Battlestar Galactica anyone??
I know this isn't art related but...
Anyone else watching the new BSG? I think it is THE best show on tv. I am mental for the show! Last week's episode was amazing. I think I pee'd a little!
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I've been watching since the beginning of LAST season, when they found the Pegasus. I can't go a week without seeing the new 'Battlestar' and the nw 'Heroes'.
I was watching 1st season. Missed something, got confused and now can't watch it cause I am lost. The girls are hot though.
I know this isn't art related but...
Anyone else watching the new BSG? I think it is THE best show on tv. I am mental for the show! Last week's episode was amazing. I think I pee'd a little!
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I've been watching since the beginning of LAST season, when they found the Pegasus. I can't go a week without seeing the new 'Battlestar' and the nw 'Heroes'.
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I missed all of season 2 due A friend loaned me all season two and I watched it in 2 nights (8pm- 130am), so I could catch up for season 3.
The show is refreshing and has regenerated my faith in writers in the tv industry. Vipers are cool too ..hehehe(nerd laugh).
Ever do BSG pics DJ?

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
A friend let me borrow season 1 and the first half of season 2. I found the second half of season 2 online and watched what they aired on sci fi right before the premier of season 3.
I love this show! I never miss it! Except for this week due to a halloween party....but I'll get it on tape.
I still wanna know exactly where Baltar ended up in the last episode....did he sneak on board one of the ships or is he still on New Caprica?
I watyched it from the original movie, and am a fan of the original. This new BSG is so far beyond what the original even attempted to be, it's amazing! I've not seen this kind of sci-fi, this on-topic and important and powerful si nce the original Star Wars
I thought he left with the Cylons, (Caprica 6). Perhaps they had ships waiting to evac as well?

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
OMG!! *peed a little ...AGAIN!!*
Friday night's episode has sucked me back in! The space battle was AMAZING! The Galactica dropping into the atmosphere and launching the Vipers before going FTL back into orbit made my jaw hit the floor and I giggled like a school girl! The Viper pilot's quote "Well, that's new" made me grin from ear to ear.
Tye and Starbuck hit me in the heart. But that's DRAMA baby!! And that's why I'll be back this week for more!
I know!
Tigh having to rid his wife. Very sad.
I was excited when Apollo arrived to save the day (like I knew he would). The best was when the Pegasus took out to Basestars with 1 ram!!

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
YA! The Pegasus totally FRAKKED those two BaseStars! Though it's funny to see Apollo all pudgy. I hear he's going to work on loosing the weight as part of the storyline.
Also, Adama's shave at the end of the episode was so symbolic, I cheered outloud and my wife thought I was suffering a Turrets relapse.
YA! The Pegasus totally FRAKKED those two BaseStars! Though it's funny to see Apollo all pudgy. I hear he's going to work on loosing the weight as part of the storyline.
Also, Adama's shave at the end of the episode was so symbolic, I cheered outloud and my wife thought I was suffering a Turrets relapse.
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LOL! wife calls me a nerd all the time.
I am hoping to get her hooked by getting her to try the miniseries.

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
Good luck with getting your wife onboard.
My wife goes to bed and leaves me to enjoy BSG in peace.
Bless her.
I know this isn't art related but...
Anyone else watching the new BSG? I think it is THE best show on tv. I am mental for the show! Last week's episode was amazing. I think I pee'd a little!
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Totally agreed -- not just the best sci-fi show ever, but possibly the best drama on TV EVER. It uses science Fiction perfectly as a way to look at real dramatic issues from the real world and examine them in a fantasy setting. Betrayal, loyalty, love, sacrifice, even terrorism, abortion and the horror of s*xual assualt. Both sides can be explored and played out without bias.
Not to mention the brilliant acting and fanatastic special effects. Incredible show.
Totally agreed -- not just the best sci-fi show ever, but possibly the best drama on TV EVER. It uses science Fiction perfectly as a way to look at real dramatic issues from the real world and examine them in a fantasy setting. Betrayal, loyalty, love, sacrifice, even terrorism, abortion and the horror of s*xual assualt. Both sides can be explored and played out without bias.
Not to mention the brilliant acting and fanatastic special effects. Incredible show.
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Ya, ya. That's all nice. But, did it ever make you pee? Apparently if something is REALLY good, you can't help but loose control of your bladder.
I know this isn't art related but...
Anyone else watching the new BSG? I think it is THE best show on tv. I am mental for the show! Last week's episode was amazing. I think I pee'd a little!
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Totally agreed -- not just the best sci-fi show ever, but possibly the best drama on TV EVER. It uses science Fiction perfectly as a way to look at real dramatic issues from the real world and examine them in a fantasy setting. Betrayal, loyalty, love, sacrifice, even terrorism, abortion and the horror of s*xual assualt. Both sides can be explored and played out without bias.
Not to mention the brilliant acting and fanatastic special effects. Incredible show.
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Perfectly put Cyber, and I completely agree!
Mr M...I was very excited, so the pee'ing of my pants was justifyable!

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
Ok...Made this art related now.
Found this artist on a BSG forum:
My fav BSG scenes:

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
*points to new Avatar*
I don't know what that is....
Get this:
It's the Galactica falling through Caprica's atmosphere to within a couple hundred feet of the ground. It launches it's Vipers and hits the Faster Than Light engines before crashing! Kick [censored] Wicked!@!!!
I don't know what that is....
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Galactica dropping into the atmosphere and launching Vipers....then FTL'ing away before she crashed.

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
ookay so it warped out of the atmosphere? why didn't they do that in the first place?
and who were those two guys hanging on for dear life in the wind?
I don't know what that is....
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That, Rowrsie, is the Battlestar itself, warping into the atmosphere of New Caprica, dropping into freefall because now this million-ton spaceship is being pulled by a planet's gravity, launching a squadron on Vipers through the re-entry flames, then warping away a second before the Battlestar smashes into the ground.
Friggin' genius Science Fiction
** and MarDun and Mr. M beat me to the explanation! **
That was Col. Tigh and Chief.
This was from BSG Exodus pt 2, last week!

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
Galactica wanted to launch her Vipers under the Cylon defense net orbiting Caprica. Before the Cylons knew what was up, Galctica had her Vipers destroying Cylon ground forces enabling the grounded Fleet to launch off the planet. BRILLIANT!
I know this isn't art related but...
Anyone else watching the new BSG? I think it is THE best show on tv. I am mental for the show! Last week's episode was amazing. I think I pee'd a little!
Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH