More artwork by Juggertha
Thanks for the hat tip Stoney. Two things: 1) Holy cow, when did you have the time to get such a high post count over here?? 2) Here's a Wall Paper for our Sg "The Seekers" that is am slowly doing. Every time I do a peice for someone, I snag the image and bring it into this shot.
Juggertha must con as a giant monster.
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Here is a fast one I did for another SG member. Once again, I hope to piece it into a wallpaper someday.
Thanks for the hat tip Stoney. Two things: 1) Holy cow, when did you have the time to get such a high post count over here?? 2) Here's a Wall Paper for our Sg "The Seekers" that is am slowly doing. Every time I do a peice for someone, I snag the image and bring it into this shot.
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That's looking like a cool wallpaper already. I'm doing something somewhat similar for my SG. Its going to be a group compilation of 13 of our most lovely ladies. I'm doing each one seperately and then bringing them all together. Its taking me forever, but I'm hoping it will be so worth it in the end.
Here's a Wall Paper
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Nice work !
1) Holy cow, when did you have the time to get such a high post count over here??
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I gotta have something to do when I'm supposed to be working...
Here is another one I did last night of my favorite model juggertha
And yet another one of Juggertha (but this time a little green).
And one of The Shadow Relm !
*BTW, have you noticed I'm experimenting with glowies?
Ok, I tried something different with this one and I think it worked out pretty well. I'm nto the best with inking for I said, fudge it.. no more lines.
What do you think?
Nice technique. Throw in a few shadows, though.
Right now all his skin's the same color - which is not bad, but it makes the detailing on his anatomy(which you obviously put a lot of love into, btw) a little hard to see. Needs chiaroscuro.
Good stuff! Can't wait to see more!
...Incidentally, I like your inkwork, too. Beats the hell out of mine.
Yeah, you don't necessarily have to ink it, per se, but if you're not, you need to pay more attention to your edges. Like, where his right arm is overlapping his torso. In an inked drawing, you'd just use a thicker line there. With a more painted piece, you need to harden that edge, and find different colors to make the arm stand out from the body.
A pretty great looking beginning, though.
Yeah, I think you guys are right. If I'm going to go sans lines, my shading should be more defined.
here is a slight improvement.
It looks good, but lens flares are icky.
Dark Pontiff ~ lvl 50 Dark Armor / Spines scrapper
Herd the World ~ lvl 50 Fire/Ice Tank
Glorified Violence ~ lvl 50 Dark Melee / Energy Shields brute
Redheaded Avenger ~lvl 50 fire/kin Controller
Yeah, I think you guys are right. If I'm going to go sans lines, my shading should be more defined.
here is a slight improvement.
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Definitely moving in the right direction! It's much less flat than the last one.
Since it's going more towards a painted look, I'd like to suggest that you think about getting bolder with your color choices. Right now it still has a very monochromatic feel, where you have a darker version of the same color in the shadows and a lighter version in the highlights. Try to blend some more colors into the shadows and highlights. A kind of "no-brainer" way to do this is to make your shadows go towards cool colors (say, purples) and highlights go towards warms (yellows). You don't have to go nuts...the colors can just be inching towards these hues and still make a dramatic impact on the piece. I'd especially look at the skin tones for this. Skin is fairly reflective and is most likely to pick up colors from the surroundings.
Some VERY good advice there.
I thik I might leave this one as is and try to take it to the next step on the next one.
All advice and thoughts are appreciated here guys. Even if you don't like lens flares.
Actually, I thought the "lens flair" sort of worked with the sort of washed out color scheme you used. It gave the impression that the Axe wielder was coming right at you out of the sun. I don't know if that is what you were going for, but the muted tones would then make sense. It is an action picture...and giving the lightsource some action of its own worked for me.

I'm in the same SG as Jugie, and he's been doing pictures of the people in the SG.
Here's one he did for my stone/stone tank and my friends elec/elec blaster. We played these two characters together for 90% of the time, from the mid teans to 50th.
Stoney and Open