Mean Characters

Autonomous Prime



what's the meanest thing your character has ever done to another player?



Deliberately: Verbally ripped them a new orifice for being a pompous, arrogant, high-handed *******.

Accidentally: Shot them in the chest with a high-powered rifle.

You can see both on the Whitmoore Apartments thread.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



i invited 5 lvl ones to a team, teleported them to the top of a building, and sat farther away watching them figure out what to do



Herr Automaton once sent a combat robot against a character who insulted him, and then one of his allies aided, causing heavy pain.




Hmm, can't speak much for myself as far as mean things. I have done small insignificant things to sometimes annoy because of what someone has done or said. Kinda stopped tho.

However, I have a brother who will invite someone he doesn't like to his team and sidekick them. He will then teleport them to the AV in mission, unsk, and then kick them off the team, leaving them there to die. He finds it hysterical as do the rest of his teammates. But it always happens after an arguement or some issue and the person still joins his team...can't give him all the credit for their stupidity; lack of common sense



Model Robot: Well, I don't remember anything mean I've done to anyone else, but...there was this time in late January when I was helping other heroes keep an apartment building from being frozen over by a couple of Winter Lords.
Suddenly, a squad of Council agents came out of freakin' NOWHERE and clubbed me over the head. When I came to, I found that the Winter Lords had already been defeated. I was a little disappointed about this, but I continued my patrol of Steel Canyon. I saw another pair of Winter Lords attacking another apartment building, but then the Council knocked me out AGAIN! As I lost consciousness, I could swear I heard them laughing at me. But mark my words.
My vengeance shall be a hellstorm upon them.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



The meanest thing I've ever I joined a puppy farming team(night wolves way back before it got nerfed). And the mission holder was inviting all kinds of people, even like level 5 people in Atlas and was like, "Wait for everyone." So I sat, and waited...and waited. I was getting bored and annoyed, but he kept asking everyone to wait.

So finally, everyone's there but one newbie friend of his that's still in Atlas asking people in the team to come give him infl. So we start the mission and the mission holder(a tanker) starts herding stuff and jumps in the dumpster. I, being a damage dealer, start using my AoE attacks, and he says, "Everyone stop fighting. Let me do all the damage. I want to get on the Punisher rank on the Kisco Terminals."

So the one level 5 newbie still in Atlas Park asks again for infl and the tanker says, "Ok, omw," leaves the wolves he's hearded after killing about 3 of them, and starts heading to Atlas Park. He tells everyone to leave the mission while he's gone so he can come back and reset it.

Needless to say, I was mad. Everyone left the mission but me. I quit the team while still in the mission and went and got all the blinkies, thus completing the mission making it so he could never farm it again. He sent me some angry tells as I logged off.



I just did the lowest thing a character can do. I left a Frostfire team, right at the very last room.

It was out of frustration and it was very late and I was very tired.

Some idiot scrapper kept sliding right into the middle of the room, aggroing everything and we'd all die.

He did that the first time, we all had to go to hospital, come all the way back and I was yearning for sleep, real sleep.

Then we get all the way back and before I even turn the corner, the idiot scrapper has once again slid right into the middle of the room again and I'm dead in 10 seconds.

Went to hospital and quit pretty much without a word.

Normally, I'd talk it out, try and get a better strategy, but it was so late, I was so tired and I was so cranky, I couldn't help it.

Worst thing I've ever done in my CoH career.



I have a couple of things that are going to make me an instant success in CoV.
Way before Recall Friend had a prompt, if someone on the team annoyed me, I would tp them into a group of +5 Tanks or PPs.

While street hunting with my fire/fire tank, at lvl 15, a group of 8s came up and started KS'ing. I repeatedly asked them to stop, they didn't, so I herded half of the hollows into them and watched as they died. I then logged in with my 47 claws scrapper and 1 shotted every group they went after, God I love shockwave. I later got an apology.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



I was teamed with my roomie and he ate the last slice of pizza.. well, one thing led to another, and I had hover and recall friend.. you can see where its going from here.

"If I didn't enjoy the ludicrous mayhem of an 8-person pick-up team and my eventual glorious triumph over seemingly impossible odds bereft of lucid and competant comrades, I would have left this game a long time ago. " - mean_liar