Badge Forums FAQ - draft version 1.
Wow, got the whole thing in 1 post. Anyways, if anyone has some information I missed (Global badge channels, etc.), let me know.
Yes, there is a bit of my "normal posting voice" and a bit of my opinions in there, but it has what I've collected since Issue 7.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Global channel for Protector for badge monsters & missions: Protector Watch. (without the .)
Might add in something admonishing people not to start up more discussion threads about the epics/methods of getting them/etc. There has been way too many of those things and it all dissolves into rehashed garbage that we've been over ad nauseum for the last year. Nothing new will be added to the discussion/argument.
Well, as of monday, most of them are going bye-bye. Though I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.
And I already had Protector Watch listed, but I do know that there are at least 2 other Liberty badge channels, even if I do not know their names.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
And I already had Protector Watch listed, but I do know that there are at least 2 other Liberty badge channels, even if I do not know their names.
[/ QUOTE ]
United Badgers is another Liberty badge channel. The only other one I can think of that wasn't a joke is the old Liberty Badgers channel. I have no idea if people still use that one or not, though...
Very nice, Snow... I tend to be a bit if an information/data hound, and I like this.
One comment - You list Frozen Fury as a separate note form the Winter Lords. I thought you got the Frozen Fury by defeating the Winter Lord?
Good work!
Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM
Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper
Thanks for the formatting break. Minor MS Word search & replace glitch, and easy to fix. Thanks for spotting it.
Rianeva, thanks for the United Badgers channel info, I've added it to the list.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
United Badgers is another Liberty badge channel. The only other one I can think of that wasn't a joke is the old Liberty Badgers channel. I have no idea if people still use that one or not, though...
[/ QUOTE ]
*shrug* If the largest global channel in the game is a joke, at least everyone is laughing.
if Liberty Badgers isn't dead (and last I knew it was in pretty sad shape) it's probably safest not to direct new people there anyways. Let it waste away as a reminder of what's wrong with global chat.
And I already had Protector Watch listed
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, my fault for not reading closely enough. Saw Protector at the bottom bit and didn't see anything next to it.
Well, this is a 1st draft, and I've already had some suggestions on how to better organize the list (and a few other suggested questions ). I'll be working on it more in the morning (I want my play time

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
*shrug* If the largest global channel in the game is a joke, at least everyone is laughing.
[/ QUOTE ]
LB was already listed in the FAQ. It was not what I was referring to as a joke, by the way.
There is actually a second chance to get Jailbird. FYI. It's in Operative Wellman's Break prisoners out of the Zig mission. ^_^
For Victory, there are 2 channels for badges primarily: Victory Monsters and Victory Badges.
First is generally inane chatter free. The latter is, well, an option at least.
I've already forgotten about most of you

There is actually a second chance to get Jailbird. FYI. It's in Operative Wellman's Break prisoners out of the Zig mission. ^_^
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, wrong answer.
This has been proven time and again to be false. The map might look similar, but where the badge should be is blocked off, and there is no badge marker in there even if there was a way to get to that spot.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Great! Just what this board needs! Now we've got the water, I wonder how we can get the horse to drink?
Just a few minor things: <ul type="square">[*] The line "is for spending time in the Shadow Shards, the zones not missions in CoV." is missing the badge title.[*] A note on the Tellus Legacy of Earth Gladiator might be useful. (A note to PM me the details of the Gladiator so I can add it to my guide would be nice too ).[*] The line "Disrupter (and Longbow Warden 2) was awarded for the enemy faction damage debuff mission from CoV launch to around Valentines 2006. This was Changed to . Those who had the badge kept it." is missing something.[*] Capitalization in the Family badge section is wacky. I only point it out because it's spot on everywhere else.[*] Accolade powers seem to be pegged to when you get them rather than just lost when exemping. Hence you sometimes see a rush to get some of the CoV accolades before L31 so that they can be used in Siren's Call PvP.[*] Might be worthwhile mentioning that it's handy to bind /loc to a key. I guess it's possible the guide might be read by someone who hasn't discovered /bind yet.[*] It's probably also worth mentioning that some mobs only come out at night in certain zones. This can be a source of frustration for a newer player trying to get BP Masks for instance. (That was my first exposure to it anyway, way back when).[/list]
I finally got off my butt and posted my Gladiator Guide to the Guides section. It's still incomplete, but at least it won't get deleted now.
That might be useful to put in the section on Gladiators as well.
The (not very) Complete Guide to Gladiators version 0.3 [I8]
That's odd. That's the mission I got the badge on with my stalker, since I didn't know that the one in the training mish existed when I made her...
for champion badge channels the 2 that you have listed have been merged into one channel. Champion BMT
its used for badges, monsters and taskforces
This needs to be stickied!!! It might cut down on our "bloating"...
(Author's note: This is still not done, but when it is I will submit to Lighthouse to get it stickied.)
Table of contents
-General Badge Questions
-Explore Badges
-History Badges
-Accomplishment Badges
-Achievement Badges
-Veteran Rewards
-Super Group Badges
-Limited or Unobtainable Badges
-Other Information
General Badge Questions
What are badges and what do they do?
Badges are a side quest in CoX. You can use them as a title under your character's name. Special types of badges include:
<ul type="square">[*]Accolades, which grant powers, costume parts, or special event gladiators.[*]Veteran Rewards were recently added and with them come various rewards.[*]Gladiators can be used in the Arena for pet/tactical fights.[*]Super group badges are earned while in super group mode(sgmode), and give bases access to more things to build in them. These are not selectable as badge titles. You can see them by openning up the badge window, and pressing the "super group badges" button at the bottom.[/list]How do I use a badge title?
To set your badge title, you open the badges window, which is located below the navigation bar, and find the badge you want and click on it. This doesn't work for gladiators, but you can use the following guide to use the /settitle command to set them.
For more information, see Setting your Badge Title - /Settitle for Villains (this works for Heroes too ).
Do click badges count for teams?
No. Badges that you have to click the object (presents, bombs, heavy control panels, etc) only the person doing the clicking the object will get the badge credit. The only exceptions are the pillbox badges in RV.
How much is a "Tick" on a badge meter?
1/100th of the total needed. Of course, when the total is 1,000,000,000 you only get a tick with 10,000,000 credits.
Why are the badges out of order?
There is an order, but it is based on when the badge was added by issue, rather than alphabetically. No, we don't know why there isn't an option to sort them by name.
Explore Badges
Multidimensional, who gives this mission?
Both Tina Macintyre (twice), and Unai Kemen give the mission for the Multidimensional. Note: In CoV the exact same mission appears from Technician Naylor, but as the badge was retroactively removed from villains that got it and it was flagged hero-only (No, no explanation was given).
How do I use the /loc command?
The loc command gives coordinates in a x (West-East), z (Vertical), y (North/South) fashion. Take multiple readings to go to locations from badge sites, as you cannot use the /loc command to set a waypoint.
How do I do multiple /loc commands?
To set the /loc command to a key (replace <key> with the key you want to use, and without the quotes) "/bind <key> loc". You can also go to the options->key mapping. If you scroll down to near the bottom, you will be able to change the key or set it there as well.
History Badges
What are history badges?
History badges are ways to pass along some back-story to players via history plaques. You gain the badges by touching a certain group of plaques, usually in many different zones.
How do you select a plaque?
Get up close, move the cursor to the plaque location, and click on it.
Do I have to touch the plaques in a certain order?
No, they can be selected in any order to get the history badge.
Accomplishment Badges
What are accomplishment badges?
Accomplishment badges tend to be for doing specific missions or doing task forces.
What are the exceptions to the above statement?
The exceptions are the Recluse's Victory badges for defeating Signature Villains, defeating pillboxes, and controlling heavies.
If I miss a badge mission can I get it again?
In all but one case, yes. All you have to do is find a character in the level range and team through the mission. The exception is the Efficiency Expert Badge.
Does it matter how long I am in a mission for a Strike Force/Task Force or other Accomplishment badge?
Yes, you have to be in the mission for the majority of the time to get the badge. For Strike and Task Forces, it means time spent in the last mission.
Does it matter if I am too high or too low a level for hunt or mission badges?
Level doesn't matter except for level restricted areas/mission, where you have to be at least a certain level to get. As far as hunts you can at level 1 get hunts requiring level 50 mobs (or the other way around) if you or someone you team with can defeat them while in the same zone.
What do I do if I fail a badge mission?
See this guide I made :What to do if you fail a buggy badge mission.
Achievement Badges
What are achievement badges?
Achievement badges require you to actively do something specific to earn them. Usually this means hunting a specific type of enemy, healing, taking damage, or reaching a certain level.
How long do I need to be in a zone for the zone time badges?
<ul type="square">[*]Irradiated (Both) badge will award for 5 hours in Bloody Bay.
Siren's Song(CoH) or Raider(CoV) badge will award for 5 hours in Siren's Call. Time dead on the ground counts to the time earned, but you still can be someone's bounty target.[*]Web Master (both) badge will award for 5 hours in Warburg[*]Time Traveller (both) badge will award for 5 hours in Recluse's Victory.[*]The Trolls Task Force Reserve Member badge will award for 1 hour spent in the Hollows. This badge in not available in CoV.[*]Firebase Zulu Security Detail badge is for spending under 10 minutes in the Shadow Shards, the zones not missions in CoV. This badge in not available in CoV.[/list]Does this time reset or count while you are in missions in those zones?
The time does not add while you are in a mission in one of these zones. In the early months of Issue 6 the time would reset if you left the zone. Now your time will not reset when you zone to missions or to another zone.
What Heroes count to the Hero Slayer badge?
Heroes with the faction of <Paragon Hero>, <Freedom Phalanx>, <Vindicator>, or <WISDOM> all count to the Hero Slayer, other factions like <Longbow> do not count to the badge.
Do they have to be Hero rank to get credit for the badge?
No. They can be Lt. (for solo mayhems), Boss, Elite Boss, or Hero rank.
Do bosses of a group count more than Lt. or minion ranks?
No a defeat is a defeat each is worth 1. If you don't want to believe me, Positron speaks on the matter:
There is no such thing as a Tiered system for badge defeats. A defeat is a defeat, no matter if its a minion or an archvillain.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do arch-villains (that have a badge linked to them) that due to difficulty or team size get turned into elite bosses count to the badge?
Yes. If you don't want to believe me, Positron speaks on the matter:
Will Elite Boss versions of AVs count towards earning badges like their full-fledged AV versions do?
[/ QUOTE ]Yes (there is no way to do this any differently).
[/ QUOTE ]
What is the difference between the Gangbuster and Untouchable badges?
<ul type="square">[*]Hunt Family bosses (Consigliere and Underbosses without Marcone in the name or description) in Sharkhead and Nerva for the Untouchable badge. [*]Hunt Marcone Family bosses (Marcone Consiglieres (St. Martial) and Marcone Capos (Port Oakes)) for the Gangbuster badge. This badge is not available at the time of this writing to heroes.[*]To make things difficult, family bosses (Consiglieres and Underbosses) with Marcone name in their descriptions seem to count to the Ganbuster badge, not the Untouchable. These are found in Sharkhead and Nerva, mixed in with the first group above.[*]Mooks have their own faction, and have no badge to go with them.[/list]Why are there two types of Consiglieres and Underbosses?
Speculation form the players seems to be along the lines that there were a few new behaviours for these family. The person that duplicated the old ones forgot or did not know to set the counter to Untouchable. This leads to the further speculation that the Untouchable family bosses were misplaced into CoV, and should have been just the new types to count to the Gangbuster badge.
Is there a level restriction on Dimensional Warder?
No, no level restriction. Tina Macintyre is level 40-45, Maria Jenkins is 45-50, but you can sidekick up with friends and others to get in on the arch-villains pummelling. Tina also has the multi-dimensional badge mission twice.
I can't get the "A Hero's Hero Arc"?
You have other contacts with open arcs. With Issue 8 there has been an addition to the contact list: the book icons. Open your contact list, and look for the yellow/golden books. Do missions from one of those contacts until the story arc completes. Yes, the villains in those missions will most likely be much lower than you are. When you finish an arc, call Maria. You should get missions from her again.
How do I find Anti-Matter for the Dimensional Warder badge?
Anti-Matter is in several missions from Tina Macintyre, including her story arc. Note: Make sure it isn't the Anti-matter that teleports away, because that one doesn't count (Self-defeats).
I've defeated all the Hero's in Maria's arc including Tyrant, why do I not have the Dimensional Warder badge?
<ul type="square">[*]Tyrant isn't needed.[*]Anti-Matter from Tina Macintyre's arc is needed, but he does not show up in any of Maria's missions. [*]There are some reports that with Marauder and Bobcat when they activate their god mode power that they do not count for that duration.[*]Make sure you've defeated Black Swan. You do not have to fight her to complete the mission she is in.[/list]What arch villains do I need to defeat for the Dimensional Warder badge?
See this site: City Info Terminal's Dimensional Warder badge details
Do I need to defeat the arch villains in order to get the Dimensional Warder?
No, any order will do, though Anti-Matter is in the 40-45 missions.
Do you have to complete the Preatorian missions, or just defeat the Preatorians themselves?
No, you have to defeat the arch villains, not the mission to get credit.
Is there a way to track your progress on the Dimensional Warder?
Very soon (if not already come to pass) the Dimensional Warder will have a progress bar. Of course, it will not tell you which ones, so a pen and paper might be useful still .
Ghost Trapping in CoV, how do I do it?
See this article from Paragonwiki
How are Influence/Infamy (collectively INF) badges tracked?
You will get credit to the badges for all INF earned. Selling or being traded INF will not help your progress towards these badges.
How can someone have the Disruptor (and Longbow Warden 2) even though they lack the Forward Observer badge for 100 Reputation?
The pvp badge requirements were in a state of flux between CoV launch to around Valentines 2006.
They were given at the time for the same type of missions as the current ones:
<ul type="square">[*]Patrol - Forward Observer (then) vs Risk Taker / Most Wanted (now).[*]Your side damage buff - Reinforcement (then) vs Agent Provocateur (now).[*]Opponents damage debuff - Disruptor (then) vs Vigilante / Wanted (now).[/list]The badges were not retroactively changed for those that had them.
How does Reputation work in terms of getting the PVP badges?
You gain Reputation Points (Rep) for defeating player foes in PVP Zones. If you are on a team, the Rep will be divided amongst the team. If the foe defeated has a much higher Rep, you will get bonus Rep. If you or a team member defeat the same foe in a small amount of time, you will not get any Rep. If you have achieved the requirements for the badge, you do not lose it by having your reputation erode naturally. Rep erodes at 0.1 Rep an hour up to a maximum of 2 Rep points a day.
Can you get the Epic Heal or Damage badges through normal play?
Not a chance. The ONLY way to achieve Medicine Man/Woman, Empath, and (for most ATs) the top 3-4 Damage badges, you have to use missions, the arenas, or being in a task/strike force to prevent the autolog "feature" from coming into play. You have to then leave your computer on, and logged into the game for months on end to "achieve" the top Epic Badges. To get Empath by normal means would take around 27-28 years (at 100,000 hp healed a day 365 days a year).
Why are the Epic badges so high?
It was a design decision. This is a very bad one decision, in my opinion.
We the player community have time and again demonstrated the mathematical problems with earning these badges, but nothing is being done about them. Only a "Well, people have earned it, so it must be achievable" response was ever given. Both sides of the AFK/Farming debates on the Epic Badges generally agree the requirements are out to lunch.
Are the regulars here tired of the endless debate on the merits of the Epic badges?
Both sides also agree that we've had enough discussion on them, and to bring it up again is only going to cause another flame war. This includes announcing that someone has "achieved" them. A lot of people in this section will see these as trolling at this point.
How much damage do I have to do to a Giant Monster for a badge?
Your team has to do at least 10% of the damage delivered to get the badge. This number includes the GM's regeneration. So if Eochai and Jack in Irons beat on each other for 5 minutes (possible seeing that they now cannot defeat the other), no one is likely to get a badge from either. Cryptic seems happy with this situation, but the players are not.
I've just defeated a Giant Monster in a mission, why didn't I get the badge?
If the monster is in a mission, they do not give out a badge. The 2 exceptions: Kronos Titan in or outside of any instanced mission grants the badge, and Babbage spawned by the Synapse Task Force counts to the badge. Other than those two, no mission spawned Giant Monster counts for a badge. This is because they are "Monster" or "Arch Villains" in the missions, not "Giant Monster" level.
Do the amount of defeats you have count for the epic debt badges?
Epic Debt badges award for paying back debt, not for the number of deaths.
What are Accolades?
Accolades grant powers/costume parts/special event gladiators. To get accolades you have to get other badges, or meet the event requirements (like logging into the game during the event).
Why are Accolade Powers lost when exempting or malefactoring while temp powers are still useable?
Personal opinion: Bad design. Temp powers are generally more powerful, but do not last, at least until issue 8 with the Vet reward temp powers....
Veteran Rewards
What are Veteran Rewards?
See the Official Veteran Rewards FAQ here.
What are Gladiators?
Gladiators are used in the arena like pokemon. See "Edict's Intro to Gladiator Matches" or "The (not very) Complete Guide to Gladiators version 0.3 [I8]" for more gladiator answers. These can also be selected as a badge title.
Are there placeholders for kill-count Gladiators?
No, and while Positron said this was a development decision, and that he would look into it, he really never got back as to why this is the case. The closest was that the gladiators were not meant as badges.
Super Group Badges
What are Super Group badges?
Super group badges are earned while in super group mode(sgmode), and give bases access to more things to build in them. These are not selectable as badge titles. You can see them by openning up the badge window, and pressing the "super group badges" button at the bottom.
Why does my Super group healing badges disappear?
At the time of this writing, the second and third SG/VG Healing badge bars will reset often but are still keeping track internally.
Can I get the SG Badge for the Fusion Generator?
Not at this time, it has been buggy since CoV was introduced.
Limited or Unobtainable Badges
What are the Tutorial Badges? Can I go back and get them?
Isolator (CoH):
Isolator can be received for defeating 100 contaminated while in outbreak or more recently in Recluse's Victory in/near the yellow line station. The ones in Recluse's Victory are on a spawn timer, and only appear one at a time.
Isolator can NOT be acquired by a villain, as it is flagged as Hero-only.
The INFECTED that spawn in Atlas Park and Galaxy City does NOT count toward the Isolator badge.
Jailbird (CoV):
This can ONLY be obtained in the breakout. Go to Cell 15 and you can get the badge. There is no other way to get this badge. The reason that Isolator was given a "second chance" was that before Issue 2 there were no badges, and while those characters went through the tutorial, their counts were never data-mined. The RV contaminated is hard to get because at the time for Issue 2 some people decided to re-roll their characters just to get it. The developers wanted something equally hard so that people didn't sacrifice their characters in vain.
Event Badges
The list of time limited/rare badges:
<ul type="square">[*]Celebrant (year 1 badge May 2005), Reveler (year 2 badge May - June 2006) having both gave a 5th columist gladiator. Login badges.[*]Pursuer(CoH)/Elusive(CoV). November 2006. Login badge.[*]Frozen Fury: Winter Lords. Winter 2004 event, repeated for Winter 2006.[*]Cold Warrior: Winter Hordelings. Winter 2004, 2005, 2006 events.[*]Hallow Spirit, Hunter, Buster, Shifter, Dead Head, Malleus: The Halloween event 2004 & 2006.[*]Iron Warrior, Ghost Touched: Halloween event 2006.[*]Heart of Light(CoH)/Heart of Darkness(CoV): Valentines 2006 Event. Gave Toga costume option. Login badge.[*]Hellfrost gladiator(CoH), Hordeling Lasher gladiator(CoH), Coldblooded(CoH), Weed Whacker(CoH), Beautiful / Handsome: Valentines 2006[*]Toothbreaker (Gives rad cap gladiator), Cap Buster(CoV): Valentines 2006, Winter 2006 events.[*]Toy Collector (gives Snowbeast gladiator), Longbow Reservist(CoH)/Jetsetter(CoV), Holiday Spirit(CoH)/Scrooge(CoV) were all winter 2005 event. Toy Collector repeated for Winter 2006 event.[*]Cold Front: Winter 2006. Login badge.[*]Joyful, Miraculous, Frosty, Crystallized, Bane of Dannon(CoV): Winter 2006 event.[*]VIP(CoH)/Destined One(CoV): The CoH DVD edition or Hero Kit will get you this one for all your characters. *NOTE* CoV DVD edition does not have a badge with it.[*]Pocket D Gold Card Member: Good vs Evil Edition.[/list]How do I get Bug Hunter?
This is a special badge only granted specifically by the developers, for finding and reporting to either Cryptic or NCSoft directly major, serious and game breaking bugs. The amount of characters that have gotten this badge legitimately can be counted on one hand, with room left over. At one point a few characters got the badge through a bug in the system.
Other Information
What are the most popular websites for badges?
The two most popular Badge Websites both have forums, badge lists, online badge tracking, and badge rankings both overall and per server for the characters tracked on their sites. Now the differences:
City Information Terminal.
Has an automated recording of badges when CoH/CoV is used with either City Game Tracker or Herostats. Has more stats on its pages than anyone but a statician can use, with more stats added all the time. Has an excellent printable checklist that is made for that specific character.
Has a mirror whose name gets hit with the censor stick, so use this one . It is a part of the the other way around, but not when it started) group of websites, which hosts on-line maps for all the zones in CoH and CoV. Badge-hunter has a in-game replacement maps that will not overwrite any CoH/CoV map, but will display in game with more detail. This map-patch is not endorsed by Cryptic/NCSoft, but does not modify any of the files.
Other sources of badge information not found on these forums:
Paragonwiki is also an excellent source of everything related to the City of ___ Franchise.
Special Mention:
NoFuture's CoH Mission badge listing
NoFuture's CoV Mission badge listing
Badge Channels & Use of them.
A simple Global Chat guide (off-forums)
With Issue 7, there is also a Global Channel search feature. You might also want to try asking on your server's help channel.
Some to get you started:
Public Channels:
Champion: Champion BMT
Freedom: Freedom TF / Freedom Monster / Freedom Badge
Guardian: Guardian (More of a General channel, not specifically badges.) / Guardian Watch
Infinity: Infinity CoV Badges
Justice: Justice Badge (Justice-Badge has no MOTD, and 1/10 the population of this)
Liberty: LB, Badgers, United Badgers, (there might be still some people on Liberty Badgers after it imploded.)
Pinnacle: PinnacleBadges / PinnacleMonsters / PinnacleBadgeHunters / City Info Terminal
Protector: Protector Watch / Badge Squad / TF and Badge / Villain Badges / Badge Squad / Jello Shooters(this is a general channel)
Triumph: Triumph Watch (See note in private channels section below) / Badge Hunter
Victory: Victory Monsters / Victory Badges
Virtue: I like badges, Virtue Badges
All Live Servers:
Test Server:
Private Channels:
Infinity: Inf Badge Seeker (@greyGizmo, @starburster13, or @Epiyon)
Triumph: Triumph Watch (Flips from public to private and back from time to time see this post for Channel Mods)
Virtue: Belle's Corner (@eviella or @drunkmoogle) / Virtue Watch
All Live Servers:
Test Server:
Thanks go to Madscientist for help with organizing and giving me some more questions (and answers) to put in here.
Thanks to all the regulars of the Badges and Gladiators section of the "City of" forums for answering all the questions we constantly have to repeat here.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
You've got the PvP rep badge/mission thingie put in twice. Otherwise, looks good from the cursory inspection.
Fixed, thanks.
By the way does anyone else think the edit window is far too small on these forums ?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
which is why any really long posts i make i do in word and copy/paste
Fixed, thanks.
By the way does anyone else think the edit window is far too small on these forums ?
[/ QUOTE ]
You can change the size of your edit window in your prefeneces( My Home -> Display prefeneces (EDIT), then TextArea (Columns and Rows) I set mine to 90 cols, 18 rows. It helps.
*edit corrected variable name*
What are badges and what do they do?
. It is a part of the the other way around, but not when it started) group of websites, which hosts on-line maps for all the zones in CoH and CoV. Badge-hunter has a in-game replacement maps that will not overwrite any CoH/CoV map, but will display in game with more detail. This map-patch is not endorsed by Cryptic/NCSoft, but does not modify any of the files.
:What to do if you fail a buggy badge mission.
Badges are a side quest in CoX. Accolades grant powers/costume parts/special event gladiators. To get accolades you have to get other badges, or meet the event requirements (like logging into the game during the event). Other than that you can use them as a title under your character's name. Veteran Rewards were recently added and with them come various rewards.
Super Group badges are earned while in sgmode, and give bases access to more things to build in them. These are not selectable as badge titles.
What are Gladiators?
Gladiators are used in the arena like pokemon. See "Edict's Intro to Gladiator Matches" for more gladiator answers. These can also be selected as a badge title. For more information, see Setting your Badge Title - /Settitle for Villains (this works for Heroes too
What's the difference between the Gangbuster and Untouchable badges?
#1. Hunt Family bosses in Sharkhead and Nerva for the untouchable (regular family) badge.
Consigliere and Underbosses
#2. Hunt Marcone Family Bosses in St. Martial and Port Oakes for the Gangbuster (marcone family) badge. This badge is not available at the time of this writing to heroes.
Marcone consiglieres (St. Martial) and Marcone Capos (Port Oakes)
#3. Mooks have their own faction, and have no badge to go with them.
#4. Currently buggy (presumed) Family bosses (Consiglieres and Underbosses) with Marcone descriptions seem to count to the Ganbuster badge, not the Untouchable. These are found in Sharkhead and Nerva, mixed in with #1.
Dimensional Warder/Portal Jockey Questions
Here are all the answers everyone needs about the dimensional warder:
1) Do Elite bosses count to the badge: Yes. If you don't want to believe me, Positron speaks on the matter!
Will Elite Boss versions of AVs count towards earning badges like their full-fledged AV versions do?
[/ QUOTE ]Yes (there is no way to do this any differently).
[/ QUOTE ]
2) Level restriction: No, no level restriction. Tina Macintyre is level 40-45, Maria Jenkins is 45-50. Tina also has the multi-dimensional badge mission twice.
3) I can't get the "A Hero's Hero Arc": You have other contacts with open arcs. Go to them all and when you finish an arc, call Maria. Repeat until you get missions from her again.
4) I've defeated all the Hero's in Maria's arc, including Tyrant:
4a)Tyrant isn't needed.
4b) Anti-Matter from Tina Macintyre's arc is. Make sure it isn't the Anti-matter that teleports away, because that one doesn't count (Self-defeats).
4c) There are some reports that with Marauder and Bobcat when they activate their godmode power that they do not count for that duration.
4d) Make sure you've defeated Black Swan.
4e) Order is not important.
5) What AV's do I need to defeat? See this site: City Info Terminal's Dimensional Warder badge details
6) Do I need to defeat the Arch Villains in order? No, any order will do, though Anti-Matter is in the 40-45 missions.
7) Do you have to complete the mission they are in, or just defeat them?: No, you have to defeat the AVs, not the mission to get credit.
8) There is no way to track the progress for Dimensional Warder. This is made more annoying by the fact that sometimes a kill will not register for this badge.
This just in from the Test Server Patch Notes:
&#8226; The Dimensional Warder badge will now display a progress bar.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/End Edit]
Multidimensional, who gives this mission?
Both Tina Macintyre (twice), and Unai Kemen give the mission for the Multidimensional. Note: In CoV the exact same mission appears from Technician Naylor, but as the badge was retroactively removed from villains that got it and it was flagged hero-only (No, no explanation given).
What are the most popular websites for badges?
The two most popular Badge Websites both have forums, badge lists, online badge tracking, and badge rankings both overall and per server for the characters tracked on their sites. Now the differences:
City Information Terminal.
Has an automated recording of badges when CoH/CoV is used with either City Game Tracker or Herostats. Has more stats on its pages than anyone but a statician can use, with more stats added all the time. Has an excellent printable checklist that is made for that specific character.
Has a mirror whose name gets hit with the censor stick, so use this one
Other sources of badge information not found on these forums:
Paragonwiki is also an excellent source of everything related to the City of ___ Franchise.
Special Mention:
NoFuture's CoH Mission badge listing
NoFuture's CoV Mission badge listing
How long do I need to be in a zone for the zone time badges?
PVP zone time badges
The 4 PVP zones are Bloody Bay, Sirens Call, Warburg, and Recluse's Victory. You need to spend 5 hours in a PVP zone for the respective badges.
The Trolls Task Force Reserve Member badge will award for 1 hour spent in the Hollows.
is for spending time in the Shadow Shards, the zones not missions in CoV.
Does this time reset or count while you are in missions in those zones?
The time does not add while you are in a mission in one of these zones, and your time no longer resets when you zone to missions or to another zone.
What Heroes count to the Hero Slayer badge?
Heroes with the faction of <Paragon Hero>, <Freedom Phalanx>, <Vindicator>, or <WISDOM> all count to the Hero Slayer, other factions like <Longbow> do not count to the badge.
Do they have to be Hero rank to get credit for the badge?
No. They can be Lt. (for solo mayhems), Boss, Elite Boss, or Hero rank.
Do bosses of a group count more than Lt. or minion ranks?
No a defeat is a defeat each is worth 1. If you don't want to believe me, Positron speaks on the matter!
There is no such thing as a Tiered system for badge defeats. A defeat is a defeat, no matter if its a minion or an archvillain.
[/ QUOTE ]
What are the Tutorial Badges? Can I go back and get them?
Isolator (CoH):
Isolator can be received for defeating 100 contaminated while in outbreak or more recently in Recluse's Victory in/near the yellow line station. The ones in Recluse's Victory are on a spawn timer, and only appear one at a time.
Isolator can NOT be acquired by a villain, as it is flagged as Hero-only.
The INFECTED that spawn in Atlas Park and Galaxy City does NOT count toward the Isolator badge.
Jailbird (CoV):
This can ONLY be obtained in the breakout. Go to Cell 15 and you can get the badge. There is no other way to get this badge. The reason that Isolator was given a "second chance" was that before Issue 2 there were no badges, and while those characters went through the tutorial, their counts were never data-mined. The RV contaminated is hard to get because at the time for Issue 2 some people decided to re-roll their characters just to get it. The developers wanted something equally hard so that people didn't sacrifice their characters in vain.
Event Badges
The list of time limited/rare badges:
<ul type="square">[*]Celebrant (year 1 badge May 2005), Reveler (year 2 badge May - June 2006) having both gave a 5th columist gladiator. Login badges.[*]Pursuer(CoH)/Elusive(CoV), November 2006. Login badge.[*]Frozen Fury: Winter Lords. Winter 2004 event, repeated for Winter 2006.[*]Cold Warrior: Winter Hordelings, winter 2004, 2005, 2006 events.[*]Hallow Spirit, Hunter, Buster, Shifter, Dead Head, Malleus: The Halloween event 2004 & 2006.[*]Iron Warrior, Ghost Touched: Halloween event 2006.[*]Heart of Light(CoH)/Heart of Darkness(CoV): Valentines 2006 Event. Gave Toga costume option. Login badge.[*]Hellfrost gladiator(CoH), Hordeling Lasher gladiator(CoH), Coldblooded(CoH), Weed Whacker(CoH), Beautiful / Handsome: Valentines 2006[*]Toothbreaker (Gives rad cap gladiator), Cap Buster(CoV): Valentines 2006, Winter 2006 events.[*]Toy Collector (gives snowbeast gladiator), Longbow Reservist(CoH)/Jetsetter(CoV), Holiday Spirit(CoH)/Scrooge(CoV) were all winter 2005 event. Toy Collector repeated for Winter 2006 event.[*]Cold Front: Winter 2006. Login badge.[*]Joyful, Miraculous, Frosty, Crystallized, Bane of Dannon(CoV): Winter 2006 event.[*]VIP(CoH)/Destined One(CoV): The CoH DVD edition or Hero Kit will get you this one for all your characters. *NOTE* CoV DVD edition does not have a badge with it.[*]Pocket D Gold Card Member: Good vs Evil Edition.[/list]
How do I get Bug Hunter?
This is a special badge only granted specifically by the developers, for finding and reporting to them major, serious and game breaking bugs. The amount of characters that have gotten this badge legitimately can be counted on one hand, with room left over. At one point a few characters got the badge through a bug in the system.
Ghost Trapping in CoV, how do I do it?
See this article from Paragonwiki
How are Influence/Infamy (collectively INF) badges tracked?
You will get credit to the badges for all INF earned. Selling or being traded INF will not help your progress towards these badges.
Why does my Super group healing badges disappear?
At the time of this writing, the second and third SG/VG Healing badge bars will reset often but are still keeping track internally.
Can I get the SG Badge for the Fusion Generator?
Not at this time, it has been buggy since CoV was introduced.
Do click badges count for teams?
No. Badges that you have to click the object (presents, bombs, heavy control panels, etc) only the person doing the clicking will get the badge credit. Only exceptions: The pillbox badges in RV.
How much is a "Tick" on a badge meter?
1/100th of the total needed. Of course, when the total is 1,000,000,000 you only get a tick with 10,000,000 credits.
How can someone have the Disruptor (and Longbow Warden 2) even though they lack the 400 PvP Reputation, and even lack the Forward Observer badge for 100 Reputation?
Disrupter (and Longbow Warden 2) was awarded for the enemy faction damage debuff mission from CoV launch to around Valentines 2006. This was Changed to . Those who had the badge kept it. As to reputation, if you have achieved the requirements for the badge, you do not lose it by having your reputation erode naturally (up to 2 Rep points a day).
Can you get the Epic Heal or Damage badges through normal play?
Not a chance. The ONLY way to achieve Medicine Man/Woman, Empath, and (for most ATs) the top 3-4 Damage badges, you have to use missions, the arenas, or being in a task/strike force to prevent the autolog "feature" from coming into play. You have to then leave your computer on, and logged into the game for months on end to "achieve" the top Epic Badges. To get Empath by normal means would take around 27-28 years (at 100,000 hp healed a day 365 days a year).
Why are the Epic badges so high?
Who knows? We the player community have time and again demonstrated the mathematical problems with earning the badges, but nothing is being done about them. Only a "Well, people have earned it, so it must be achievable" response was ever given. Both sides of the AFK/Farming debates on the Epic Badges generally agree the requirements are out to lunch.
If I miss a badge mission can I get it again?
In all but one case, yes. All you have to do is find a character in the level range and team through the mission. The exception is the Efficiency Expert Badge.
Does it matter how long I am in a mission for a Strike Force/Task Force or other Accomplishment badge?
Yes, you have to be in the mission for the majority of the time to get the badge. For Strike and Task Forces, it means time spent in the last mission.
Does it matter if I am too high or too low a level for hunt or mission badges?
Level doesn't matter except for level restricted areas/mission, where you have to be at least a certain level to get. As far as hunts you can at level 1 get hunts requiring level 50 mobs (or the other way around) if you or someone you team with can defeat them while in the same zone.
Are there placeholders for kill-count Gladiators?
No, and while Positron said this was a development decision, and that he would look into it, he really never got back as to why this is the case. The closest was that the gladiators were not meant as badges.
Why are the badges out of order?
There is an order, but it is based on when the badge was added by issue, rather than alphabetically. No, we don't know why there isn't an option to sort them by name.
Why are Accolade Powers lost when exempting or malefactoring while temp powers are still useable?
Personal opinion: Bad design. Temp powers are generally more powerful, but do not last, at least until issue 8 with the Vet reward temp powers....
How much damage do I have to do to a Giant Monster for a badge?
Your team has to do at least 10% of the damage delivered to get the badge. This number includes the GM's regeneration. So if Eochai and Jack in Irons beat on each other for 5 minutes (possible seeing that they now cannot defeat the other), no one is likely to get a badge from either. Cryptic seems happy with this situation, but the players are not.
If the monster is in a mission, they do not give out a badge. The 2 exceptions: Kronos Titan in or outside of any instanced mission grants the badge, and Babbage spawned by the Synapse Task Force counts to the badge. Other than those two, no mission spawned Giant Monster counts for a badge.
Do the amount of defeat you have count for the epic debt badges?
Epic Debt badges award for paying back debt, not for the number of deaths.
How do I use the /loc command?
The loc command gives coordinates in a x (West-East), z(Vertical), y (North/South) fashion. Take multiple readings to go to locations from badge sites, as you cannot use the /loc command to set a waypoint.
What do I do if I fail a badge misson?
See this guide I made
Badge Channels & Use of them.
A simple Global Chat guide (off-forums)
With Issue 7, there is also a Global Channel search feature. You might also want to try asking on your server's help channel.
Some to get you started:
Public Channels:
Champion: Champion Badge Hunter / Monster Watch C
Freedom: Freedom TF / Freedom Monster / Freedom Badge
Guardian: Guardian (More of a General channel, not specificly badges.) / Guardian Watch
Infinity: Infinity CoV Badges
Justice: Justice Badge (Justice-Badge has no MOTD, and 1/10 the population of this)
Liberty: LB, Badgers, United Badgers, (there might be still some people on Liberty Badgers after it imploded.)
Pinnacle: PinnacleBadges / PinnacleMonsters / PinnacleBadgeHunters / City Info Terminal
Protector: Protector Watch / Badge Squad / TF and Badge / Villain Badges / Badge Squad / Jello Shooters(this is a general channel)
Triumph: Triumph Watch (See note in private channels section below) / Badge Hunter
Victory: Victory Monsters / Victory Badges
Virtue: I like badges, Virtue Badges
All Live Servers:
Test Server:
Private Channels:
Infinity: Inf Badge Seeker (@greyGizmo, @starburster13, or @Epiyon)
Triumph: Triumph Watch (Flips from public to private and back from time to time see this post for Channel Mods)
Virtue: Belle's Corner (@eviella or @drunkmoogle) / Virtue Watch
All Live Servers:
Test Server:
Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters