Improve Thy Roleplaying... NOW!!!! Must READ!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
no... you should say "Make clear thy meaning, or feel the flat of me sword! Yarrrrr!"
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Ye will have throngs of loyal followers with thyne aforementioned techniques.
I will give them a go tonight and let you know how it went.
Thanks, Psibug!
Ye will have throngs of loyal followers with thyne aforementioned techniques.
I will give them a go tonight and let you know how it went.
Thanks, Psibug!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thou art off to a stupendous start laddee! Have at thee! Huzzuh! Zooks! Avast!
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Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
Ach! Ye've been playing with the Dialectizer to much, haven't ye, yeh wee lad!
Ach! Ye've been playing with the Dialectizer to much, haven't ye, yeh wee lad!
[/ QUOTE ]
Stupendous! Five stars for thee! Get thee hither to the Feast!
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Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
Hail and well met, heroes!
Verily, it pleases me to see such care and attention given to the correct means of speaking the King's English. I am greatly anticipating the feast. It should be a bounty of meat and 'taters that shall sate any stout and able-bodied man!
Begone, young rascal! Sureth thou jest for such a slanderith decree!
Forsooth, thou shalt go into thine forest of Massivus Multiplicus Onlinus Gamus to learn the art of proper playing of the roles! Leaveth this accursed palace of glass and iron, for sureth elfin trickery or a mage's spell is upon us!
Now go, for the time of indenturship approachith! Thou dost not want to spend thy wealth needlessly, does ye?

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

Aaaaaaaand 5 stars for each of thee! I hadst forgotton Taters!
Taters! that knit up the ravelled sleeve of care...
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath, chief nourisher of life's feast...
Now git thee both gone to the feast of taters, yo!
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Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
Zounds! I smell a 5-star feast about these whereabouts, yargh!
Zounds! I smell a 5-star feast about these whereabouts, yargh!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thy nose does not deceive thee, me hearty! 5 stars upon ya! Yoiks! and awaaaay!
verily, it seems my 5 starring has little effect on yous all. Maytag!
Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
Didst thou yonder rules of Proper ettiquitte while in the art of pretending come from on high?
They truly epitomize the genre. Surely horses could not drag me away from thine feast with potatoes and meat aplenty!
Avast! Over there must be thine steed. Strong indeed and well mannered too. Alas mine stallion, while strong of heart and hoof, would not stay still for beyond the onset of a full hour.
But surely this jest of roleplay methodologies dost not fit in a modern setting, lest thou character didst come from a prior time, SCA event, or Renaissance faire.
ye musteth stopth this here thread, or must i smacketh all of ye?
ye musteth stopth this here thread, or must i smacketh all of ye?
[/ QUOTE ]
Dost thou challenge thine own role-eth playing community? Smacketh away but haste, thine challenge to an duel could be thine own undoing lest I get off mine trusted steed for the feast. Huzzah!
I just like saying 'yargh'.
5 stars each have I pluck-ed from yon heavens above for both Capt_Neem and Blood-Wolffe. Thy mastery of the tongue doth warm the taters of mine heart. May thy horses always be watered and well groomed and may thy feasts always abound with /pizza.
Mayhap this thread shall one day slip from the loom of our forum to drift into the sea of memory. Yet know thee this... for a moment we knew greatness. We stood above the hodgepodge and feasted at the bosom of infinite gladness!
Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
"Okay, so what's the deal with all this Drama class babble? Why on earth would superheroes talk like that? I mean, look at me: I'm a Jewish girl from Baumton...who somehow ended up being about 75% cybernetic organism. I'm gonna talk like some Renn Faire reject? I don't think so!
"What's that? You've got an experimental Forsooth Linguistic Subroutine chip you want me to try out? Well, okay...go for it."
"Zounds! 'Tis passing strange, but thy chip hath rendered profound changes. What once was dreadful to mine ears is now a heavenly music, the fair converse of angels, whilst what was formerly meet is now the babble of knaves! What magic hath been wrought, what spotless paladin's quest fulfilled that one so undeserving at this humble maiden might be gifted with fair-seeming and noble speech? 'Tis truly a wonder!"
"Dude, that's really cool and all...but my supergroup would never let me hear the end of it, y'know what I'm sayin'...?"
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
Throw in some horse and taters and I'll lay some stars on ye.
Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
thoue forgoteste to **** "e"s at the ende ofe moste ofe thine wordse. Yaye, verilye, 'tise ae greate ande marvelouse feaste ofe grammaticale perfectione! ande, uhhhhe... heye, nonnye, nonnye! ande forsoothe! taterse ande the meatse ofe the feaste! YARGHE! nowe, Ie muste mountethe mye steede ande ride offe intoe the nighte, soe Ie maye gete to mye faire maiden'se abode ine time fore the feaste ofe morninge, whiche consistse ofe meatse, ande taterse servede ine innumerable fashionse, alle ofe them deliciouse! zoundse! YARGHE!
[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]
For suth! we go to Narcalepsy Man for his comment!
Narcolepsy Man: Zzzzzzz... Zzzzzzz...
Winza: Thank you, and happy heroing... FOR THE FEAST!
FEAST?! Me stout lil' dwarf body doest love feasting. And if any of ye happen to be a healer or the like, please be kind 'nuff to replace me eye so's I can be done with this acursed where's the ale? YARR!
<medieval font>
Hear Ye Hear Ye!!!!!
Gather round this great bountiful feast of knowledge, ye fine maidens of true virtue and lads of stout heart....
For this shall be thy most collossal and stupendous guide to ye proper methods of roleplaying.. for ye...
<dramnatic pause...> [[the stage darkens and a single spotlight illuminates our heroic knight]] *cavalier grin*
Buckle thy swashes and harness thy wenches! Thou art about to embark on a bold journey into a realm of roleplaying stupendousness. *unsheath sword and point it at sky* [[ music swells and a blind one-legged begger whimpers softly]]
1) thou shalt talk in a old-timey way. (thou, thy, shall, dost, stupendous... all acceptable). To find out how to do that, read alot of william shakespeare and Mark Twain and stuff. (No relation to SHania Twain but I wish he was *drool!!!!*)
2) talk about horses alot because they used to have alot of those.
3) Thou shouldst make lots of references to feasts like "where's the feast?!!!"
4) practice roleplaying (or "RP") language even when you aren't in the game such as: " Where is my report? Yargh!"
5) never never never break character while in the game even if thy are being scorned or laughed upon or other players refuse to participate with thee.
Now thou knowest how to be a good and stupendous roleplayer. Admirers will flock to thee like june bugs on a gooses ear! To the Feast of Horses!! *tip hat and bow* [[spotlight slowly dims and applause begins]]]
</medieval font>
CHeck out what these satisfied customers had to say:
"Geez! I was doin it all wrong!!! Thanks PsiBug!" ---Moocher
"After using your guide, I have more team invites than I know what to do with!"-----Mr Intensity
"Your tips are stupendous! Yargh!"---OllieOxenfree
Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel