Accolade Hunting for Villains




High Pain Threshold (Hereafter Pain)
Level 35 (no minimum). A 10% increase in hit points. This corresponds to the hero accolade Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member.

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Minimum level for HPT is 10, High Pain Threshold requires Deathless, which is an epic debt badge, you cannot get debt before level 10. Also I think HPT is a better condensation for it's name, and it's what most people I run into use to refer to it.

Couch Potato (Hereafter Potato)
Level 50 (no minimum). This is a 25-minute-recovery click power attack that immobilizes. Corresponds to the hero accolade Conspiracy Theorist.

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As indicated before, this Accolade is called 'Headline Stealer', and I generally hear the term 'HS' to abbreviate it. It's minimum level is 15, because one of the badges for it is a Bloody Bay exploration badge, which cannot be accessed until 15.

Hero Slayer (Force)
Defeat Signature heroes in mayhem missions.

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You need to defeat exactly 100 heroes to earn this badge. That's a LOT, you're not likely to get it the normal Mayhem way until 40 at least. However, there are other ways to obtain it. The contact in Nerva, 'Operative Rutger' (level 30-35) gives out a story arc where you eventually face Infernal. Infernal summons a few demons every once in a while, they also count for this badge. Grab however many people you can, and farm him for a while to get Hero Slayer easier. He won't summon more if you have more people on your team, but if you can get enough higher levels it should be a lot easier to keep him aggro'd for extended amounts of time, just be sure to not kill him . Details for the Story Arc can be found here .

Vandal (Force)
Destroy items in mayhem missions.

[/ QUOTE ] Exact numbers for this is Destroy 25 Fire Hydrants, Newspaper Vendors, Pay Phone Booths, and Mailboxes. These are all slightly more rare than the usual cardboard boxes, cars, barrels, metal crates, etc. but it's easy to keep a mental note on how many you destroyed per run and write it down after you completed it. Or just remember which ones count for the badge and smash them all whenever you see them.

Coldhearted (Demonic)
Kill 250 Hellfrosts or Hordelings. (Start at the south eastern part of the map in Diable Mountain in Cap au Diable. Then work your way north and all the way west along the north coast. Continue this circle.)

[/ QUOTE ] Common spelling error with this badge, it's Coldblooded, not Coldhearted. I've been hearing it mispronounced a lot since the Valentines event started

Further edit: Ignore this, it's Coldblooded for heroes, and Coldhearted for villains.

Outlaw (Force)
Defeat Paragon Police in mayhem missions.

[/ QUOTE ] This badge requires one thousand PPD KO's, like the Villain badge. Problem is these guys are a lot rarer than longbow. Try to get in a large mayhem group, or once you hit level 40+ several contacts give out missions which have PPD in them, the Television's Couch Potato badge mission is one such mission. Kill all the PPD, reset, and keep it up until you have this badge.

Impounder (Force)
Destroy vehicles in mayhem missions.

[/ QUOTE ] Exact number is 200, not much to say here really, just destroy them whenever you see them, I'd hold off on it until you're level 10 at least though, they take a very long time to destroy at low levels, and their explosion can be pretty deadly if you're nearby.

Hope this info helps your guide out



Well, it helped me, so thanks!



Nice Guide!




Gangbuster (Pain)
Kill 200 Family (Marcone) Bosses. (An 8 person team hunting throughout southern and northern Port Oakes is the best bet.)

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Most sources that I've found list PO as the place to find Marcone Boss's. This is an agonizingly slow place to hunt them, There are a ton in the southern half of Nerva, but they are around level 27.

'Understanding that you still have a lot to learn is key to the path to wisdom' - (Some guy somewhere, or maybe I just made it up, I don't know.)




Gangbuster (Pain)
Kill 200 Family (Marcone) Bosses. (An 8 person team hunting throughout southern and northern Port Oakes is the best bet.)

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Most sources that I've found list PO as the place to find Marcone Boss's. This is an agonizingly slow place to hunt them, There are a ton in the southern half of Nerva, but they are around level 27.

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/macro Capo targetcustomnext Capo


/bind f targetcustomnext Capo

spam repeatedly while you run around PO. Makes it *much* faster than just cycling through available targets or looking for the red glow around their head when you enter visual range. Once you've done this a bit you get to know where to find the most of them and you can just make a continuous circuit and rack them up pretty fast. Still takes a while and I've never had the patience to do the whole thing in one go, but a few sessions and you're done.

Oh and this also targets some non-bosses, like Capo Gunners. Nothing I could figure out would exclude them and still target the bosses, so I just live with it. Still works great.




I like mayhem missions, but not enough to do 100 of them. What's the best way to take down more signature heroes?

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Best way to defeat heroes is to farm an ultra low level mayhem. I have 3 accounts so It was easy for my lvl 50. Just got the lowest mayhem from my alt lvl 10, left the owner toon out side while I ran through with my lvl 50. Look up Mayhem Missions in the wiki and it tells you how to farm them. Make sure you have a good amount of time with no interuptions because even though it can be farmed you do still have clocks to contend with. Luckily I had already done a whole mess of meyhams while on teams so I didnt have that many. IF your starting from a low number I would say just farm it maybe 10 times or until you get sick of it and work on it over time. It took me about 2 hrs to get the final 15 hereos I needed. Incidentaly you can farm for the arsen badge at the same time.