Weapon Bios




We all have bio's and info and back storys on our heroes and villains but what about thier weapons, aka broad swords, maces, axes, etc... I'll start off with mine, my toon, the Knight of Iron Star has a broad sword that was built using a supernatural metal made by a magc blacksmith, knight being an 8ft tall robot built from alien millitary technology, nano bots inside knight transformed the broad sword into magic/technology hybrid capable of firing energy shots at a target, it has ancient ruins and gear paterns grafted into the blade, anyone else?

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Lord Arimond is a Broadsword Dark Scrapper. He is a Vampyre. He was born in 839 BC. His sword, Kiljaiden, was designed by him and forged in 643 BC. During a battle / Raid on a kingdom in 644 BC, he came across the ancient metal that had been locked in a chest. He took the metal to the black smith along with his design. When the Metal was stoaked hot enough to be flexable, He cut his hand, and his own blood was mixed with it, and the Sword was forged. Since Kiljaiden has his blood in it, the sword is a part of him. Though a huge sword, he weilds it as quickly and acuratly as a dagger, but for others to even try and weild the blade, takes two hands and all of their strength and concentration.



I have two people with special blades.

Ryan the Shadow- My main character Ryan the Shadow weild the Katana known as Akujiki. It was created countless ages ago in Japan, and protected by the Oboro Clan. It hold back Demon so old that it's name or class has long since been forgotten. The Demon inside is always looking for a chance to escape trough the weilder body.

On the Plus side the Blade is one of the sharpest and strongest ever; If the user is skilled enough he/she can pull out some of the Demons power to make them stronger and faster (Side note what ever part of the body that is being improved had a arura to it.). Also giving them a semi aparence of a demon (Green horns, Claws, and Arura that is around the whole body.), It also grants the powers of Super Jump and Phase Shift.

.On the Negitive Akujiki feeds off blood and when it hasn't been fed for a while it will feed on the current user. There is also a demon constantly trying to take over your body. And if the Blade breaks the Demon will be released and hell on earth will come about.

Goro the Stone King- Weild a Gigantic Stone Hammer. It is past down through the Royal line and signifies Strength, Endurance, reliability. It's about 6 feet long and weighs about 3 tons. Goro can lift it easily.



my eponymous katana scrapper (who would ideally be a rapier scrapper but katana was the closest i could come) Lord NightBlade uses a sword made of a titanium/Einsteinium alloy that is practically indestructible. it is called the Nightblade because it is a very dark metallic blue, like the night sky. The hilt has some silver highlights and where the hilt meets the blade there is a single, silver star.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Ian Kelly(In RPs he has no hero name but in the game I just called him Quick-Strike)- He carries(or use to) two weapons, a katana and a bokken. During his training to learn to speak and manipulate the elements, one trains with a bokken as a symbol of subordination and respect for the elements(wind, earth, water, fire and lightning). To get the right wood for the bokken, he had to travel to a mountain south of Mt. Yoshino and take a branch of a mystical willow/cherry tree whose bark is a pale white and wood is a deep crimson. Once you complete the training, you are issued a sword with an animal embellishment. Ian’s was made by a skilled smith who was descended from Minamoto Yoshichika with a fearsome tiger on its blade.

To symbolize mastery of the elements, a ceremony takes place were one bathes their bokken and sword side-by-side in a mystical river that flows from the Omine Mountains. This ceremony bonds the sword and its user. This ceremony also imbues the weapons with other abilities.

Tiger Fang- is the name Ian gave his katana. During his ceremony, he focused on fierce swordsmanship so as his sword draws blood it grows hot and cuts enemies easier.

Bokken- although made of wood, it is reenforced with his chakra. Only someone with more powerful and focused chakra can possibly hope to break it. The special wood has a tendency to absorb energies like dark, light, lightning, energy, radiation and fire.



Sounds good, kind of a ninja/demon theme going around lol.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Sounds good, kind of a ninja/demon theme going around lol.

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In japan, respect for blades is emphasized originally because steel and iron were rare, and the blades created by smiths had to be top notch or else they'd be a waste of metal. Over time legends began to develop about katana having their own souls (actually, in shintoism, everything from trees to bobby pins have souls) and some would gain sentience. The most infamous are swords crafted by Muramasa, which were frequently used as killing implements and were thus regarded as demonic in nature.
My character, Sacred East Wind, has a blade that takes that approach.

Rensai (It has a longer name but i hate typing it, oh and it's not a real blade, i've just been using it in my creations for a while) was fashioned using the most modern of methods: a nearly indestructible alloy, plus sharpening with lasers. The sword didn't begin to gain sentience til it began slaying demons. The "Greatest Story Ever Told" thread has a lot of info about it, but once it leaves that story for good it'll lose a lot of its power. Basically it's the pinnacle of technology, science, and magic, combined with Sacred's ungodly training involving blades, and it's a weapon to TRULY be feared.
If you don't know how to use it, it's just a fancy giant sized kitchen knife though, like all swords.



Sounds good, kind of a ninja/demon theme going around lol.

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In japan, respect for blades is emphasized originally because steel and iron were rare, and the blades created by smiths had to be top notch or else they'd be a waste of metal. Over time legends began to develop about katana having their own souls (actually, in shintoism, everything from trees to bobby pins have souls) and some would gain sentience. The most infamous are swords crafted by Muramasa, which were frequently used as killing implements and were thus regarded as demonic in nature.
My character, Sacred East Wind, has a blade that takes that approach.

Rensai (It has a longer name but i hate typing it, oh and it's not a real blade, i've just been using it in my creations for a while) was fashioned using the most modern of methods: a nearly indestructible alloy, plus sharpening with lasers. The sword didn't begin to gain sentience til it began slaying demons. The "Greatest Story Ever Told" thread has a lot of info about it, but once it leaves that story for good it'll lose a lot of its power. Basically it's the pinnacle of technology, science, and magic, combined with Sacred's ungodly training involving blades, and it's a weapon to TRULY be feared.
If you don't know how to use it, it's just a fancy giant sized kitchen knife though, like all swords.

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Mines kinda like that too, its a cross breed(aka a hybrid)sword, it was originaly a holy sword givin to knight, Unit 428(aka The Knight of Iron Star) has the technology to make any exsisting weapon more durable, power, etc, through nano technology, when the nanites started to changed the sword, the swords supernatural/holy energy fused with the nanites, now it has a beam cannon in the middle of it and its also a double blade or a double edge sorry but my info on swords inst all tht good, but anyway....

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Coldfire Kaiser (fire/ice blaster) has an ice sword which is not only an extention of his mutational powers but a manifestation of his malice and hatred.

Becky Morningstar (broadsword/regen), Coldfire's girl, has a broadsword which is a physical ability cause by the powers of the woman she was cloned from, which are psionic.



Coldfire Kaiser (fire/ice blaster) has an ice sword which is not only an extention of his mutational powers but a manifestation of his malice and hatred.

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interesting concept having a sword forged from malice and hatred. Usually malice and hatred make things burst into flame



Coldfire Kaiser (fire/ice blaster) has an ice sword which is not only an extention of his mutational powers but a manifestation of his malice and hatred.

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interesting concept having a sword forged from malice and hatred. Usually malice and hatred make things burst into flame

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Those are a few of my favorite things jk

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Albion Saint's twin Desert Eagle .50 cal handguns were given to him by Sheikh Mohammed The Crown Prince of Dubai. It was given to him as a gift after solving a delicate issue for the Sheikh.

The metal used in the Desert Eagles is a niobium-titanium alloy. It was chosen for it's durability and resistance to corrosion by hot gases expelled by the .50 cal shells.

They are a one off production. Sheikh Mohammed wanted the gift to be unique.

Albion uses his own .50 cal rounds which he crafts himself. The cartridge generally has around 300 grains and a muzzle velocity of around 1,490 feet per second. This gives the bullet 1,340-plus foot pounds of energy, placing the cartridge well above the .44 Magnum in terms of power. The barrel is an 8 inch configuration.

From time to time, Albion has been known to use special ammo for certain tactical situations.

He has blessed petrified wood rounds that take out Vamps like they were bowling pins.
He chooses Sands of Mu rounds for added punch when faced with armored foes.
When facing magical beings Albion uses Orichalcum rounds. These reddish tinted bullets inflict special damage to mystic targets.

((OOC - Albion Saint is my soon-to-be Thug Mastermind. He merely employs thugs, he is not one himself. A gentleman assassin trained in the mystic arts, Albion possesses an air of sophistication that his peers truly lack. He has a penchant for fine dining and rare French wines. ))



Well, I’ll take it that backround on any weapon is fine here, including technological ones! Cause I’ve got a few!

Arm of Podo – Podo the goblin was at one time the guardian of his people’s tribe deep in a cavern system known as Abaddon. Unbeknownst to him, however, his own village’s shaman was working against his people, and was creating an alliance of beasts and evil humanoids to strike against the surface cities. In a surprise attack, the shaman corrupted the entire goblin community, turning them against Podo, who had just returned with word of a forming league, the same one that was attacking his town! The goodly swordsgoblin refused to succumb to the shaman’s corruption, and so he was considered a traitor and attacked. The shaman plucked Podo’s right eye out, and one of the many evil warriors cleaved off his right arm. They left him for dead, only to be found hours later.

The villain Dr. Phillis, looking for a power source told to him through several ancient tablets, found the hurt Podo and brought him to the surface. Using all of his formidable cybernetics skills, the evil genius replaced Podo’s destroyed arm and eye with robotic prosthetics.

Podo’s robot arm, which at one point had control of his body, is entirely adaptable and programmed purely for self-defense. The cybernetic eye sees trouble and relays it to the arm, commanding it to transform into a variety of weapons and helpful devices. Podo’s arm has morphed into a number of things that vary from a rocket launcher and a cellular phone. Now that Podo has gained more control of his cybernetics, he is able to command them himself, but he can’t stop them from stealing particularly helpful looking parts or machines. This has gotten him into more than a little bit of trouble, and he’s scolded the arm more than once.

Gear Tech Power Suit – Dr. Phillis, realizing that his robot armies may not always be able to protect him, decided he needed to create a way for him to fight back against any heroic threats. Being a mechanical genius, he spent several months crafting a compact suit of armor that gave him enhanced strength, super speed, and a variety of destructive weaponry. Unfortunately, this was very hard to power, and he could find nothing that could keep it going for as long as he would need it to be.

Luckily, as he was running an archeological dig near Abaddon, the doctor was the first to hear about the uncovering of several ancient tablets, which told of a fantastic device known as a Philosopher’s Stone, which was filled with an unlimited amount of energy. Certain that he could use this whimsical artifact to power his suit, the doctor traveled into the depths of Abaddon with a team of robotic minions and managed to find the Stone, not to mention a certain one-eyed, one-armed goblin!

Dr. Phillis set the Philosopher’s Stone on his belt and integrated it into his systems. It worked exactly as he had hoped, giving his power suit all the energy it need, even allowing him to tax the suit beyond what he thought possible. The power suit was able to channel lightning from the stone into attacks, which were usually shot through scepters or staffs.

The Philosopher’s Stone also allowed for one more wonderful maneuver for the Gear Tech Power Suit. Using the great energies inside, the suit’s gloves can morph together into a cannon, and is capable of firing out a huge beam of white hot energy, which is capable of obliterating a normal human in a split second, not to mention buildings and heroes! Due to the great praise he gave himself for his creation, the doctor named this ultimate weapon the megalomaniac cannon, or the double-M cannon.