just wondering




I am curious about something.

Some time ago, I had a few role players in my SG. There came a time, when they all reached 50. And then, it started. These folks, who were really fun to play with... well, they changed. They began a new "role" with the new alts.

And I found one of the character's role to be very annoying! It got to where I would avoid teaming with them because of the stupid way he would "talk".

I think I would have gone mad if I lived in California and had to listen to people from the "valley" talk, if they in fact spoke the way this toon spoke (typed).

Any of you RPers ever have a problem like that? I'm just curious.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




It really depends. How did they type? I personally find that if people are rude or obnoxious because their character is, it is annoying, but just plain stupid when they have been asked to stop.

However, this does not sound like one of those problems. Could you post sort of a sample of how they post?



Me: Hey guys, mission is up. If you need to sell/buy/train whatever, by all means do so.
He: Radical man! I might have to take five and hang ten, though, surf's up!
Me: Who's Radical Man? He get an invite or something? :P
He: Like whoa! Cowabunga! You need to surf yourself, your humor's a little dry!

See, it's not the player, the player's skill - it's this role that he's playing - some surfer type hero, complete with all the jargon. Enough to drive a sane man mad. What do you role players do when someone starts to play an annoying role?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Christ... That would annoy ME, and I am usually leniant.

Eh, most people in california don't talk that way.

I know.

Because I live there.

However, if they really annoy you that much, and "Please calm down" doesn't work, talk in their language...

"Dude, man, chill it for a while. You gotta hang ten, y'know what I mean, dude, man? Duuuuuude...."

Or, if that doesn't work, you just get the mallet, and smash 'em in the head with it. Then, you know that they will say one of three things...

1. Nothing. 'Cause they're dead.

2. "Ouch, man. What did you do that for?" meaning he has stopped, and you can explain it is annoying, so you have an understanding.

3. "Duuuude, that is so not cool! I should, like, beach you or somethin', dude!" ...Then, you get the magnum.



Christ... That would annoy ME, and I am usually leniant.

Eh, most people in california don't talk that way.

I know.

Because I live there.

[/ QUOTE ]
Some people I know do talk ALMOST like that.
I know that people around here, mostly guys, use the word "dude" more than the rest of the continental united states, but the surfer and valley girl accents that are really that annoying are just a myth. Girls i know do use the word "like" way to often.
It's, like, annoying, dude. (That's as bad as it gets)
California accents are pretty much an amalgamation of basically every accent in the country, as a LOT of people move here due to the weather and climate.



Christ... That would annoy ME, and I am usually leniant.

Eh, most people in california don't talk that way.

I know.

Because I live there.

[/ QUOTE ] ...It's, like, annoying, dude. (That's as bad as it gets)...

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow... You are lucky.

Most people I know around here say like between Every. Single. Word.

This is an actual conversation from, I think it was, last tuesday.

Me: "Hey, do you know anything about computers?"
Random person: "Oh, like, Windows?"
Me: "Sure."
R.P.: "Like, I, like, love windows, dude. It, like, rules, like, over, like, Mac and, like, stuff."
Me: "Wow... Do you, like, like windows, like?"
R.P.: "Dude, like totally!"
Me: "...That was sarcasm."
R.P.: "Dude, like, what is sarcsism?"

...I am serious, that was the most annoying conversation I have ever had. I never, like, even knew that, like, people, like, seriously, like said, like, like after, like, everything...

...Like, totally, dude, like, yeah.



Eh, it's expressing a particular speech pattern. It can't *REALLY* be worse than:

"Well I reckin' you'd better skidadle 'fore you get yerself in a heap-a trouble."

Is that somekind of southern accent? Cowboy? Texan? I live in Texas and I know a few friends that have relatives that own ranches and never have I *EVER* heard anyone actually talk like that. Sure, they'd have the accent but words like "Reckon" and stuff is, like, never used.

It's just a form of expressing an accent in an RP, although annoying when you can't make sense of it. I do agree that it takes more skill use accents like that when you RP cause you don't want to repeat phrases over and over. That's just not creative.



It's redneck . Some of my family use it, and yeah, I reckon they're all from the South .

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




No, I think redneck is more along the lines of [EDIT: murdering] the english language. Think something like:

“I thank yer brother bard ma pickup tha uther day. If he don’t change tha all it’s gonna catch far.”

Lol how annoying would it be for someone to RP like that all the time?



i knew a guy back in EQ1 that RP'd in troll speak, ALL THE TIME.

and, like, yeah. californians do, like, add like to like every sentence and stuff.
i actually bet my dad five bucks my sister couldn't recite one anecdote of her life without saying "like"
I won, three times over.



Me: Hey guys, mission is up. If you need to sell/buy/train whatever, by all means do so.
He: Radical man! I might have to take five and hang ten, though, surf's up!
Me: Who's Radical Man? He get an invite or something? :P
He: Like whoa! Cowabunga! You need to surf yourself, your humor's a little dry!

See, it's not the player, the player's skill - it's this role that he's playing - some surfer type hero, complete with all the jargon. Enough to drive a sane man mad. What do you role players do when someone starts to play an annoying role?

[/ QUOTE ]

These posts are funny. Probably because I feel your pain. I reckon, I mean, I came across many people that was "like" so annoying when they take it too far.
The way I see it, there should be more fighting than talking, and if ya gettin on the team nerves, just be quiet. The key to it is small doses. I'm sure someone could stand a line or two of surfer jargon but geesh, after five minutes straight, give it a rest! And if they know anything about actual surfers, they really don't say cowabunga, radical, and the likes 24/7. It weakens the punchline if over used.

See my toon, my RP is a concieted, obnoxious, totally self centered brat, but I only say a line here, line there, to make the team laugh but never over do it.
It's like having a beast toon constantly sayin (Roar) or the variations every two seconds. The first couple of times, it's cool then it gets weak. Then after a while some one just wants to kick ya from the team.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Hehehe. Some of my friends in highschool couldn't stop saying 'like' to save their lives. To be honest, I said it too...but I was an idiot when I was 15. XD

I can't say too much about accents, because I live in Detroit, and the only accent we have here is abject fear. Although you get different ethnic accents in different suburbs, which is really neat to listen to.

Then again, I'm a linguist, so I'm a sucker for stuff like that. XP Oh yeah, and the Canadian accent is rampant around here. But that's not as bad as the Yooper/Wisconson accent.

The closest thing to an annoying accent I do get exposed to is when I visit the northern end of the state and listen to the U.P. accents. (For those of you who don't know, the UP is what we Michigan-folk call the Upper Peninsula...its inhabitants are affectionately dubbed 'yoopers.')


My roommate was a yooper... and she didn't have the accent...but her DAD. WAS. UNINTELLIGIBLE.

"Yah, [Sue], eh! Gonna go get dat dere trailer and fix'yer up widda noo couch, eh!"

It was hilarious. XD


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Eh, it's expressing a particular speech pattern. It can't *REALLY* be worse than:

"Well I reckin' you'd better skidadle 'fore you get yerself in a heap-a trouble."

Is that somekind of southern accent? Cowboy? Texan? I live in Texas and I know a few friends that have relatives that own ranches and never have I *EVER* heard anyone actually talk like that. Sure, they'd have the accent but words like "Reckon" and stuff is, like, never used.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I do remember when people in Texas spoke like that.

I, myself, long ago lost my Texan accent in favor of the Midwestern that is spoken on national television. But when I drove through west Texas on a trip and had to stop for gas, when the attendent spoke to me, I was astonished to reply to him in exactly the same heavy accent that he was using. I wasn't consciously aware of it until I heard it coming out of my mouth.

There are a series of books titled "The Illustrated Texas Language". They are very funny.....but also extremely accurate in recording a dialect that is rapidly disappearing. "Awl" for "oil", "wrench" for "rinse", and the totally puzzling "tump", which doesn't mean "dump" it means "turn over". ("Go tump that wheelbarrah"....."Watch yer elbow or y'll tump the salt...")

I grew up in my grandparents' house back in the 1950s. And, yes, people in Texas, in the cities, mind you, not on the farms, did speak like that. And I can still lapse back into it unconsciously, although it's hard for me to force it consciously.

Another classic Texanism is to take one vowel and stretch it into 2 or 3. On another trip I was stopped outside San Antonio and asked by the cop where I was born. I was again astonished to hear: "Daaaaaah-las" come out of my mouth. People from Dallas never say "Dallas", they always say "Big D".

Count your blessings. Originally, it was suggested that the dialect used on national television be that of Boston instead of Midwestern. Just imagine if we all now said things like: "You can't pahk heah."

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



I have to agree that some of us Texans do in fact talk like that... take, for instance, my parents... grandparents... aunts and uncles... need I go on? XD It always made the hubby laugh at me... the closer we got to mom's place, the more the Texan drawl would come out. Normally, living in Austin, I have a middle-of-nowhere accent... but get me near my family? Sheesh... but it is funny ^_^

[Insert long list of alts and only ONE level 50 after alll this time]



There's nuthin like a suthin accent.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



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