BabyTank , Inked with changes




As part of the giant forum art trade thingy I got Grey Mists Character BabyTank , just got finished with the rough pencils and thought I'd post to both a )show im actually working on it :P and b) get feed back on any gross oversights on my part .

He is awesome to work with as he gives me a multiview screen shot and an awesome bio that heavily influenced my design choice

She is small ( under 5' ) so the Axe she uses looks big

Her background:

When Julie Luxton, 10 years old, received a toy electronic experiment set she was delighted. Now for most kid this would have ment she would build a few simple circuits to make a LED flash or a small alarm sound. The difference however is that little julie is a bona fides Genius. Reid Richard level genius. So once she had read the little instruction book and done all the experiments she decided to use her new found knowledge to make herself an older sister. Shortly thereafter however, much before she had anytime to make any significant headway in convincing her parent to spend the kind of money necessary to build an android, The council captured her and her parents.

I seemed that they had discovered little Julie's incredebile potential for invention. They tried to convince her to build a weapon for them. So Julie did.... sort of. She used the oportunity to build that sister she so wanted. And made sure to program her so she would free her and her parents.

The plan worked. Since then BabyTank has continued to fight criminals. She has joined the Paragons of Justice where Blue Note has taken her under his wing, and while her personality is evolving so are her powers.

While she often has the mentality of a little girl baby remains in fact a lethal weapon .

BabyTank is an Invul / AXe tanker that flies to get around.

[/ QUOTE ]

Scarfs Take on BabyTank

after the feedback I'll go back and tighten up the pencils and voila

With new Feedback Afew changes were made and I was in an inking mood so I inked it

Baby Tank Inked



very nice, yeah I'm looking forward to drawing her as well, now I see her bio I can use it for my own evil purposes!!!!

Very cool drawing, just watch the perspective on her right hand, it's actually going the opposite direction as the axe shaft. easy fix.

A little bit of a tangent with the axe and her right leg, make the axe a bit bigger to fix that and it would be neater with a big axe.

Like the Key, feels like it's more to one side then in the center of her back though.

If you wrap that skirt around her left leg, it'll feel more solid.

Piece looks great, just some thoughts from me, feel free to take it or leave it!




This is soooo cool!

I love the wind up key on the back. I never imagined one since whe is an electronic robot but with your style it works great.

Thank you so very much!

Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.

My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)



Thats awesome DB!! I particularly like the head and antennas!



You've seen her BIO, and you're going to use it for EVIL PURPOSES?!? SICKO!!!



Nice. I love the tin soldier key.

Good job. Now, please do me?

End Of Man - Ill/emp Troller <- First 50.
Robosaurus - Robo/Dark <- Second 50
Urban Viking - BS/Regen <- Unplayed



Scarf doesn't do people, she's not that kind of person. As far as we KNOW... Muahahaha...

By the way, Scarf, if you wanted to you could do--er, draw me. Zapros is in my sig.



Awww! How cute!

On Justice
Quake - Lvl 50 En/En Blaster
Shakester - Lvl 50 Invul/EM Tanker
Kiao Dai Ken - Lvl 40 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Gravity Lad - Lvl 21 Grav/Emp Controller
Ebon Shock - Lvl 32 Dark/Dark Corruptor
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."



Squeeee!! I love the little key in her back!!!! And the axe!! I just LOVE this, it's soooo cute!



That has to be the cutest battle axe I've ever seen.




This is soooo cool!

I love the wind up key on the back. I never imagined one since whe is an electronic robot but with your style it works great.

Thank you so very much!

[/ QUOTE ]

you bio just invokes images of toys And I wanted to make it redilly apparanent she was created by a child



very nice, yeah I'm looking forward to drawing her as well, now I see her bio I can use it for my own evil purposes!!!!

Very cool drawing, just watch the perspective on her right hand, it's actually going the opposite direction as the axe shaft. easy fix.

A little bit of a tangent with the axe and her right leg, make the axe a bit bigger to fix that and it would be neater with a big axe.

Like the Key, feels like it's more to one side then in the center of her back though.

If you wrap that skirt around her left leg, it'll feel more solid.

Piece looks great, just some thoughts from me, feel free to take it or leave it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I greatly appreciate when anyone takes time to comment or point out weaknesses as well as possiable ways to fix them



thats looks great! you have a really cool style too! lol just wanted to point that out...keep posting!


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