images of her memories into her thoughts.

A tree. A garbage can. A toddler drawing on his bedroom walls in marker. A young man smiling down at her through silver glasses. Morgant giving her a bucket of ice cream. The young couple below her embracing. Herself perched on the railing of the tram in King's Row, her eyes lit with brilliance as she watched fireworks blaze in the sky.

Cypherr rolled over onto her side, opening her weary eyes and lifting a hand to dig into her disheveled hair. After a moment she pulled out a worn green crayon, and stared at it with a fond longing before touching it to the rooftop and drawing a large, misshapen heart on the stone. She stared down at it, as though pondering.

She took the crayon and scribbled down the middle of it, leaving the heart halved with a jagged, fault-like line.

So THAT'S the reason.


"I swear to [censored], I HATE this [censored] holiday!"

Overdell lounged back on the leather couch, rubbing his temples slowly.

Clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise...

"I [censored] mean it! I mean, it's commercialized to freaking [censored]...and it's like people don't KNOW the history. They just buy this heart and candles and chocolate and [censored]. No one freaking even KNOWS the original meaning of this holiday. They don't KNOW the bloodshed. They don't give a damn and I swear I-"

"MY GOD, JACKSON, WE [censored] KNOW!" Overdell yelled, sitting up and tossing his sunglasses irritatedly onto the coffee table next to him. "You say the same [censored] every year! WE GET IT."

"Hey, hey. No need to get moody there my friend." His friend Jackson leaned over the couch, his eyes twinkling mischeivously from behind the red tint of his goggles. "If I don't keep sayin' it, no one will. And then no one will EVER know. Generations will pass uninformed, and it'll all be lost to time. So I'm making sure it won't. I'M THE SAVIOR OF KNOWLEDGE!" He beat his chest with a triumphant fist, his proud stature poised for only a moment before he was socked agonizingly in the gut, courtesy of Overdell.

"Nice shot, D." A young, red-haired woman entered the room, slapping Jackson on the back and peering over at the notebook he was grasping, albeit a bit painfully as he coughed from the blow.

Dell leaned forward, crossing his arms over his knees with a satisfied smirk.

"Care to shut up about this Valentine's [censored] and tell me what you think of the writing, now?" he said, gesturing to the notebook.

Jackson had caught his breath, and was clutching his stomach a little painfully, but managed to squint down at the page that was open, his eyes scanning the handwriting as the woman hovered behind him.

"Yeah. S'good [censored], man. Really good. Intense. Deep. But I'm getting this weird vibe."


"Yeah. You keep mentioning this... cold or whatever and [censored]. In the undertones. And I can't figure out what the [censored] it means. And-IVY STOP LEANING OVER MY SHOULDER."

The red-haired woman behind him smirked, then shrugged and stood next to him, peering down at the page and tapping her cheek thoughtfully before speaking.

"It's very beautifully written. The timing's good, the tone, perfectly fitting. But I gotta agree with Jax, I don't really understand the point it's getting at," she said, resting her chin in her palms.

Overdell sighed, relaxing back and crossing his legs, tilting his head rather wearily onto the armrest.

"...yeah. Sometimes I don't understand it either."

They were all silent for a moment, and Dell pressed his fingertips to his temples, resuming his massaging once more.

Clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise...

"I GOT IT! OOH! OH [censored] I KNEW IT! You LIKE someone, don't you!?"

The abrasive sound of Jackson's voice split through Overdell's mind, rudely disturbing his moment of peace.

"What? I...No. ...I don't. Why the sudden-"

"YOU [censored] LIAR! I know you. I KNOW you! Who is it? Is she hot? Have you guys had se-OW!"

Jackson was silenced again, this time from Ivy's fist, which she had implanted rather firmly into his ribcage.

"Shut UP, man," she hissed. "He said no."

"Oh, C'MON..." Jackson whined, rubbing his side with an innocent pout."It's SO obvious now, just look at how he..."

A distinct look of irritation formed on Dell's face, and he looked about to say something before a rather bewildering shout from outside interrupted him.


Jackson abruptly turned around, dropping the notebook into Overdell's lap and yelling a reply.

"See WHAT?"

"Dude! we're pushing Valo off the quarterpipe!"


" a KAYAK!"

"OH SNAP I MUST SEE THIS!" Jackson ran off immediately and out the back door, leaving Overdell and Ivy in an an almost awkward silence. Dell pressed a palm to his face, as though in a mixture of relief and yet frustration at the same time.

After a few good moments of quiet, he broke the tension with an uncharacteristically melancholy tone.

"Have you ever...tried to do something but no matter what, you always, ALWAYS came off as an insensitive [censored]? Like every single time? were incapable of saying anything the way you wanted it to come out?"

Ivy stared down at him, her eyes flickering in thought. After a second a smile spread to her lips, and she reached over, ruffling his hair playfully.

"Hey. I know you, D. Sometimes things suck and you screw up, yeah. We all have our bad luck streaks. But I know you. You'll find a way. You always do. Just look at that for proof," she said, gesturing to the words written into his notebook. "You try your best, s'all I can say. Whatever happens, happens. Just...remember to try and think before you say things."

She turned away, taking a half-step towards the door before stopping and turning back to him.

"Think about it. Do what you gotta do."

With that, she made her way out the back door. Dell laid back in silence, his eyes boring into his cellphone resting on the coffee table. He reached over, grasping it with an almost nervous urgency and flipping it open with the flick of a thumb. He dialed a number quickly, then pressed the phone to his ear.


"What up, Rich?"

"Aw [censored]! Dell, I wasn't expecting you to call so soon, the prints aren't ready ye-"

"That's not why I'm calling, don't worry," he chuckled.

"It's not? What's up, then?"

Overdell reached into his pocket, pulling out a photograph. A thin smile crossed his lips as he gazed at it, holding it up to the light.

"You remember that winter line shoot you were thinking of cancelling?"

"...oh, great. Remind me of that [censored] festival. What about it?"

"Don't worry, dude, I'm here to save the day once again," he smirked.


"I've got the PERFECT model for you..."


The chilled wind threaded through Tragic Error's ivory hair, blowing it softly away from her face. A thin sliver of moonlight pierced the alleyway, but she was hidden completely in shadow, doing what she did best. Watching.

She leaned against the cold brick wall, observing their forms. The way they writhed slowly against each other, like serpents being tamed. The way they groaned softly into one another's flesh. The way they held onto each other like the very air they breathed came from the other, and they were desperate for it. Straining to breathe.

Her lip twitched.

Tragic watched the couple kiss, buried in each other's arms, completely unaware of her presence. Completely vulnerable. Completely alone. Completely lost.

Her lips downturned into a faint, barely noticeable frown. A small crackle of electricity sparked across her skin, making her whole form bristle. In a slow, fluid movement she had unstrapped her axe, her fingers curling around the handle as the soft silver metal glinted in the moonlight.


In a split second, the axe embedded itself into the wall behind the couple, a hair's length from splitting the woman's skull. She shrieked. Her ponytail was sliced clean off her head, and now lying in a pool of filth near the gutter. But she had no time to notice. No time to react. The couple bolted down the street, choking on the air they couldn't force into their lungs. High on fear and adrenaline and terror of a menace that wasn't even there.

Tragic stepped out from the shadows. The gentle tap of her heels echoed in the silence of night as they touched the pavement, and she made her way to the wall, extending her hand to grasp the axe. The moment her fingertips grazed the smooth metal, she paused. The image of the couple embracing in that very spot flashed in her mind. They were so desperate. So weak. So foolish. love.

She sighed.

Her eyes flickered a moment, then quickly returned to her usual stone cold gaze. She wrenched the axe out of the wall and hefted it over her shoulder, turning around and disappearing once again into the dark.


Namilaris stood behind the bar, staring out at the crowd. She pulled a glass out of the sink, starting to dry it with a soft white towel. Her eyes briefly lingered on the people seated at the tables before resuming her work.

Big crowd tonight.

Indeed, certain holidays always brought in more customers than most, and this was one of them. She glanced at the heart decorations and various Valentine's-day decor, which hung from the walls and other places around the room, making the atmosphere slightly more festive than usual. It took her a few hours to get it all in order, but atleast it was done. She hoped it looked nice, atleast, for all her hard work.

She bent over the sink, reaching to grasp another glass, when a sudden stinging pain struck her chest.

"[censored] OW!"

She looked downward, and found her holiday pin had unclasped, lodging the sharp tip into her breast. She frowned, reaching down and pulling it out, wincing slightly as she did so.

"Bloody pin."

Nami stared at it a moment, then decided to set it down behind the bar, lest it decide to stick her again. It was heart-shaped, and the glow it gave off from her body heat started to fade away slowly into black.

She sighed, leaning against the counter and resting her forehead against the cool dampness of the towel. It was comforting in a sense. Her eyes were a bit weary, and she welcomed a pause to close her eyes and collect her thoughts.

She saw George's smiling face in her mind.

"Thank you so much for offering to work today. I swear, NO ONE wanted to take the shift on the holiday. Romantic planning run amok lately with the girls."

He laughed, then paused, looking thoughtful.

"Oh! Yes."

He dug into his pocket, producing a small, heartshaped pin.

"Everyone on staff is going to be wearing these. Cute, yes? I thought they'd make you guys a little more festive, atleast. Gotta keep with the theme. The customers will like it."

Yeah, they liked it. They liked using it as an excuse when they got caught staring at her [censored] when she bent over to grab glasses.

Namilaris laughed slightly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She tilted her head up, looking once more out at the crowd. They were laughing too. Laughing. Smiling. High-fiving, dancing, drinking. And most popularly tonight, passing out on the floor.

This'll be fun to clean up after.

She watched the straining faces of a hundred different people. Each coping with the bitterness, lonliness, and heartbreak of a stupid holiday. People who didn't know why they cared. People who tried their best not to let pink and flowers and fluffy love songs of a commercialized hell prod at their emotions.

But they succumbed to the lonliness, as did everyone. And this was their way of coping.

Nami poured herself a shot of tequila, raising the glass in a toast to herself. The only one who had nothing to do but scrub shotglasses on the most romantic holiday of the year.

"Happy [censored] Valentine's Day."

((Aaaand that's the short (or not) story of a few of my chars on the holiday. =P Hooray.))



Cobalt Black stood at the train station, listening to his communicator blare out the trouble still occuring at the location he just said was clear.

"Sonova..." he grumbled, "Someone made a liar outta me..."

"[censored] it" Kip's voice came clearly for a second, then was lost as he seemed to quiet down.

Cobalt was certain he heard a loud boom moments before that, then a horrendous explosion. Then static tore through the speaker and he winced.

"Ugh..." C.B. gazed longingly at the train and the promise of a warm welcome at his destination, then turned back and started heading for his compatriot.

"Coulda' been anything that caused that static... especially since I can hear stuff going on again... But if I don't at least make sure Kip's alright, Randy and Zeke both will take turns taking rounds outta me."

He kicked on his kinetic-pneumatic leap boosters and prepared for a hop into the wild blue yonder...

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((WAAAAH, I WANNA PLAY WITH GREY. *throws tantrum*

And I asked Emry what he would do if people were beating up metahumans outside the SPC base. The conversation went like this:

Me: Looks like Balsk is calling you out to deal with the Malta.
Em: What're they doing?
Me: Trying to kill a bunch of heroes outside the tabloid building.
Em: Is he within line of sight?
Me: Who, the Malta?
Em: No, Balsk.
Me: <_<;;;;

Apparently he's not concerned. <_< ))

Finally, Rosie emerged in Pocket D. She'd hit the wrong teleporter, but that's where Kathode said she'd be heading anyhow, so she figured she'd meet up with her later.

Imagine her surprise when the club was filled with -...hallucinogenic gas?

"Awh, hell, did Emo Kid explode in here or something?" she grumbled, putting her hands on her hips. As a spirit creature, she was naturally immune to such things - but her sharp eyes caught Ozell wandering towards the railing looking lost.

"Oh, [censored] no. OZZY!" she yelled, sprinting towards the balcony and making a strong leap up to the second level, knocking the boy down on his back and crouching over him.

"Heights are bad." she said, grinning down at him.


"Sir Marcus!" Essex cried, running to the Family boss and throwing her little arms around him affectionately. "I don't get to see you as much any more! How are you doing? How are operations? You haven't gotten into any large altercations recently, have you?"

Pulling a box out of her tactical belt, she offered it to him.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" she chirped, opening the box to reveal a row of cigars. "I'd get you real ones, but...ah...they won't let me buy them. They're made of chocolate. But I got into Dr. West's cabinet and made the filling with some of his tequila. Don't tell him." the little android said with a sheepish smile.

Bringing out another, larger box, she set it on the desk.

"These are for your men..." she said. "I know most of them probably have girlfriends, but I...well...I didn't want anyone to be left out."

Essex wiped her forehead with a little smile. "I spent all day yesterday making chocolates! I have a lot more friends than I did last year."


Locria hesitated a second, before entering Walter's room.

"Apologies rendered for disturbing Master." she said with a slight tip of her head forward, her deep, magenta-colored hair shifting down and forward in turn.

"This unit...requests permission to present a Valentine's gift."

With that, she carefully pulled out -- a CD case, sliding it forward. Inside was a burned CD, a hand-drawn cover on it decorated with skulls, roses, guns, and guitars, but in a strangely organized and technological design.

Locria remained silent, her head tipped a little, allowing Walter to have his time to examine it. It seemed to be a mix CD, painstakingly put together for the best musical flow. The tracks were labeled on the case - but appended by designations. Master's Theme, Lyden's Theme, Aolen's Theme, Phrygen's Theme, Locria's Theme, and so on.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Poe grinned at Rulaag, holding his second hallucinogenic cocktail.

"Now for the fun part. If the good DJ were to find himself incapacitated, I wonder if the power dampeners would shut off? Then we would have one HELL of a party!"

The DJ himself had just flown into the hero side bar to see what the hell was going on.

"FORE!" Poe yelled, and hurled the bottle at the DJ.



"BIG BAD WOLF!" a shout came from the shattered remains of the table/crusted pudding, and splintered pieces of wood went flying in Rosie's general direction. "You shall not get Little Red! My three bunny-turtle allies here won't allow it!"

He gestured toward three bottles on the bar.


He then launched forward, attempting to tackle the supernatural Big Bad Wolf.

As well as the ghost of Valentines Past that was seemingly floating at the banister.



OOC: Poor Grey, sucked into one of Soviet's mad mad little Malta worlds along with the rest of us. TO THE HERO MOBILE!

BIC: Suddenly a transparent bubble incased Experiment and froze the diving hero in midair, though he did bump his head on the immovable inside wall of the shield.

"I always knew capes were a little wrong in the head, but this is getting ridiculous," remarked Toy Dispenser as he stepped up off of the ramp and onto the second floor. "Now I'd like the person who spread around the happy juice to tone it down or I'm going to do a freebie for tonight."

Who the mastermind would be working for was quickly answered when Toy blew the flying bottle out of the air with a bolt of lightning.

"Hi Rosie, Ozell," he added as an afterthought.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Poe's grin didn't falter.

"Oh dear me. It looks like I'll have to burn you all to cinders for my little party to happen."

The DJ was busy being mobbed by the now-dellusional and drunk partygoers. A few swear words later, there was a tinkling noise...

And DJ Zero fell to the ground unconcious, shards of glass in his hair.

"Well would you look at that. You know what this means?"

Poe snapped his fingers. A ball of flame appeared in his hand.

"The power dampeners are off." With a flash, a a landmine appeared in his left hand.

"I'm going to give this place a Valentines Day they've never had before. Who's first?"



Rosalind rolled her eyes as she got off of Ozell and nodded to Toy. "Thanks, TD." she said. "Now hold on a sec. I gotta take care of this."

"I wouldn't be so hasty." she called out to Poe. "DJ Zero is a lot stronger than you're giving him credit for. You think a multidimensional spin doctor is going to go down with a head blow?"

She began to stalk towards the offender with a lazy grin.

"And what the hell kind of poorly-run security system would go down if -one person- drops? The Pocket D power dampeners are designed specifically to keep you crazy supervillains and supervillain towel monkeys from exactly this kind of 'fun.'"

The were-human's right hand extended to the side, and her claws shot out with an audible sshnk! noise.

"And quite honestly, this Valentine's Day has been a pile of [censored] in a shredder, and I was looking forward to relaxing and having a good time at the D where I don't have to worry about any [censored] from [censored]' jackasses like you. And now, you're playing these games with me."

She eyed Poe, the vermilion pupils of her eyes glistening.

"...So are you gonna keep playing these [censored] games with me, or are we going to have a Valentine's day this year where everyone keeps their limbs?"


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



"I'm always up to a little pre-party dismemberment," Toy said as he snapped his fingers.

Six flashes briefly lit up the room as Toy's bots teleported in behind Rosie, their weapons up and aimed at Poe.

"Scream in pain if you need any help, Rosie," he said as he assembled his pulse rifle and activated a force bubble, pushing everyone except Rosie, Poe, and DJ Zero away.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Poe's grinned widened.

"You are perfectly correct. DJ Zero was not the only thing keeping the power dampeners running. However, the backup system has conveniently shut down, and the speaker systems and their power dampening sonic vibrations, as you have nocited by now, have switched to a differant song. Until the good DJ wakes up, this is just another free for all zone."

He started to hover slightly above the ground. It was strange, last time anyone had seen Poe, he hadn't had fire powers or the ability to fly. The answer was the Gigas Crystal from the whole zombie apocalypse deal. It had had some interesting mutational side affects. ((Fire/Traps Corr))

"BURN!" Poe screamed. The landmine was thrown at DJ Zero's unconcious form. Poe was trying to eliminate him before he woke up to restore order. The ball of flame Poe had been holding was also suddenly launched at Rosie, and homed in on her...



Rosalind pivoted to the side, with one nimble move throwing DJ Zero free of the land mine's path.

"Toy!" she called warningly as the man slid towards the android. "Make sure my man Zero here gets out of this bubble, it's gonna get hot up in this [censored]."

As Zero phased out of the bubble, Rosie tensed as the landmine clattered to the floor in front of her, and the fireball Poe had flung connected.

A massive explosion made the sides of the force bubble shake, filling it with smoke and fire.

When the smoke began to clear, Rosie stood there, a little singed and rather bleeding, but not looking impressed, her arms crossed.

"Efreet." she muttered. "Fire elementals. Greater demons. This is what I -do- for a living, you stupid [censored]. Now then."

Pausing briefly to allow her claws to gather light, she leapt forward, her eyes hard. The first claw slashed hard at Poe's chest, and the second plunged forward to pierce deeply into his stomach, Rosie's ears aggressively back against her head.

"Just pissing me off more for making me work on my day off!" she snarled.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Rosie's claws tore into Poe's vest, and dug into his flesh. He flinched, and his levitated form shot backwards on reaction.

"My vest!" He hissed as his own blood began to stain the white leather. "You [censored]! DIE!"

Poe's hand was suddenly filled with several gleaming silvery objects. He launched them forward...

They were caltrops!

Caltrops rained down atop Rosie.

With his other hand, Poe pulled a little silver eight-ball sized sphere out of one of his pockets, and he was furiously hitting a control panel on the sphere, hoping he could activate whatever it was before Rosie could get free of the caltrops. Normally he could have had the thing up and running already, but his own blood had managed to get onto his hands, making them sticky and gooey.



Combat Toy grabbed DJ Zero by the cuff of his shirt and dragged him over next to Toy, who had shrunk the area of effect of his force bubble and marked Poe as a hostile combatant.

The other five robots nervously stayed within the radius of the shield, wondering how this was going to turn out.

"Always on the holidays, eh?" Toy said to the unconscious DJ.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"That ain't how you use caltrops, you stupid [censored]." Rosie jeered. "And by the way, you ever hear of autohypnosis?"

Seemingly unhampered by the little spikey triangle blades raining down on her, she leapt up again, trying to grab and fasten herself onto Poe with her claws where he hovered.

"So you're having a bad Valentine's Day and wanna take it out on everyone!?" she smirked, wrestling with him to try and pull the ball out of his hands. "Better take a seat somewhere. Hey Bartender! Pity party, table of one!"


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Poe ignited his left hand and tried to smash Rosie on the head with a flaming hand.

"A bad Valentines Day? HA! It isn't bad YET! Just watch me!"

Then he managed to hit the last button the the silver sphere right before Rosie managed to yank it away.

*Beep beep dip*

The little sphere suddenly grew a antennae tip, and several red lights rose up and started blipping. Then a dome of force expanded from it...

Poe had activated a force field generator. The little sphere slipped out of Rosie's hands as its own force bubble enveloped it.

Poe dropped to the ground next to the FFG, a force bubble popped into existance around him, and he started fiddling with a little glass ball with green goop in it...



Rosalind growled.

"Just because you're too much of a pansy to take V-Day like a MAN, you gotta take it out on the D, which, I will remind you..."

Rosalind snarled violently, her eyes beginning to glow subtly.


With that, she was on him again, attempting to get him in a headlock and force him to the ground on his face like an angry cop.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Rosie failed to get Poe in the headlock she desired due to the force bubble surrounding him, but the sheer force of her attack knocked him to the ground anyway.


The glass bauble Poe had been fiddling with suddenly started to spray out its contents. It was a Gas Trap. The stuff swirled upwards, and started to fill up Toy Dispenser's bubble. It was a very potent poison, and Poe had even used it to make Statesman barf uncontrolably for a full minute once. True, Poe had run the hell away from Statesman, but that wasn't the point. Rosie would soon be in trouble if she couldn't find a way to get rid of the gas.

Poe spat a goblet of blood from his mouth. "Let's turn up the heat..."

He raised a hand, and shot a single flare towards the top of Toy Dispenser's bubble...



"Creative, but not very effective," Toy said as he held the main bubble up with one generator and focused the second one on forming an airtight shield around the flare. Within half a minute the air inside the shield would run out and the flare would be extinguished.

"Now why don't you stick to your main problem," Toy suggested, indicating Rosie.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Curtis merely teleported backwards to avoid the kick. "Move faster, ya git." The Gunslinger drawled, loading up a narcotic dart and firing it at Kip.


Reikoff saw Balsk before he could ever fire the lightning. Diving from his rock, the commander was now sliding down a glass wall above a concrete street.

Curtis looked up right as he fired, and teleported Reikoff - Right next to Balsk. Out of nowhere, Reikoff produced the SPAS-15, and fired a blast of buckshot at the draconian.


Rulaag looked to poe.

"Idiot..." He muttered, holding his hands fanned out slightly.

The entire D shook with wind as all of the hallucinogenic gas was sucked directly to Rulaag. The Alien opened an ampoule, which promptly swallowed it up, pressurizing it to extreme levels and allowing it all to fit.



"I hate getting shot." Allen growled as he picked himself off the ground again, "Freakin' hurts."

He dipped two fingers into the bloody wound on his chest and immeditely gritted his teeth in pain. Yeah, that'd leave a mark.

Picking up his rifle again, he had to admit he was impressed at the sniper riding the black of concrete down the building like a bat outta hell.

It would be very interesting to see if he could dodge Balsk's attack like that, though...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




The coarse *KSSH* repeated over and over again, as Experiment stood up in the force field. He had been running around in circles, calling it a 'round, invincible gingerbread house.' However, a discarded syringe, previously filled with a light purple liquid sat in the field, and Experiment had a Ventilator on his mouth.

"Well then, *KSSH* that was *KSSH* interesting. *KSSH* Also, dog-girl? *KSSH* Calling something a *KSSH* non-violence sector and *KSSH* attacked is *KSSH* kinda *KSSH* Hypocritical... *KSSH*."

With that, he hit a few buttons on his wrist, and a battle suit encased him. He then ejected spines from his wrists, and before jumping forward as usual, he sighed. "Hey, colourful robot dude, mind letting me out? I feel pretty sane now... Or, if you wish, as sane as I was this morning."