OOC: Songs and Theme Music




So one thing I love to do is to listen to music and assign it as a theme song for a person or event. As many of you have probably noticed, every single one of my main characters is musical in some way. (Essex has her synthesizers, Rosalind sings, Leeni is a composer, etc.) That's because, as a card-carrying drama 'ho, there is something about music that I cannot ignore. Something about having the imagery of the character and the emotion or situation that you're trying to put across accurately defined in a medium that you can really lose yourself in.

And so, now, I'm curious. I want to know if others do the same thing as I do.

What are your theme songs? What songs have reminded you of situations your characters have been in? Inquiring minds want to know! (And I'm always on the lookout for good, new music.) I'll give you some of mine as an example.

Solace by Plumb - Rosalind's theme
Shackled by Vertical Horizon - Peng Wei-li's theme
Funk Soul Brother by Fatboy Slim - Always makes me think of Khell's Toy Dispenser and his bots going on a rampage. XD
Apocalypse Please by Muse - I swear to toast, if Final Fight were a movie, this would be the theme song.

Post your theme songs here! It would also be fun if you post songs here that remind you of the others. :3


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Good Lord. I cannot BELIEVE I have not thought about this!

I must find theme songs for my characters immediately! The two that come easily to mind are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds for Hallucinogen and I am the Walrus for Schizo, both by The Beatles . . . but I hardly consider those perfect fits, and will try to listen to a bunch of music to find my characters' theme songs.

. . . And don't expect it to be anything recent. I am, shall we say, not a fan of most recent popular music (except movie music and the like).



Heh, that's actually pretty easy. If my characters carried around a soundtrack...

Acid Zero would be, hands down, Beethoven's 5th Symphony, Movement 1.

Gunslinger Pete would of course have to be "Ring of Fire". You know the one.

And since my other characters are really embodiments of my RL friends and co-workers, I've got no idea about them.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




What a great idea for a thread!

Let's see here... *chuckles* as corny as it may be, Helper makes me think of the Theme from Super Mario Bros. (The original 8-bit masterpiece.) It's lighthearted, upbeat, campy as all get out, and by todays standards ridiculously primative, which is how I think of the big guy in my heart of hearts.

As for Kreigg... He's a much deeper and more complex character than I've been able to illustrate thus far, but in fear of giving something away I'd say his theme is Faint by linkin park. I love the interplay of logic and irrationality in this song. That dichotomy really encapsulates what I think of him, and in a way, what he thinks of himself.

What music do I hear for other people? Hehe....

Well, First there's Essex. She makes me think, not of any particular peice of music, but a moment of musical timing. Think of a scary movie, that dramatic part where the music starts to escalate into a quick series of tense chords, and, upon peaking at it's inevitable cresendo there is a sudden silence. That pause is what I think of when I read Essex.

So far, that's all I really have in so far as musical impressions are concerned. I might go and post more as I get more experience with everyone.



Okay, having reconsidered, I feel Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Movement 1 is much more appropriate for Hallucinogen. I still think I Am the Walrus is right for Schizo, it's so upbeat and incomprehensible.

And incidentally, Cafea actually has a theme song by definition. I meant it when I suggested his name was a melody. . . I wrote the melody. Pretty simple, but it IS just his name. Play C-A-F-E-A on an instrument and you'll see it's not a bad melody by itself; there's a little more than that, though.



Ramier - Back in the USSR.

Prikker/Snikker - Gangster's Paradise

The Maltans - Let's make Hand Grenades.



Ooh La La by Goldfrapp - Dark Dragonistic's creation, other evil goings-on in a Crey lab, or pretty much anything with Dark Dragonistic in it.

Hung Up by Madonna - Dunno why, but this just seems the sort of thing that Dragonistic's theme song would be...

There are others, but I forgot..


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Oh, I’ve thought about this a helluva lot, as Hermod could easily tell you. It’s really hard for me to pick just one for a couple of my characters, but I have a few well established.

I actually have a whole soundtrack for Billyboy, but I’d say the theme song I’m most happy with for him would have to be Jerk It Out by Caesar’s Palace, though Action Movie Hero Boy by Lemon Demon also fits him really well. He also has a ton of love songs that fit him really well in several circumstances, and some good fight music too.

Dr. Phillis is really hard to place as well because he’s the most complex character I have. I’ve cycled through a lot of theme songs, and a lot of songs fit him in depending on what time in his storyline he’s in. Like, in his soul-possessed robotic shell form, his song was Chop Suey by System of a Down as well as Revenga by System of a Down. His earlier career, before villainy, would have been Overrated (Everything Is) by Less Than Jake. For his religious views I’d give him Holy Smoke by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, his political views give him American Idiot by Green Day, and his pop culture view gives him Turn the Radio Off by Reel Big Fish. He’s just a gold mine of music. He’d have to have Brave New World by Iron Maiden as well. The two favorite songs I have for him, however, are End of the World and Prisoner of Society, both by Living End.

My ultimate fight music for Billyboy and Dr. Phillis is Headstrong by Trapt, because they’re both very alike in the fact that they refuse to go up, are both super full of themselves, and can’t stand letting the other win.

Podo the goblin – Sugar Free (The Mighty Mighty Bosstones)

Cyba – Everybody’s Fool (Evanescence)

Project Phage – I am… All of Me (Crush 40)

The Champion – Lies (Evanescence)



I go beyond the norm, and have created a whole track for what appears to be 2.0's entire hero career, including the people he meets.

2.0's theme song is "Hero" from Nickelback. It just kinda suits him. That or "Savin' Me".

Blind Messenger has "Running Blind" as a calm, intro song, and I can't remember the name right now, but a fast paced song with the word Blind in it for his battles with 2.0.

Shimmer... Heh... His music is more mysterious, with a dark tune to it. Not TOO dark, but dark enough. I don't remember the name...

...Experiment 3.0's song is creepy. It is by Evanescence and kind of freaks me out sometimes.



YAY! I'm not alone in my music fanaticism!

Expiriment, I heard a song the other day that reminded me of John Ballard in his office, and then going down into his base as 2.0 - I believe it was called Unrivaled Boisterous Dance, The Sky is Too Small or something, and it's from Read Or Die. Utterly beautiful.

And since my li'l Wei-Li has Guitar Hero, most of the songs from there have ingrained themselves into my psyche. Most notably,

Fat Lip by Sum 41 - Holy crap, this makes me think of Prikker and Snikker so strongly that it makes me want to do a Flash animation music video.

No One Knows by Queens of the Stone Age - A PERFECT song for Game of Cosmic Chess. I love it, I love it, I love it.

Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand - This is Rosie and Ghoul's theme song in my mind. I can imagine the two of them in a good-natured spar to this one.

Not from Guitar Hero but still good - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor as played by Vanessa Mae - Rosalind fighting with Ruby Blade. This one is also one I'm working on an animation for. I mean actively working on. I have prelim sketches and everything. It makes me too swoony not to.

As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't posted any theme songs for Essex yet. That's because there's WAY TOO MANY. They all depend on situations and moods...And for some reason, they mostly tend to be from Katamari Damacy. <.<


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



And since my other characters are really embodiments of my RL friends and co-workers, I've got no idea about them.

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I just read this. I am the SAME WAY. All of my characters are either based on parts of my personality or my family and friends. A few examples...

Peng Wei-Li = My little brother Will. :P When I took Chinese classes, my Chinese name was Peng Na-li.
Ginstar and Emry are both my fiance. XP

There are more, but I don't remember them offhand. D: So...many...characters.

Anyway, back on topic---

As an artist, music that reminds me of characters really makes me want to make a TON of animations/music videos. However, I don't think I have the capacity to do all the ones I -want- to do, but I still want to share them.

Would anyone be opposed to me using this thread to script out music videos for the amusement of the world? ((I promise they're not all just Essex. XP)) I just think it would be fun to share exactly what I see of you all when I listen to a piece of music.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace




As an artist, music that reminds me of characters really makes me want to make a TON of animations/music videos. However, I don't think I have the capacity to do all the ones I -want- to do, but I still want to share them.

Would anyone be opposed to me using this thread to script out music videos for the amusement of the world? ((I promise they're not all just Essex. XP)) I just think it would be fun to share exactly what I see of you all when I listen to a piece of music.

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CoH music videos for the win!



And since my other characters are really embodiments of my RL friends and co-workers, I've got no idea about them.

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I just read this. I am the SAME WAY. All of my characters are either based on parts of my personality or my family and friends.

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Hal, Schizo, Moonscribe and Steel Eclipse are all me, haha. Yes. . . there is a part of me that is frighteningly like Schizo. . . but without the evil and sadistic parts. Basically, I'm just crazy that way.

I'm logical and polite like Moonscribe, and can be arrogant and desperate to prove how great I am like Steel. Sadly, though, I am most like Hal, which is a tad depressing. . .

But anyway. I would not mind at all. . . I was a little curious about that stuff anyway.




As an artist, music that reminds me of characters really makes me want to make a TON of animations/music videos. However, I don't think I have the capacity to do all the ones I -want- to do, but I still want to share them.

Would anyone be opposed to me using this thread to script out music videos for the amusement of the world? ((I promise they're not all just Essex. XP)) I just think it would be fun to share exactly what I see of you all when I listen to a piece of music.

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CoH music videos for the win!

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*points up*

What he said.

Also, all of my characters, with the exception of Death's Right Hand and Ghoul were made and developed by me. Ghoul was made with the input of my little brother while Hand is entirely his. Toy is based after me, Archlich is based after my love of the undead, and Ghoul sort of started out as an experiment.

I also try to fashion some of my characters after cliches. Like Archlich, the evil all powerful undead mage who wants to but can't take over the world for spit.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



I also try to fashion some of my characters after cliches. Like Archlich, the evil all powerful undead mage who wants to but can't take over the world for spit.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love cliches! Dr. Phillis was created as a cliche just for fun, because I love taking cliches and making them as unique as possible while still being a cliche! An evil genius with goggles, crazy hair, and a robot army was the general idea, but I mixed him up a bit by making him a young man, starting his evil career around twenty-three or twenty-four, and making him really actually doing what he's doing because he thinks that in the end it will be the right thing. Plus, the ends don't justify the means for him, so he's not willing to kill just anyone, only those who get in his way, and he doesn't take hostages, though he does take prisoners. Plus, he's a sane man, just zealous. He's kind of frustrated because he believes most people are too stupid to see how much better off things would be if he ruled.

So many characters I've made our just cliches. Podo is a misunderstood goblin in a human's world, altruistic and heroic, yet cast away and feared because of his backround. The Champion is the generic angsty character that can't feel happiness and was created with the piece of a powerful demigod in hopes of becoming a weapon to destroy him. Dark Daveedo is my [censored] crazy necromancer type who wants your soul.

Ah, cliches are so much freaking fun to play around with, especially when you end up making something you really like out of that little idea!

But, back on the thread topic, I'd love to see your ideas, Essex! I can't tell you how many times I've made music videos for my characters.



I also try to fashion some of my characters after cliches. Like Archlich, the evil all powerful undead mage who wants to but can't take over the world for spit.

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I love cliches! Dr. Phillis was created as a cliche just for fun, because I love taking cliches and making them as unique as possible while still being a cliche!

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Yes, Steel Eclipse is something of a cliche himself, and that is sort of what I am going for with him.



well mine whould have to be shot threw the heart :P

spines/regen song fits huh.



T_T No Fair!

*passes the bottle*



Aw. . . Here, have some of my Essex-ade.



No, no, I haven't had any yet! Fresh can! . . . Or was there something else you objected to?




..."Can of Toast" would be a great name for a band. XD

Anyway, to keep this SOMEWHAT on topic...

The music video that will be coming ((*cries and fans flaming fingers*)) is to the 24HV thread, and the song is The World from dot.hack//SIGN.

It's so freakin' awesome. I swear to toast I'm typing it in Notepad before I post it next time.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



I made up all my crazy Malta types because, well...

...Just think about how many guns they have, jeeze...

Prik'n'Snik are there because of Shadowclan...

Of all my guys, I think Prikker and Marcus are the most like me... Prikker because he's the perfect idiot and Marcus because he's the perfect grumpy guy.

And the SPAS-12 is like, the best shotgun ever. Amen.

EDIT: Music video eh? Interesting...