Dark Invado's Simple Steps To Avoid Debt
So should we chase then? Just checking....
A small change to rule #2, scrappers are not allowed to run.
Lyla Twilight
Ember's Rise
Gray Inferno
The only thing I would add is if someone keeps getting group killed, punt him off the team! You might an enemy but aleast this enemy won't cause you debt. Sounds harsh, but if I am going to die its going to be on my terms, not some idiot not knowing how to play.
CasualX, let me check here... checking... No don't chase. :P
boerk, well maybe they should run last with the tank. Unless the tank just went down then every one shouldn't wait for some one to yell run...
LordKratos, I hear ya man. Maybe someone should make a guide on how to run a team...
Hey guys feel free to comment and make additions! I know this can get better through community input.
Don't test your cool new power inside a mission with a full team!
Particularly the 32 and 38 ones. Higher tier powers are situational, so unless you want to end up dead, don't use Moment of Glory unless you've got a handle on it. Same goes for Light Form, Blaster Big Nukes, and EM Pulse.
Hmmm. Guess I will have to do a version two with community additions because I just tried to add Blueeyed and can't edit anymore.
Thanks for the tip Blue!
Every team should have one [1] person whose job it is to pick fights. Not two, not eight, one.
The leader should designate this person.
You might think the #1 criterion for "designated fight starter" is the ability to survive the return fire. That's actually #2.
#1 is, pick the person who's going to start fights anyway. You can either go through a couple of fights-they'll be easy to spot- or ask for volunteers.
You may say, "But what if they're playing a Blaster?" Then so be it. They have free will. It's not your debt. You will do better with everyone following the crazy blaster than you will with everyone following the Granite tank. . .EXCEPT the crazy blaster.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
If the entire team faceplants spectacularly, and the dedicated full-time empathy def has some suggestions, listen to him/her, instead of calling them nasty names.
I announced "I'm going to be following the tank, if you want heals, stay close." I got catcalled and called "mother" for that one, as well as being told that it was MY JOB to follow the team, not their job to follow me. This was after the team split into 4 groups and faceplanted. Normally I run too fast to get caught in the insanity....this time I didn't make it.
I give PUGs one free healer faceplanting...after that, if they still appear to be playing stupidly, I WILL make suggestions, and if I'm bad mouthed, it will get my Irish up.
Keeping people alive is the empathy def's specialty. Unless they are incompetent (and I've seen a couple of those, too), they have good advice worth listening to, because I guarantee, they've seen it all.
I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"
Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.
Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)
Liberty, Infinity & Protector
I am a tanker/brute and my best friend that I play with is a def/healing corp. He tells everyone in the team to stick close to him if they want heals and it works. So i agree with Linuial. One thing I would add to that is to give the healer break frees and blues. Healer can't heal if held or has no stamina. And if the healer's healing and ur next to him/her, no death, no debt, no problems.
Plus if the group sticks together the bad guys go down faster and they don't get to cause as much damage.
Question from a relative n00b: What's "The Back Elevator"?
Good point.
The back elevator is the one farthest away from the door/archway to the elevator waiting room. So skip the front elevator (the one you come to first) and head to the back ones. When you hit the next floor you will be farther away from the archway leading to the next room. Usually you will be more than far enough away to avoid unitentionally aggro'ing some baddies.
Some mish have elevator tubes. I have not experienced unitentional aggro by using the tube closer to archway. So this tip is for mish in office buildings.
We gotta be able to come up with a few more ways to avoid debt and be good teammates!
If you're going to go AFK, say "AFK" or "Be right back, I'm getting a soda". Please attempt to refrain from doing so during the -dead heat- of battle. Also, if there is a brawl-for-it-all going on around you, don't stop and say "Good job, $Target" or "Wow, did you see that. These guys sure are tough" or anything else which causes you to change your focus from productive attacks/buffs/etc to completely useless chatter.
Airman Frost - 29 Ice/Ice Blaster
Farenheit 32 - 29 Ice/Ice Blaster
Fire-Fly - 14 Fire/Fire Dominator
Sorry- I don't agree with this one:
So not five minutes later we roll into a cave mish. A vamp gets knocked off ledge and our aforementioned hero goes right after it. Dont chase! I type. Too late. I see the hero fall off the ledge and into what I know is many, many baddies. As I am watching the heros health bar I send a chat message to a buddy on the team. So how many baddies do you think he will bring with him? All of them, was the reply. I see the hero come bouncing up the stairs with many, many baddies in close pursuit.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would prefer the term: "Hug your Rambo"
In a PuG there is usually one of these guys in every other team. Here is the secret- step back and off to the side. This wild-eyed crazy man is gonna combat jump his butt off toward the exit until he gets jammed into a corner and faceplants. He did also manage to take 90% of the mob with him. One or two enemies might stop and notice the rest of the team and quickly die for it. The rest of the mob will return to their origianl position but one or two villains will return after the pack (and they are quickly killed). That's about 4 enemies killed and the team can now just dispose of the remainder.
Think of it as "Human Target Pulling" which is superior to blaster pulling for two reasons:
1) it pulls more enemies
2) it is incredibly funny
*BTW- if the mob is still too tough to manage, rez your Rambo and send him back in.
*BTW 2- if you don't have a Rambo you can use TP Ally on your blaster/corrupter and drop them onto the mob. Those guys can really run! (This trick usually only works once then they quit)
LOL too funny. Maybe I put this under the heading of "If you can't stop chasing your team has permission to tp your [censored] into the mob and use you as a pull..."
Good ideas. Too bad most people who read this are pretty game savy.
Some of my favorites...
Tank/Brute dies and no one runs. This should be an immediate clue that there is waaaay too much aggro. No need to say run here, you would think. But that Blaster/Corruptor thinks he can handle the aggro that the Tank/Brute couldn't..DUMB with a capitol DUH.
People who die in mishes that are already completed. This happens all the time for some odd reason. There is absolutely no reason you should die in a mish you can click out of anytime you want. Don't compalin about debt for this one....it's your own fault.
Don't die becuase of someone elses aggro. I used to do this myself and learned my lesson long ago. Someone aggros a couple of mobs that are way too much for the group, so instead of running or hiding, you decide to help them and die a quick painful death. I know some of you think it is horrible to leave that team member to die. My contention is they shouldn't have aggroed in the first place and one death is better than the whole team.
Stalkers (CoV) watch your aggro. Just because that group behind you doesn't attack you when you are hidden, doesn't mean they won't see you when you assassin strike that last guy in the back of the group. If you grab that big mob by accident? See #3 above.
Oops forgot one. Another way to die...Stupidly.
This is a personal favorite of mine. Unlike Blueeyed, Do test your cool new power inside a mission with a full team!
On more than one occasion my team has been told by a Corruptor that just got his/her new Nova power and is eager to try it, gimme some reds and let me kill the next group. I have been known to encourage this behavior by saying "I think you can take them." and giving said corruptor a Keen Inisght and 3 enrages and tell them to take out the next group of +4 bad guys. If they fall for it, watch the hillarity insue. Best to follow the action with a "Wow, they sure took you down fast." When he/she gets back from the hospital, we go in as a team and wipe out the group. This is usually the last time that they run in and aggro the whole mob alone and have learned a valuable lesson. Not to mention giving the rest of the group a great and well deserved laugh.
I . . .uh. . .provoked a Dark Armor scrapper into trying to tank a whole bunch of Hydra once.
/em hangs head in shame
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Quick not on "Elevator Tubes"
It is best to use one of the farther tubes when the ACTIVE mission is set to INVICIBLE. Why? Well on one occasion (at least) I was in a full team that worked "ok" a bit chaotic, but well enough to keep things in running order. Anyway I used the first tube from the set of 3 and once on the next floor one of the walkers near the archway decided to pelt me full of laser fire promptly drawing the others to attack. On mob of purples is fine and dandy, but when said mob has at least two bosses that no one has seen yet things can get ugly especially when the melee people went in to intercept unintentionally drawing the next group hiding near the other wall.
One more thing IF your in a FULL team. Never ever go up an elevator WITH OUT YOUR TEAM! Plenty of times I've seen that once out of the elevator no matter which one there is a mob right at the elevator. Lowe level team suffer less from this, but it happens more then not.
PS: Can someone using photobucket for their avatar send me a PM explaining a little how to get it to work please? I've tried, but no dice. Any help here? And Thank You in advance.
Thanks Blips. Good to know because I pretty much always mish on Invincible.
Also anther one that I forgot to mention
When you have side kicked under someone wait for them to go through doors and up elevators. If you go first you lose you SK levels and if you do get in a fight your dead unless your Sk'ing hero shows up fast!
When you get an offer to join a PUG, just say no!
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Another tip:
That's the CoV version. Longer version is "IF YOU DON'T HAVE STEALTH, DO NOT TAG ALONG WITH SOMEONE WHO DOES." The only exceptions to the second are storm or dark defenders, and even in those cases, their AoE stealth can suddenly disappear (usually because they move).
I can see it now "well he made it through there just fine so I should be ok..." poof instant debt...
Recently I have gotten some debt that really wasnt earned. Well I earned it because I should have just run and let everyone die but I sort of have a hero complex and just kept fighting. So here is a short guide to keep the newbie alive for more than 30 seconds and give those around you a chance to avoid more debt. I would think that everyone has seen a player guide like it from time to time. But once and a while, too frequently really, I get on a team and realize there are one or more people on the team that need to be clued in. Its come to the point I am going to look in to hot keying a short paragraph I can shoot off every time I put a team together about how to effectively team and avoid our least favorite four letter word DEBT.
Don't Chase
So what finally made you write it? You might ask. Well the straw that broke the heroes back was the last week. There I was on a team who was taking on a mish with all purples in it and doing ok. That was until a baddie ran off and a hero went running after it. SIGH. Dont chase! I type. Too last here comes the erstwhile hero in full flight after having aggroed not one but two groups of baddies. What happened next was not pretty, while one by one we all went down...
The whole time I am fighting and popping off my hot key for RUN! Does anyone run? Nope they all die being good little heroes trying to hold their ground so everyone else can get out. Run when someone says run. Its not like you cant come back if the RUN call was made early.
Don't Chase II and Aggro Management
So not five minutes later we roll into a cave mish. A vamp gets knocked off ledge and our aforementioned hero goes right after it. Dont chase! I type. Too late. I see the hero fall off the ledge and into what I know is many, many baddies. As I am watching the heros health bar I send a chat message to a buddy on the team. So how many baddies do you think he will bring with him? All of them, was the reply. I see the hero come bouncing up the stairs with many, many baddies in close pursuit. Incoming I type. I ended typing that many times during the mish. I also typed Watch your aggro a lot. Of course its not just avoiding the chase. Its more like aggro management. Dont chase also means dont advance too far forward where there are other spawns present. Once engaging a large group take a few steps back or better yet round a corner and make them come to you. This way you wont be chasing a baddie into a new spawn creating more aggro but you can make the ranged attackers close on you making them easier to get to. I cant tell you how many times a team was doing just fine in a hard mish when someone aggroed a whole new spawn and the team all got a bit closer to the next debt badge.
Pulling Is Good
Which leads me to my next point. We all know, or should know, that pulling is a good way to take down a mish that just looks out of your league. Pull some baddies away and take care of them one by one. Once the spawn is weakened it will be way easier to handle. When pulling it is good to not just stand there and wait for them but to run past your team mates who are all standing out of the line of sight around a corner. This way the clueless baddie run around the corner and gets mugged by you and your friendly heroes. The other day we were pulling some ranged baddies and our puller ran by and one of our ranged heroes stepped out, anxious for a kill maybe, and started shooting. Well the ranged baddies all stopped and opened up on our not so smart blaster downing him in short order. If our blaster had just stood well out of the line of sight our tanks and scrappers would have engaged the baddies as they rounded the corner taking the aggro for themselves and the blaster could have had a heyday. If you need to see you can pan back and turn the camera so you can see around the corner. Dont actually run out there yourself. Make sure while waiting for the puller that you really go around the corner, out of sight. Make the baddies come to you by staying out of their line of sight.
Assist Targeting or How To Keep Your Blaster Alive.
Another tactic important for teams taking on tough opponents is to attack the same target. We were in a mish with some pretty tough vamps. We ran in and started attacking. We all ended up on different baddies and it took us forever. As soon as I explained what a targetter was and how to assist target we did much better. So if you missed it a targetter is the toon on your team who agrees to pick all the targets for the team to attack. All the other teammates click on this toons name in the team list and attack whatever baddie is selected. This way your not spreading out your fire power and can take baddies down much faster. A good targetter can make or break a team in a tough mish. I have changed my keys around a bit. The tab key is still select next baddie or whatever its called but my R and F keys have changed. I have replaced the annoying RUN key to now be my select nearest baddie key and the F key is now select next friend key. I use the R and F because they are near where my fingers are and can be used fast. You teams tank can make a good targetter or maybe a scrapper.
Take The Back Vator...
Another of my favorite tips is the take the back elevator tip. I cant tell you how many times I have gone in an elevator only to come out in a raging battle. Sometimes there will be a spawn near enough to the elevators that when you use the front elevator you come right up in aggro range of the baddies. Boom! Instant combat and some times instant debt.
Don't Split Up The Team
Here is a good one. Follow only one person. Rambos tend to die or get teammates killed. Splitting up can be bad for your or you teams health so stick with the team leader or the designated Tank or Targetter.
How To Keep Your Blaster Alive II
Here is another good one for blasters. Dont use your AOE attacks first or even second. Let the group gather up some aggro before you launch your mega bomb AOE. I have watched many a blaster do down fast because they launched an AOE in to a raging battle where the tank did have all the aggro. All eyes, and attacks turn to the well intentioned blaster and down he goes. Some times you wont use your AOEs at all!
Communiation Is Good or Don't Pick Fights
Dont pick fights unless your team is ready. Dont guess here ask. Better yet only start fights if youre the tank or the designated fight starter. It's not hard to find out who is supposed to start fights just ask.
Listen To Your Leader
Listen to your leader. Hopefully he or she is experienced enough to keep the debt to a minimum and should be doing all the above mentioned tips.
Lets Recap! Or The Short Read For Those Of Us With ADD
So some recaps here:[*]1. Dont chase. Also limit your advances during combat. Better yet take a few steps back so you avoid aggroing more baddies.[*]2. Run when someone makes a run call. You can always come back! [*]3. Dont chase. Oh did I say this already? It might be good to repeat it a bit here.[*]4. Pull, pull and pull some more in hard mishes.[*]5. Dont Chase.[*]6. Use a targetter or target a teammate and attack.[*]7. Use the back elevators. Its just a good habit to be in. [*]8. Dont start fights unless you are supposed to.[*]9. Listen to your team leader.[*]10. Dont chase. :P
Feel free to offer additions. I will add ones I like but we will all get to see your posts!