Level 50 Villains. Post here and take a bow.




If you have achieved level 50 on your villain post it here. Let's strike terror to those puny heroes and remind them we are getting stronger and stronger every day. MUUUUUU WAAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA.

From The Galactic Empire Death Comander and ColdHearted Healer have recently hit level 50 on their villains. Well done Imperial Warriors. You have done the Empire Proud.



47.2. So... close...



YAY for me, Coldhearted Healer has hit 50 in all his wonderfull kineticness...now for the Recluse SF...tried it yesterday, got cut short b/c of the RV event(awesome event btw) and i am going at it again tonight. I actually want to get it dont B4 they rollback the regen of AV/Heroes...it is a pride thing....see ya in game ;-)



Wildstar Vengeance. Although I did PL the crap out of him.



almost to 45...not having PLs is hurting for sure.

Black Amaranth has a 50 as well...

I think my biggest 'problem' is that I don't want to miss out on any content or story arcs, so I'm taking it slooow.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I hit 45 last night..one more level I can get my friends to *ahem* help me



Demoniker, level 50 Fire/Dark/Soul Brute.



I've had a 50 for awhile, from mostly straight fighting on Invince, and with a +1 friend on his invince missions (until I outleveled him when he took a break)

EM/EA/Mu Brute.



im getting all the accolades first before i start working on Figi again

she is half way to 43

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Level 50 Thermal here, big help from the SG.



Mor'athis lvl 50 Fire/stone/Mu
Kinster lvl 50 Ar/Kin/Soul



Lvl 50 DM/Stone brute here, I've been 50 for a while now. The name is Broad Side, and I'm already getting the pl tells.



Pl meh?



Pl meh?

[/ QUOTE ]

Gotcha /ingore CanEHdian

We actually have about 5 different 50's in the WC now with a few more just a couple lvls off.



im getting all the accolades first before i start working on Figi again

she is half way to 43

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm doing the same. I'd rather have every edge i can get on my way to 50 then just slug it out.



At the end of every video you do you need to have the clip of your character doing your evil laugh like you did on that COT video. Thats a better signature then just reading the laugh. The video showed that there are a good amount of villains on champion. Now we just need to see if we can get more of them to turn out on a regular basis to RV.



I can easily add the evil laugh clip at the end of each. Thanks for the input.



Falcon Resistor (Avatar) Hit 50 a day after Broad Side. Now trying to help all the SG mates up. That and trying to pop a million Prestige soon.

I'm more pumped about potentially hitting 1 mil prestige than hitting 50.



My first 50 is Destructa, Stone Melee/Invul (Dark, evil Invul) Smashtroller.



Y3k Bugged - Level 50 as of 6/22/06.

Yay! Now all I need is a few dozen shiney SHO's from the Recluse Strike Force.



SG member: Tiny Death Em/regen Stalker been 50 for a week, didnt see him here so...gratz man



My SG Leader.....Midnight Wing (EM/EA stalker) hit 50 Saturday night. Gratz to him...first 50 in our SG.

Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker



Our newest member, Lady Myrtle, hit 50 yesterday. Gratz!!



Deaths Hand 50 Em/Ea Stalker

Punch Drunk Love 50 Em/Ea Brute

Crisis Zero 50 Ice/Rad Corr



Gratz to all my HVNDer's that are following after me.