JUGGERTHA in 3D (yeah, more Poser fun)
Nice. But if you could show his axe, it will be SUPER NICE.
Nice. But if you could show his axe, it will be SUPER NICE.
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He doesn't use an axe. He's holding a random piece of pipe.
He uses an axe in game.. but I usually drop it when drawing. I much rather prefer the furry of grabbing objects around me.
Wow man, this is great. I live the setting and his armor... fantastic DJ!
For some reason Juggy's not blending well with the background...I think it may be a lack of shadows or something. Other than that I LOVE this one. The closeup looks pretty damn realistic...very nice!
but I can see where rox is coming from...given the gritty surroundings jugg seems a might clean. I dunno still a damn fine piece of work.
congrats Jugg! ~
...the sword is truth...
juggy looks kinda like that himaculous thing off of full metal alchemist, the one that likes eating people?
He uses an axe in game.. but I usually drop it when drawing. I much rather prefer the furry of grabbing objects around me.
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Like, for instance, the furry of grabbing a Rat Flail?
Heh, I kid. Anyhow...
It looks very good DJ, as always. My only two issues were:
How do his shoulderpads stay on? Are they attached around his neck and we just can't see? Otherwise I think they could really use some straps or something.
I don't like the hand that's holding the pipe. I know it's a Poser limitation, but it looks he's got a very loose grip on that pipe and it kinda kills the "unbridled fury" feeling you get from looking at his face, for me at least. I think it'd be really cool if you could tighten up his fingers, maybe even to the point of crushing in the pipe a bit where he's holding onto it.
But those are just minor quibbles, the piece overall is very strong. Nice work!
Ok, hehe, how about something furiously furry?
As forthe shoulderpads.. it's sheer will power baby!!
@_@ Wow is that an advertisement for NADS, the shaving goo, or what..
Juggy how do you get your abs, belly, and pits so sparkling clean!
USE NADS, the official wax of Heroes everywhere!
Nice DJ, verra nice :3
Real Gods have no hair.
What about the gods of rock and roll?
What about...Meatloaf?
Meatloaf is a girl. Look at the size of his mammaries.
That is like, 11 kinds of sweet. The detail image is very powerful.
As always, fantastic.
Nice. But if you could show his axe, it will be SUPER NICE.
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He doesn't use an axe. He's holding a random piece of pipe.
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OIC. *node*
Bloody hell! That is awesome!!
One day, I'll ask DJ nicely (aka "pay" ) to have GB beating the crap out of something. His stiff-upper-lip only goes so far. LOL
Uh-oh ...I think I have TA's 'Pic-itis'.....please...someone...help....me.....
Are the 3-d characters chosen at random or requested/commissioned?
Amazing work
Yessir I like it. ^^
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Fantastic as always DJ, this one is very crisp. I like it.
I always enjoy looking up the detailed shots you produce DJ.
They amaze me everytime. Great work as usual
I always love your work DJ
You are great at brigning to life the usually bland faces that poser gives. And your environements are so wonderfully detailed.
Thanks for sharing this with us
Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.
My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)
@_@ Wow is that an advertisement for NADS, the shaving goo, or what..
Juggy how do you get your abs, belly, and pits so sparkling clean!
USE NADS, the official wax of Heroes everywhere!
Nice DJ, verra nice :3
[/ QUOTE ]
*giggle snort* nads! ROFL
another great one DJ
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

Great work man. What I love about your 3D is that the heroes/villains seem to be real for the 1st time. Hope that makes sense. It's like you had Jugg pose for you and you captured his picture.
Ohhh yes! That's got the stuff! Good work there, DJ! I guess that getting Jug a bit filthy might be interesting, but.....maybe someone sprayed him off with a hose before snapping the photo! (which explains why he looks so ticked off!)
GHOST ZERO! Avenger of the helpless dead!
This piece really evolved from my initial concept to the final. I had originally pictured Juggertha in the middle of a clean street with nice cars and stuff, but the more I worked on it, the more I felt anger and destruction was the key theme. So, Juggertha moved from Steel Canyon to Baumton.. which worked out well since the color scheme of green/tan on his outfit worked better with the browns of Boomtown.
Here he is in all his 3D glory.