



What origin did you choose and why?
I elected to take Mutation because my scrapper was mutation. I made the scrapper mutation because I wanted the powers to be inseperable or something that was not from outside interference. I did not want her power to be the result of a suit or an experiment, and as she was human I thought that mutation made the best choice.

For my tanker, my current and probably lasting main, I used Mutation for her even though for backstory it made more sense to be Natural. She is a goddess displaced from her world and happily situated in Paragon for the time being. I used mutation because after 50 scrapper levels, I was familiar with mutation and knew the stores and such. I wanted the powers for my tanker's power to be as natural to her as it is for us to have skin. Natural would have made a lot more sense, but no biggie. I kinda like mutation.

What origin( s ) did you choose for your hero and why? Was it a matter of convenience or just a random thing in character generation?



Each of my characters gets assessed independantly based upon their story.

The Core Being is science because she was born in an experimental reactor core.

Miss Transfer is technology because she is field testing a military combat suit she invented as a proof of concept so she can sell it.

Captain Neem is a mutant. He was born of a normal famiily with purple skin, the ability to fly, and the power to project energy blasts.

Mister Insidious is magic because he learned to harness the power of a portal to the netherrealm that existed inside his body through the incantations taught to him by the voices in his head..... He's not all together sane.

I can't say I've ever really made a natural hero I liked or leveled very far. The majority of mine end up being tech or science.



An example from my own roster: my elec/elec Blaster, Major Surge, was concieved in my mind as a sort of combination of Captain Atom and the Silver Age Flash, so a Science origin was the natural choice.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Dollhouse has a Science origin. She was horribly injured when her school was hit by an errant munition during the Rikti War, and only radical intervention by a surgical team from Deimos Innovation's R&D wing saved her life. The cybernetics that now make up a large percentage of her body also give her superhuman powers, primarily in the area of fire and heat generation, but also medical nanotech, jump impellers, etc.

Lotus On Water is of Magic origin, but not, perhaps, in the usual sense. I almost made her a Natural origin hero, as I'd something of a "Zen Swordswoman" archtype in mind. But it also seems as if that archtype, when taken to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" extremes, includes a quasi-mystical component. Magic seemed to be more what I was looking for.

Electrokitty, a fluke amalgamation of human and feline DNA, is clearly a "Mewtation."

Enough for now!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



My main character Justice Bruiser is of the Science origin because he was at a lab trying to perfect a formula that would enable humans to utilize the power of the netherworld and there was an accident and now he is a Dark Melee/Regen scrapper with the power to wrap his hands in energy from the netherworld and he also has the ability to regenerate by consuming souls from the netherworld.

Blazing Flea is a mutant who was an ordinary flea who was caught in the fallout of a power plant explosion that mutated him. Through his mutation he was enlarged to the size of a small man 4" tall and has the ability to create and control fire. He is a Fire/Fire Tanker.

Kinetic Shock is a science origin because he is the son of the super hero known as Static Shock however since Static was granted his powers by "bang baby juice" those powers and science origin were passed on to Kinetic Shock the Kinetic/Electric Defender.

I am also going to be creating an illusion/Empathy Controller when Issue 4 comes out that will be of magic origin and they will be a State Alchemist like on the anime series Full Metal Alchemist. My character will have a backstory but I have not completed it yet.

On Victory
Justice Bruiser DM/Regen Scrapper - LVL 50
Pocket Loki � Rad/Sonic Defender � LVL 50
And Many Others

On Protector
Warden of Hades - Fire/Fire Dom � LVL 50
Debt Bomb � Fire/Kin Corruptor
And many others



Well Blood Wolffe is an odd one, he really could be science, mutation, and magic. He was going to be born super-powered, his parents were anti-mutant and went to a hospital to have an abortion, Crey extracted the fetus, and conducted experiments on him until his adulthood, after the experiments failed he was left for dead in the woods. A dying wolf found him and fused its soul to his. This made it very hard to decide what gave him his powers. He really is multi-origin.

Atheum is magic because he was once a great warrior who challenged his god of war for the title and lost. He was sent to the underworld and in exchange for his power he was given a second chance at life. He is now slowly gaining his power back to fight the god once again.

Sunburn is mutant, he was always trying to get the perfect tan and went the hole in the ozone layer to get the ultimate tan. Needless to say the gamma radiation gave him the ability to control fire, and a REALLY bad sunburn.

He is actually quite painful to look at!