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  1. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Well...I have a lot of work to do it looks like.
    I may or may not get to you, Im sorry if you get passed over for what ever reason, but the amount of PMs I am getting was quite a bit more than I had expected.
    Once I get my art back up to what I consider to be par for the course, I will start charging...but until then... theyll be pretty much free.
    I havent decided on whom I am doing or not yet. I am going to try to do as many as I can though.
    I may perhaps do them all in black and white line art , post them, then start the coloring process.
    This is all in the air right now, though.

    Thank you everyone for your support and kind words of praise.
    Being WACOM tablet-less, any praise I get means alot.
    Thank you all.
    Ill be back in a bit.
  2. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Im on it =D
    Thanks for pointing those out.
    I missed both completely.
  3. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Heres one for speedster... I can still do A LOT on it, and I most likely will, but here is what i have so far.

    ............IN FACT.......... I forgot the chest emblem.... ***t.......
    *cough*...... welll..... looks like I still have some work to do anyway, lol....
    either way...what do you guys think so far?
  4. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Thanks for the outstanding response guys, really. =D

    Im on the job

    just a little sample of some thing I did a while back.... not much really but its all I could find on short notice.
    Not really CoH related either.
  5. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Very nice response time there Speedy...... I guess the name was a good choice for ya. Thanks =D

    No idea when I will be done with it, but you will be gettin a pic for sure.
  6. deadmeat_NA

    Open requests

    Hey everyone, I wanted to start getting a portfolio together and I wanted some good comic art in there. Maybe even start taking comissions on a regular basis after I get my personal portfolio together.
    This is for you guys to decide however.

    Post under here, or PM me with a screenie of your toon and you may just get a free picture out of it.

    Any takers??
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Alright... if I wanted to give it a go, where would I start? Any books or tutorials I should look at?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm going to go with a couple of classics here:

    Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

    Dynamic Figure Drawing (Hogarth)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I havent ever had any art books, with the exception of a Blue Line Art perspective book...but I am very left brained and draw as such. You think either of these books could expand upon whatI know, or do you think theyd screw me up?

  8. It looks good, but lens flares are icky.
  9. Everyone is allowed to get IR goggles...
    Some sets can see right through hide, some even through the hide/stealth combo...
    Yellow pills are easy to get....
    PvP zones are easy to stay out of....
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I can tell you one thing for sure, Stefan Richter (aka Lord Recluse) was referring to his sister Monica in that line from the comic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hes hinting at some thing people!
    Quick! track down this..."Monica" ...and arrest the crap out of her!