Radey Ayte and Kael , Wip Inks
Why is Radey looking at her finger? o.O
That's my only critique, looks good to me.
She's got a centipede on her finger.
she was giving the middle finger in an original version , it was changed to make it forum safe
How is it any more forum friendly if you TELL US that she's supposed to have the middle finger, than if it actually SHOWS "the bird"?
>.> could have just censored it <,< would have been perfect! <@_@> but it works! I like!
Radey's head feels a tad biggish - but its only so noticable <@_@> cool stuff as always Scarf! >.> You won the internet AGAIN
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
How is it any more forum friendly if you TELL US that she's supposed to have the middle finger, than if it actually SHOWS "the bird"?
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The same way that all my pictures start out nekkid but they get posted the forum friendly way "with clothes ....except for rowr and DB who start out with clothes but get posted without "
>.> could have just censored it <,< would have been perfect! <@_@> but it works! I like!
Radey's head feels a tad biggish - but its only so noticable <@_@> cool stuff as always Scarf! >.> You won the internet AGAIN
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drat I shoulda thought of just using a censored bar that woulda been cool !
hmm I was back and fourth on Radeys Head size , im still eh on it .
Penumbra in the first one had a giant melon of a head and had to be fixed
>.> could have just censored it <,< would have been perfect! <@_@> but it works! I like!
Radey's head feels a tad biggish - but its only so noticable <@_@> cool stuff as always Scarf! >.> You won the internet AGAIN
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drat I shoulda thought of just using a censored bar that woulda been cool !
hmm I was back and fourth on Radeys Head size , im still eh on it .
Penumbra in the first one had a giant melon of a head and had to be fixed
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Hehe <;_;> I know how "melonhead" syndrome goes <x.x> sucks so bad - especially when you've "almost" got the picture perfect - except the farking head ><; And then you re-do it 16+ times then say "#@#% THIS! >.<" <. .> yeah...
<@.@> also - technically you could put a mosaic-type censor over it, and you'd get the same impression I think! I could be wrong though >< its just a thought.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
no real knowledge of photoshop aside from photomerge thats why you only see pencil and ink pics from me
Heeee hehehehe middle finger with blur would have been perfect XD As it is she can have a radiation ball or teensy mushroom cloud or something coming out of it
It's looking soooooo goooood!!!
XD I like the idea of a teeney mushroom cloud.
Kael's neck is really bugging on me :P
The ink really pulls it together. I sooooo wish you would have had Radey flipping someone the bird
I love it. Of course I am bias cus Penumbra is in it as are his two favorite ladies. Radey flipping someone off...why would she ever do a thing like that? *snickers*
Arcaine, Penumbra-Edge, Penumbra Edge, Paragons Scrap, Umbral Assassin, Repulse Shock, Clopin, Dynamo Charge, Storm Jammer, Deceptive Fallout
Teen Squadron ftw
Arc's a Deviant!
XD I like the idea of a teeney mushroom cloud.
Kael's neck is really bugging on me :P
The ink really pulls it together. I sooooo wish you would have had Radey flipping someone the bird
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Okat tiny mushroom cloud is a definite what bugging you on the neck maybe it can be fixed I have a whole jar of whiteout
That is wonderful Scarf Girl. I shed a tear everytime I see your art because you are improving so much and I am so proud of you. One day you will be famous and we will all look back on this day as the day Scarf Girl became one with the art universe...
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
I love your new avatar Grae
I love your new avatar Grae
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You said the eye creeped you out..so the kitty is just for you.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
It looks good Scarfy.
I just realized, Do you only like drawing couples when one of them has three eyes?
heee I was wondering when that would come up :P
I am so getting typecasted as someone that draws three eyed characters after I post your pic Xeno .
that will be like 2 three eyed pics in a month then
You could always draw a rock hero with 2 eyes!
........I know I know, I still need to get a character leveled on virtue. Heh, I've made a few on there finally!! Just need to play 'em.
heee I was wondering when that would come up :P
I am so getting typecasted as someone that draws three eyed characters after I post your pic Xeno .
that will be like 2 three eyed pics in a month then
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<@-@> I have an easy solution! <,< Start drawing characters with glasses! <^_^> Then you have 4 eyes rawr! >.>
What? <;_;> I have glasses in RL... I don't wear them, but I have them!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I'm not quite sure what's wrong with the neck...it just looks odd..
It might be the fact that you can't see the right side of it... it gives the illusion that his neck is the width of his head :P
He needs a large neck to support his ego.
Arcaine, Penumbra-Edge, Penumbra Edge, Paragons Scrap, Umbral Assassin, Repulse Shock, Clopin, Dynamo Charge, Storm Jammer, Deceptive Fallout
Teen Squadron ftw
Arc's a Deviant!
heee I was wondering when that would come up :P
I am so getting typecasted as someone that draws three eyed characters after I post your pic Xeno .
that will be like 2 three eyed pics in a month then
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<@-@> I have an easy solution! <,< Start drawing characters with glasses! <^_^> Then you have 4 eyes rawr! >.>
What? <;_;> I have glasses in RL... I don't wear them, but I have them!
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Too late, but you'll see when she puts the picture up.
As my search fu is weak
A while back I doodled up a pencil sketch of my two favorite folks to team with on Virtue ,Radey Ayte and Penumbra Edge (played by Starchasm and Arcaine from these boards ) as well as being members in the same SG as me "Teen Squadron"
Pencil Sketch in question
There were a few problems ,such as Penumbras head being too large ((and not just because of his ego )) so I went ahead and fixed a few things as well as did a bit of inking tonight and figured id upload the results for feedback
Radey and Kael ,inks