I really love the sword. That eye in it is really neat.
Ridiculously good, as always, Graver.
*Goes to cry in a corner*
Nice work Graver
awsome as always Graver!
yay! moved up a spot *celebrates*
now it'll only be two and half years till I'm up! SCORE!
...the sword is truth...
I really love the sword. That eye in it is really neat.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the sword is much more than that. The eye was Graver's idea to show this, and it was an instant hit for me.
The piece came out brilliantly, thank you very, very much Graver! You captured so many of my ideas all in once piece. I love it!
*adds more prise to the heaping mound Graver keeps in the back of his trunk. In case he ever needs to bury someone quickly.*
Ridiculously good, as always, Graver.
*Goes to cry in a corner*
[/ QUOTE ]
Just ridiculous...
Nothing eloquent to say -- that is so good it slays me!
and, oh yeah, WOW!
Wonderful stuff, Graver!
<. .> I don't have to tell you how good you are Graver <,< You already know!
This really has a neat "Devil May Cry" type vibe too <^o^> I think its the eye in the sword - very neat stuff, and I love the perspective.
You have given me ideas <. .> this is a dangerous thing.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I am running out of superlatives!
I love the look in her eyes and the reddish color theme.
Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.
My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)
Graver as always you never fail to impress. You really brought the COT to life ((shortly followed by death)) with your style. A magnificent piece.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
The Killing Blow
[/ QUOTE ]
You give good art.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bow chikka wow wow (yes I'm immature, sue me )
As always Graver, grand stuff. Love the sword's eye, very Soul Edge-y
"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375
[color=#cc99cc]I love the perspective on this one. Absolutely amazing, as always.
Loving it.
That's what you've been up to!!
Man, I thought you did your coloring Digitally... but, that was done traditionally? and Watercolors at that?
Shwiggity Shweet!!!
Thanks all!
I got some suggestions on a few things I could tweak and, while watercolor is fairly unforgiving, I was able to make a couple of small minor modifications to the piece. It's not much (at this stage, there's not much I can really change or tweak) but every little thing counts in the end. So, a slightly updated version is now up... same link location, but for ease of use, here it is again
Again, thanks all!
Nopers! Battle Angel is the first one he's done digitally! Now CRY!! CRY like you've never cried!!
*runs off to poke things*
Edit: I don't know what you did, but her ring no longer looks like one big nipple! Yaaaay!!!
Nopers! Battle Angel is the first one he's done digitally! Now CRY!! CRY like you've never cried!!
*runs off to poke things*
Edit: I don't know what you did, but her ring no longer looks like one big nipple! Yaaaay!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
<. .> Star, I'm so so so tempted to turn that into a signature.
Just the edit - by itself without context >.> it makes no sense that way and its hilarious <,<
"I don't know what you did, but her ring no longer looks like one big nipple! Yaaaay!!!' < . .> I find humor in odd places <,<
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Nopers! Battle Angel is the first one he's done digitally! Now CRY!! CRY like you've never cried!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hrmm... Yes, I believe that would be imperitive at the this juncture.
Ow! You're not supposed to hold the sword there, you crazy, vengeance-fueled sword-swinging machine!!
Ow! You're not supposed to hold the sword there, you crazy, vengeance-fueled sword-swinging machine!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Besides, you're saying "ow" to where shes holding the sword, but not the nice little blood gyser erupting from the thorn mage's body? Methinks you're the crazy one!
Very Awesome Graver!
I still Love the hand on the bottom right. Expecially after being colored... dunno why. It just seems to sinster.
FINALLY at long last, I have finished Atillita! I'm sorry for the lack of updates on this one, but being as I still had to paint this one on 140lbs paper, which meant it had to be stretched, I couldn't scan it... and I can't seem to locate the battery charger for my camera
I swear some Chinese guy felt my life should be interesting... and I will hunt him down and throttle him, ger!
But with or without updates, the end result is still the same. So, without any more of my rambling, I give you
The Killing Blow
I would say more, but I'm a bit out of sorts at the moment. But rejoice, for she is complete, and everyone in line shall move up one spot! yay!