Cartoony Pics /non CoH related :)
I seriously lol'd at Curtis :P
I love the cartooney look of them.
ROFL I love the cat o power. These are super adorable DB!!!
On an unrelated note, I dated a guy named Robert Wolf in undergrad >_>
yeah for the most parts they are not action shots just something we can photoshop onto our lil sheets with our gaming info
Totally need to make a comic out of this. I see Degato ridiculing Curtis only to have his cat go crazy all up on him. :P
Those're great scarf!
What kind of markers did you use?
Those're great scarf!
What kind of markers did you use?
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Prisma color markers (of which I have a million ) anything I color is usually done with prismacolor markers followed by prisma color colored pencils .
This was an attempt at a more cartoony simplified style which is
works for the odd characters in question
ROFL I love the cat o power. These are super adorable DB!!!
On an unrelated note, I dated a guy named Robert Wolf in undergrad >_>
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Thanks Starry but I think you have the market cornered on cuteness
The player made the name a play off of Virgina Wollfe and his powers (He's a reluctant werewolf /masterfull pool hustler and n'er do well )
Hopefully your Robert wasn't a skirt chaser
Totally need to make a comic out of this. I see Degato ridiculing Curtis only to have his cat go crazy all up on him. :P
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The cats played by another player The Cat,Tterb and Curtis are bound by magic in a strange wizard /famalir pact but they are not really close friends
Degato and Tterb are bestest buddies sharing a love of Waffles , Ice Hockey and peering into the girls Locker room .
I <3'd teenagers from outerspace
(not as much as Marvel RPG though, or later Aberrant)
TfOS is definatly a classic, though, much fun had laughing my butt off with friends playing it.
(Actually, Foxlily, my fire/fire tanker was a sort of play from my original TfOS character... waaaay back, though she certainly wasn't a tanker then.)
Very cool pics :-) I think the style is perfect.
Teen heroes are the best.
I just started dabbling in pen and paper rpg's (my boyfriend plays so im sorta playing by association )
I tried D and D but everyone was a bit too serious this seems more suited to me
Totally reminded me of something. *Steals from another forums*
Warning: A tad bit risque :P
DnD.... :P
Totally need to make a comic out of this. I see Degato ridiculing Curtis only to have his cat go crazy all up on him. :P
[/ QUOTE ]
The cats played by another player The Cat,Tterb and Curtis are bound by magic in a strange wizard /famalir pact but they are not really close friends
Degato and Tterb are bestest buddies sharing a love of Waffles , Ice Hockey and peering into the girls Locker room .
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like I could get along with this cat <. .> <perches atop the back of the powercat, sabre in one hand and a bottle of fizzy grape soda in the other>
WE RIDE TO GLORY! Gidyap and stuff! >.> <cat does not budge> <;_;> c'mon... gidyap... that means GO in french or something... please? I'll give you tuna?
We'll be right back after your regularly scheduled inanity.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Totally reminded me of something. *Steals from another forums*
Warning: A tad bit risque :P
DnD.... :P
[/ QUOTE ]
LoL! Sorry for breaking in, but that's some funny stuff! Kinda reminds me of some of the guys I used to game with.... and still do, to some extent.
That being said, LOVE THE PICS, DB!
You should try BESM DB (Big Eyes Small Mouth)
Lots of fun. ( I mean, c'mon, you can make everything from super serious martial artists to pokemon trainers to Power rangers! how can you not love that)
Those are so cute!
You should try BESM DB (Big Eyes Small Mouth)
Lots of fun. ( I mean, c'mon, you can make everything from super serious martial artists to pokemon trainers to Power rangers! how can you not love that)
[/ QUOTE ]
Well in my defense TFOS is really rules light (took 5 minutes to make a persona ) whereas in D and D they handed me a giant rolebook and told me to make a character
Maybe if I get really hooked I'll take a peek at BESM (love the name )
off on a tangent comic/gaming stores are not girl friendly /wheras my import store that gets me all my Jpop and manga and pokie are great
off on a tangent comic/gaming stores are not girl friendly /wheras my import store that gets me all my Jpop and manga and pokie are great
[/ QUOTE ]
Mind if I ask what you mean by 'girl friendly'? Not that I agree (or disagree, really), but I just want to hear how you view that.
...then I would say you have been frequenting the wrong game stores.
although, I will agree...the attention gained being of the fairer sex in most (not all) such places can be a tad....intense. either way...long as you have a place that sells what your looking for in the PnP arena your all good. ~
...the sword is truth...
How'd you get the pigment to be all even like that? My prisma colors always come out splotchy and make me sad...
Have been to two gaming stores so Im definitely not an expert when it comes to them
1)Pictures of scantily clad amazons does not make for a comfortable enviroment to shop for me , I'm not talking about pics of Wonder woman , im referring to any pic where someones body is barely constrained (and some times not ) by an outfit so unbeliveably small it borders on the ridiculous .
2)A dark den of scum and villianry the likes which hasn't been seen since the Cantina scene in Star Wars Seriously I feel like im in an old western when I walk into one of these places .
Its Dimly lit , Theres a group of scary middle aged men moving lil soldiers across a table and speaking in strange tongues , and a few clerk type people that are indistinguishable from the patrons ! and when I enter all noise stops and several sets of eyes are upon you as they size up the outsider its rather unnerving .
3)Staff that ignores you or talks down to you
4)Trash cans and food product that should be removed regularly
as well as staff that should bathe from time to time
5) bathroom scares me
While I agree visiting two different stores a handfull of times dosn't exactly give me great insight into all gaming /comic stores it has jaded me a bit
my import stores by comparision are great
1) brightly lit and cheerful
2)Staff is dressed like staff and easily recognizeable as such , added points for remembering my name and talking to me not down at me
3)anything overtly sexual is kept in the back so I don't need to worry about randomly running into it , and if I so chose to look at it no on leering at me
5)bathroom dosn't scare me
im not arguing and im sure their might be nice ones I just have had bad luck before and a few bad impressions can easily turn you off on something
Well, I know what you mean. Who likes smelly oilly haired DnD nerds breathing on them with slack jawed...
("I'd like to buy this please"
"...*zombie warblemoan* giiiiirrllllll"
"Uhm..dude, yer uh.. breathing on me.. stop it.."
"Giirll plays DnD? *eyes light up in unmentionable fantasies*"
"Uh.. no.. its for my boyfriend.. Who is a Police officer... a big one... yea.. thats it."
"*zombie warblemoan, joined by others* Giiiirrlllll.....")
online stores are your friend.
Or, you could just send your boyfriend in with a shotgun, machette, and a survival flare to clear a path for you
I tihnk anyone who's ever seen a zombie movie can accuratly picture being a girl walking into a gaming store. That said, I've been playing Pen and Paper RPG's for er.. half my life... and I'm the only guy in my gaming crew now. (Yes, Snowlily is a Man, /gasp) so I understand. I have the opposite problem. I walk into a gaming store with my gaming friends (all girls) and I feel like they are laying fronds at my feet ("Your friends are girrrrlllss!! tell us how master! How!")
yikes! yeah... I don't blame you for not digging places like that.... I can think of one or two that I avoid myself.
It's a shame that there are not more good quality game stores these days. Like the Sentry Box in Calgary, AB. What a great place that is!
ROFL Actually DB, that's a pretty accurate description of them. And I've been playing TT games, watching anime, and have even been to a convention or two since High School
Characters designs for some friends I hang out with offline for a "Supernatural Teenagers vs Things whom names should not be spoken " game we play based off of "Teenagers From Outer Space "

<.< >.> thats how us Supernatural monsters roll 
Robert Wolf
Chi chi
Curtis and his cat o power Tterb
Drawn on photocopy paper and colored with markers , notice the lack of shoe laces
I think I need to be sick more often sleep medication +art for teh win