OOC: Songs and Theme Music




Now that I think about it, I think I need to go out at some point...

...Oh well.

Someday by... Well, why don'tcha guess? When I listen to this, I kind of imagine everyone in battle, aiding each other. Not mainly from the words, but the tune itself.



Thanks to Terminus, now that there's a music hosting site, I can actually share with y'all the slightly less popular themes that nobody's ever heard of that remind me of everyone. XD I've got a list...I'll just post a few now and more later.

Center of Attention by Guster - OMG EXPERIMENT AND HAL. XD XD
Advancing Towards 12 O'Clock from Tales of Legendia - Reminds me of the Malta buckling down for a big ol' fight. <.<
Ailes Grises from Haibane Renmei - It's my "Hi, I'm Essex and I'm hella angsty!" song. <.<


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Not from Guitar Hero but still good - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor as played by Vanessa Mae - Rosalind fighting with Ruby Blade. This one is also one I'm working on an animation for. I mean actively working on. I have prelim sketches and everything. It makes me too swoony not to.

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That'd be awesome *is considering downloading some of these songs off ITunes...*

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Ya know, I can never seem to decide on a song for my characters.

Although, when Essex was going all darky in Final Fight, I couldn't get the deep choir voices out of my head. You kind of get what I mean? You might find em near the end of video games at big boss fights, or in certain movies where something big and/or dramatic is about to happen.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell





*Kills Hal in his dreams, smirking all the time, before he suddenly wakes up in the forum, still in full red armour.*

"....Stop looking at me like that."

Now, all you have to figure out, is whether people are looking at him funny because he smiled in his sleep killing his ally, or because he sleeps in his full suit of armour.



Ya know, I can never seem to decide on a song for my characters.

Although, when Essex was going all darky in Final Fight, I couldn't get the deep choir voices out of my head. You kind of get what I mean? You might find em near the end of video games at big boss fights, or in certain movies where something big and/or dramatic is about to happen.

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Oh! Oh! I know! I will put a Putfile here...

Sorta like this, except more angsty?



Ya know, I can never seem to decide on a song for my characters.

Although, when Essex was going all darky in Final Fight, I couldn't get the deep choir voices out of my head. You kind of get what I mean? You might find em near the end of video games at big boss fights, or in certain movies where something big and/or dramatic is about to happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh! Oh! I know! I will put a Putfile here...

Sorta like this, except more angsty?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly. That's more of a song for when someone's been killed. Maybe when the Maltans realize what they did.

I mean the deep, mostly men's voices one. I wish I knew a name for it, but I don't. :/

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Oh... Well, this IS when Meryl dies, and Sniper Fox, in Metal Gear Solid...

Like, a monk type of choir you are talking about?



Not really *mad at himself he can't think of a name* It's kind of harsh sounding. I'll run through ITunes real quick, see if I can find something like it.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



I REALLY should have expected such an angst-driven song to be owned by the drama-healbot...

Woohoo for Angst!



Woo hoo, new album means more songs for the list, and that album is 'Last Man Standing' by Fr/Action.

Anna Nethema
The Living and the Dead
("It's been many years since I left for vengance on my own, and after this time all the truth is beginning to show. The demons I hunted were always so easy to see, but now I know that the real demon is inside of me.")
Ground Zero
("Living with a vengance is what I do, I will be the last man standing when all this is through.")

Cobalt Stinger
("Welcome to the wasteland, welcome to the aftermath...all this time we knew this day would come...")
Partners in Crime
("I watch your back, and you watch mine. We are partners, partners in crime.")

Walking the Edge
("Now I'm walking the edge, try to stay on the line.")
("If everything I knew was wrong and everything did not belong, and everthing I though I'd lost was never worth the cost. If everything I thought I'd won was everything that came undone, and everything I thought would last could never change the past.")



Change. Of. Heaaaart!!!

"Did he say change of heart?!"
"No... He said Change of Heaaaaart!!!, completely different."


Yes, well, after listening to Someday over and over and over, times thirty-two, I have changed what I think the song signifies, and this time it includes the words.

For me, it seems as though two people are singing it, one for the first verse, one for the second, both sing their seperate parts for the third, and both sing the Chorus.

Most likely, 2.0 is the first verse, and Hal is the second verse, and both would have different reasons for the chorus.

The first verse would likely be Final Fight Experiment trying to ask forgiveness of Essex for his stupidity, apart from the whole 'Unpack your suitcase' part...

The chorus would be him trying to mend their friendship.

Hal would likely have the second verse, because, well, Final Fight has gone to all hell. Plus, the whole 'loving Essex' thing fits in there. His version of the chorus would be to try and tell Essex how he honestly feels.

Third verse, both sing their parts respectively, for their reasons, then the chorus again.

If you hadn't noticed, this is a sort of for Final Fight, but not a theme, if you get my drift.



Now to update my character's themes. Ahem.

Coldfire Kaiser - Forgotten by Linkin Park (look it up, freakin' rules)

Becky Morningstar - If Everyone Cared by Nickelback (Sappy, I know, but it works for her)

Charcold Kaiser - Down with the Sickness by Disturbed (Sadomasichism at its best )

Drone of War - BYOB by System of a Down

Blade of Dragon - Nobody's Listening by Linkin Park (also awesome, and yes, I am really into Linkin Park)

Diomedes - Enter Sandman by Metallica (Metallica freekin' roolz)

That about sums up my important characters.



Actually, what I was thinking of during that part was -

Melodie - Salva Nos

*love love love this song* It's just...so....angsty.

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Because everything that I think about while on these boards generally turns toward Toy, I listened to this song and immidiately started imagining this seen in Final Fight where Toy is on his last life and he's turned human like Essex. And he's all wondering in an angst-ish way about how the hell things have gone wrong and the fact that human bodies suck [censored].

Not that this scene will ever happen, cause we all know Toy is too good to be beaten that much.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Someone mentioned that there is no way to save things from putfile.com. I am here to help!

I was looking over the thread when I saw this. And, On the internet, there is ALWAYS a way!
In Internet Explorer there is a way to see everything you download on the internet. Every pop up, every ad, and every Song! Before doing this, you may want to make sure you have room in your Temporary Internet Files. You can go in manually and delete some if you want, or you may simply delete them all.
The downside to deleting them all is that your pages may load a *BIT* slower the first time. Your computer references your Temporary Internet Files to load a page faster. So deleting them will make it go a tad slower the first time. After that, you will be fine again. ANYWAYS.
Open up whatever it may be you want to download that normally, you cant. For this, lets say a song on putfile. Play the song in Internet Explorer. Let it finish loading.
When its done, go to "Tools >>> Internet Options."
Then go to "Settings" in the Internet Options section.
Then go to "View Files"
This page may take a bit to load, depending on its size. Inside will be a seeminly random pile of files, of varying size. What you're looking for is something from the source "uploadfile.putfile.com" in it. This can be made simpler by organizing the files by "Internet Address." This arranged them in alphabetical order. After you find that section, you may see many such files, depending on how many you have viewed. You can right click the file and open it if you so desire, to see what it is.
When you find the one you want, right click and "Copy" it. Then, you can paste it into whatever folder you want. I usually just paste it to my desk top and deal with it later.
Bam! There you have it. You have "Saved" the file from the internet, to your computer.
I hope this is right, and im not just some special circumstance >_<!! That would be lame, and only cause drama for you when you think "WHY THIS NO WORK! I WANT FILEZ! STOOPID COMMIE AND HIS STOOPID GUIDE!"
Which, if this is the case, I ask only your forgiveness, and that you keep in mind I had only the best intentions while you beat me mercilessly.



I must be really bored and tired cause I just listened to that song another couple of times and now I got a new scene stuck in my head.

This time its Toy starting this fight that he knows he can't win and then the whole song is him and his bots fighting like hell but with this depressed undertone cause they know they're going to lose. Near the end half the bots start dying off and the last ten seconds or so would show the camera zooming away from Toy's broken body lying on the ground.

Yeah, I'm tired and that song is starting to make me depressed.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Asuka's theme song is actually:
Asuka by Rin'
Actually I named her BEFORE i ever heard of the song, then i was browsing iTunes and BAM there it was! And it fits too, since I always imagined her theme would have a shamisen in it.

Reishi's is Evolution by Ayumi Hamasaki.
Nicholas Sarder's is Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim
Sae's is Subarishiki Shin Sekai by Yuzo Koshiro/flair (it's the theme song for Namco x Capcom, which was kind of the inspiration for her character)
Sakura/Miyu don't actually have one yet...but I'm open to suggestions!
Leo's is difficult, to say the least.
El Guapo Grande...well...probably the Mexican Hat Dance



Okay, how about this...

Tears For a Moonlit Knight - an Overclocked Remix of Lisa's Sonnet from SoulBlazer.

This song reminds me of two things:

1. Terminus' character, Sir Morgant.
2. An RP concept I had before Bright Star that consisted of all of our characters being whisked back into medieval times and equivalencies. I don't have an exact story to it, just mental images. But the song definitely has a story-timeline. I'd be interested to hear what you guys think of when you listen to it. :P


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace




2. An RP concept I had before Bright Star that consisted of all of our characters being whisked back into medieval times and equivalencies. I don't have an exact story to it, just mental images. But the song definitely has a story-timeline. I'd be interested to hear what you guys think of when you listen to it. :P

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Whenever I read Bright Star I always think people are talking about my tanker >_>



Hmmm I just dug up my Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack, and I think I may have a close song to what I was describing. One moment...

Oh, and I'm up for suggestions for themes for my chars to

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



I have a few songs that are not just relevant to my character, but a few just generic songs.
O Fortuna by Carl Orff
Awesome song, great sound, excellent vocals. Powerful, Dramatic, Moving. I could see this being a intro for a dark character, or the beginning of an epic battle.
Escape- Craig Armstrong
Again, and intro to a epic battle. The way it sounds it could be both a beginning, the actual battle, and the aftermath.
For angsty hero types.



ITunes is being stupid with their odd file formats that nothing but an IPod will load.

Sigh... anyone know a file converter?

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell