OOC: Songs and Theme Music




ITunes is being stupid with their odd file formats that nothing but an IPod will load.

Sigh... anyone know a file converter?

[/ QUOTE ]

From what to what, may I ask?



ITunes is being stupid with their odd file formats that nothing but an IPod will load.

Sigh... anyone know a file converter?

[/ QUOTE ]

From what to what, may I ask?

[/ QUOTE ]
probably iTunes format to mp3



ITunes is being stupid with their odd file formats that nothing but an IPod will load.

Sigh... anyone know a file converter?

[/ QUOTE ]

From what to what, may I ask?

[/ QUOTE ]
probably iTunes format to mp3

[/ QUOTE ]

I just ask becuase I've never had a problem with ITunes changing file formats.



ITunes uses a file called m4a. Converting to an mp3 file would be good. I can't do it in Movie Maker cause for some reason it won't show music from the ITunes store.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



It seems like there is no "Easy" program to do it for you. I found something that involved the command prompt which seems to work, I dont know how computer literate you are however. I'll keep looking though.



Okay, this looks like it'll work, thanks

Also, I was thinking about it, and the theme from 'Angel' wouldn't be a bad choice for The Ruby Blade.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Oh, did you find something? If so, what is it? 0_o



Oh, did you find something? If so, what is it? 0_o

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the link you had, I followed the directions at the bottom of the page.

I have the songs from Flaming Thorn's bio!

I know its annoying to not know the tune to a song, and its the main flaw in his personality, no audio

So here are some of the songs. I assumed it was only the ones from Wicked you guys had never heard:


No Good Deed. -I'm considering basing a character off this one.

For Good -I thought this would be a great song for when Essex officially leaves Acid to help the Malta, if Pstorm and her had been slightly better friends.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



This isn't the exact song, but it's pretty close.

Fragments of Sorrow

Like I said, not the exact thing I had in mind, but really seems to fit it.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Hmm... you know, dispite the fact that I have to have my music playing while playing, I don't really have specific songs set for each of my characters. I have favorites that usually match pretty closely at times though...

Fyreflight - circa Cosmic Chess (in game version still isn't there)
Shinedown - 45
Evenesence - Haunted

Tam Khat - AH101
Carl Douglas feat. Bus Stop - Kung Fu Fighting (Not obvious at all This one would be the closest I have to a character theme song.)
Michael Sembello - Maniac
Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day

Cortianna - Cosmic Chess
Final Fantasy: Advent Children - Advent: One-Winged Angel
Phantom of the Opera (2005) - Learn To Be Loney

Nightrayne - circa 24HV
.hack//SIGN - Before Dawn

Nightrayne - SH101
Trapt - Headstrong

Rachel & Rob
D.H.T. - Listen to Your Heart
Kenny G - Sentimental

Stellarmare - Birght Star (but kind of anywhere when I'm playing her)
Stan Bush - The Touch (Transformers: The Movie)
Stan Bush - Dare (same place. Yes I'm a geek )

When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.



Hey Burning?

In ITunes.

Under the Advanced menu.

Highlight the song in your playlist and choose "Convert Selection to MP3."



Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Wow, Essex, these songs are so super cool. Where do you get your music from?

I really liked Melodie - Salva Nos for a character I haven't written about at any length in an RP, though I dearly, dearly want to. His name's the Champion, and he's an angsty hero of near anti-hero proportions. Forced to never feel any type of pleasure or happiness unless bringing the wicked to justice until he manages to vanquish the terrible demi-god Immortal. Ah, he was fun to write a bio for, I hope he gets a chance in an RP soon!

By the way, I really, really loved the Winning the Rainbow song you had picked out for Billyboy. I'm listening to it now, it's just so like a fight scene for him. Lots of guitar! I could imagine this as his final epic fight against Wormwood... but none of you know who that is... yet!



Essex has a gigantic music collection.
Just like me. Waaahahaha.

We're such losers.



Hehehe. Come on now, I couldn't be a self-respecting drama wh0re without a soundtrack, could I? Most of my songs come from classical, foreign music, media or video game soundtracks. For example, that Blue Blast - Winning the Rainbow song comes from the second CD by the Black Mages, which is a rock band that plays songs from the Final Fantasy series. XP I picked 'em up in Japan when I was teaching and have never regretted it. @_@

Anyone for more?

Unequaled Boisterous Dance - The Sky is Too Small - This is the song that reminded me of Experiment 2.0. XP Like, John Ballard working at first...and then going all Batcave on us and slipping away to his secret hideout. XD XD Hee.

I'm Sensitive by Jewel - Here's the song that I thought of as a theme for Essex in the SH101 setting. I have the whole thing played out like a movie in my mind, it's surreal. @_@ Try to guess which parts are for who. XP Billyboy, Ian, Prikker, and Pstorm all have their appearances.

The Bird Chirps, I Sing from Tales of Legendia - This was always my 'World Theme' for Greatest Tale. <3 The stuff of fairytales.

Aka To Kuro from Noir - This song SO reminds me of Circle of Thorns. I have to issue two warnings, though: (1) It's VERY dischordant, so look out. (2) It's in Japanese, so don't be surprised. My Japanese is pretty good, so I can understand some of the lyrics, but not all of them. The line that really made it for me is part of the melodic part near 2:00. Aah, inochi ni kaitai made, mamoritai mono hito wa, mada motteru no? This translates to "Ah, even if changed by life, do people still posess that which they want to protect?" <3


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Hey Burning?

In ITunes.

Under the Advanced menu.

Highlight the song in your playlist and choose "Convert Selection to MP3."


[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, that works for songs that were originally CDs, but for things you bought off of the ITunes store, apparently you have to burn them onto a disc, then do the file convert. ITunes won't let you change their songs if they can help it.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



O Fortuna by Carl Orff
Awesome song, great sound, excellent vocals. Powerful, Dramatic, Moving. I could see this being a intro for a dark character, or the beginning of an epic battle.

[/ QUOTE ]

This song now property of Archlich! I can imagine the part when it gets loud again is when he pulls out some giant spell of death. And then that ending-ish thing in the middle would be a zoom in on his burning blue eyes narrowing.


Then the fight begins again with Archlich slinging spells all over the place until the quiet bit where the battlefield has fallen silent and it looks like everyone is dead. Then the music picks up and the good guys charge out from their hiding places while Archlich watches. Then he freezes time and slowly walks closer to them on the next quiet bit. Then they unfreeze when the music picks up again and we've got some close range spell slinging going on. Then it fades to black, then rumbles, then ends.

Escape- Craig Armstrong
Again, and intro to a epic battle. The way it sounds it could be both a beginning, the actual battle, and the aftermath.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I could've used this for Toy Dispenser's attack on the Consumed's city. With the beginning half being the march and the deployment and then the undead attacking when the second half starts. The beat in the background would be perfect to punctuate the various spells and attacks fired by the Daishi's, lich's, and allies as they fought. The loud singing near the end would be the tower falling. Now, that doesn't cover all the points of that battle, but I like it anyway.

For angsty hero types.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this reminds me heavily of Billyboy. Especially the guitar. Mainly the guitar. Some of the words too. Most of them in fact.

I freaking love you, Commie. ^__________________^

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Essex has a gigantic music collection.
Just like me. Waaahahaha.

We're such losers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just caught this.


*Points to the 103 songs in his Favourites list.*

*Proceeds to point to the 3,209 songs in his Library.*



/has you beat at 6,117





Shut it, inner-voice.



I have a story I'm planning, and I think this song would be great for a music video of the ending, or of the main characters fighting together.

Wake Me Up Inside by Evanescence.

This song has been one of my favorites ever since the scene where Elektra readies to fight in the Daredevil movie.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



I love that song!

Actually, during one of my 'hate the world, leave me alone or I k33l j00' phases, I listened to only Evanescence, and this was one of my favourites.

[Edit] Okay, people, did anyone ever notice that they always change something into something else without even thinking about it?

I just realized that I matched every single theme for these RP's to an entry movie, like seeing the characters, their names, and a small action sequence. You know, one of those action-series kinds of things.

I was putting MotM to the song Ess put up, before I realized I did it all the time.

...Just, y'know, some random trivia.



It's definitely one of my top songs for fights.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



the song's actually called "Bring Me to Life" FYI...
I uh, own the album