Missy K by David Nakayama
This Missy K is one provocative lady. And Mr. Nakayama is sooo very talented. I look forward to seeing more of his work.
I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep
My Roster
agreed awesome
Whoa. She looks like she's about to spank herself. That's hot.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
This is a very solid clean pencil. Good work!
This is a very solid clean pencil. Good work!
[/ QUOTE ]
David's pencil work is always clean. ^_^
<. .>
I have so many things to say about this:
The first is "Butt." <. .>
The second is "really nice!!" <@.@>
The third is "Really nice butt!!!"
But what I'll settle on is "Congratulations <^o^> VERY cool picture! *CHEER*"
<^_^> (Seriously, very cool <^,~>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Very hot!
Extremely nice...I love it.
Missy, you get all the great art! Well, how can it NOT be great art with a subject like you!
Whoa. She looks like she's about to spank herself. That's hot.
[/ QUOTE ]
What came to my mind was a personalized getsome emote. :P
That is a sweet commision you got there. I especially like the face in the background for some reason; he did a great job on it!
[edit: Just out of curiousity, does he have a gallery up somewhere? I'd be interested in seeing his other works.]
He sure does. He also did a great convention sketch of Cookie von Doom for me a while ago.
Also also, if you read the CoH Comic, you have seen some of his other works
I shall next consume Namayaka's brain for his talent.
No Sylar don't!!!!
I wanna touch da bootay!!!
bootay touching is ok!!! I think.....
Missy, you get all the great art! Well, how can it NOT be great art with a subject like you!
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*Glances at LiquidX* Er, um....
Missy, you get all the great art! Well, how can it NOT be great art with a subject like you!
[/ QUOTE ]
*Glances at LiquidX* Er, um....
[/ QUOTE ]
who's LiquidX? Now "I'm" confused.
Missy, you get all the great art! Well, how can it NOT be great art with a subject like you!
[/ QUOTE ]
*Glances at LiquidX* Er, um....
[/ QUOTE ]
who's LiquidX? Now "I'm" confused.
[/ QUOTE ]
You'd know if you'dve been here longer, he draws stick figures.
I don't think that skirt is short enough.
Awesome! David's stuff is always great.
My only problem with the whole picture is her upper lip... it's still too full at the sides of her mouth. It looks like a bad collagen injection or something. Other than that, awesome!
Hey All

I just want to share you a commission piece that David Nakayama created for me. Check it out.
Missy K by David Nakayama
Ollie & Missy K