The COMPLETE Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls Guide.





I remember Issue 1 before Kill Skuls. Personally, I liked that system better.

Now that the devs put Kill Skuls into the game, I don't feel like a hero anymore. Go and Hunt were fine without Kill Skuls! I should be able to play the game like I want without Kill Skuls

Devs, if you're listening, please roll back Kill Skuls! Kill Skuls takes away from the action that I had before Kill Skuls was in place. I would rather have an ACC penalty than Kill Skuls. I'd even take an alternate clown costume with an ACC penalty than Kill Skuls

If the devs don't roll back Kill Skuls in I5, I'm quitting. I'm cancelling my billing right now, hopefully this will get the dev's attention! Anyone who feels the same should also cancel their billing!


But really, there's nothing quite like the taste of a nice, cold Kill Skuls!

Kill Skuls - the choice of a new generation!™




Not EVERYone wants to GO before they hunt. Kill Skuls. Just because you think EVERYbody has to GO doesn't mean anybody agrees with your stupid bigot cuz SOME people can do MORE THAN JUST HEAL why don't you grow up for once when you said you think you're so much better than the devs' well Im happy with the way Kill Skuls is working just cuz YOU dont think not just the way YOU play maybe some GO KIL SKULLS always trying to post things before I flame you and call you stuff so you can go home and cry because we dont like you no more and im gonna 1 STAR YOUR a$$ you stupid Skul Kill nazi try and tell ME what to do I TELL YOU HOW TO KILL SKULS so THERE!

Wait, what was this thread about again? Bah, I'm gonna Go. Hunt. Kill some Skuls. for awhile.



I wish to announce the pending class action lawsuit against the arthor of the “The COMPLETE Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls Guide.”

I contend that the guide is false and misleading and in no way, “Complete”

First, the instructions of "Go" does not clearly state where a reader should go to, nor does it state how the reader gets there.

Second, the "Hunt" instruction is vague. Where am I to "Hunt" and if I knew where to "Go" is there something to "Hunt" but what will I be using to "Hunt" with. And if I have something to do this “Hunt” can I “Hunt” before I “Go” or do I need to “Go” first?
Clearly the author had no intention of providing its customers with the required tools needed to complete the instructions in his guide.

Third, "Kill Skuls" the arthor is suggesting that the readers commit multiple murder? And must I commit this murder against "Skuls" what have they done to me. How does this get me the reward and influence that was promised in the infomercial? There are no pictures of "Skuls" to be found in this guide, what if the reader does not know what a "Skul" looks
like? Let alone how to kill it.

The author is misleading the public on how to in fact “Kill Skuls” and is only promoting his guide for monetary gain.

Shame on you!




“Go Hunt Kill Skuls, linked to weight loss”

Scientists at the Center for Grant Wasting (CGW), have found in a 1 year study, that Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls!, when done continually can promote weight loss in adults. The results come as surprise to the researchers. Adding Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls! (GHKS) to your life can dramatically lower your blood pressure, and significantly reduce your body fat by as much as 30%.

The CGW, insist that these findings are preliminary and more research and grant money is required. But the early results are promising and GHKS may in fact reverse the signs of aging.

- APP (Associated Paragon Press)



...Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls! (GHKS)...

[/ QUOTE ]

I am SO using that! (With your permission of course )



...Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls! (GHKS)...

[/ QUOTE ]

I am SO using that! (With your permission of course )

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm will i get a percentage of any profit you make off of using my now tm abbervation? Do you see all those alts in my sig...they need influence baby! The monkeys alone! Man my banana bill is high!

Feel free to use GHKS™ but always with the required trademark symbol.



Holy cow! Stock in GHKS just went up 50 points! I bought about 1,000 shares in GHKS, and the prices keep skyrocketing! Thank you, GHKS, for making my dreams come true!


Also on Steam



Pssst...I hear that GHKS Corp is about to hostily taken over by the JHGTA Inc. (Jerk Hackers Gone to The Americans) but you didn't hear that from me.

I'd suggest you check with your broker. Sell GHKS while you can. I have a tip that DETH Kickers LLC is moving up too.



It may be frowned upon to ressurect such an old thread but I feel that the new generation of players aren't killing skuls as efficiently as was once done. Indeed, just the other day I encountered one young rapscallion who said that he'd never killed skuls before! It is my sincere hope that this excellent guide can once more steer the super-powered youth of Paragon City towards KR and PP where they may learn the lessons that allowed us to become the stalwart protectors of the innocent we are today!



Oh no! I've had this completely wrong!!!

I thought it was:

Go. Hunt. Kill Skils.

It's Skuls!!! Not Skils!!!

I've been relentlessly bashing everyone with a nerf-bat!

I'm so ashamed...



Damn! This guide has made hunting Skuls too easy! I sense a global nerf coming! Gee, thanks a lot!


-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!



One more thing: This is the funniest thread ever!


-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!



I was hunting. But didn't know what I was supposed to be hunting for.

So I spot this tall female character in only a thong and and nipple coverage. I immediately thought YES!! Hunting complete. Then she took my Mu Vestment and 1/2 my inf and left me standing by the monkey cage in Pocket D.

Now, thanks to this guide, I know better than to hunt hotties! I Kill Skuls!

Thanks Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls guide!



The steps:

1. Go.
2. Hunt.
3. Kill Skuls!

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome Guide!!!!!!

I Gave it 5 stars!!!!!



An Australian translation.

1) Gah.
2) Hahnt.
3) Kill Skahls.



There must be someone out there with the original story saved or something b/c I remember reading it in a thread a good ways back when someone asked about the origin. If you have it, you need to post it... every good guide has its roots. Boosh!