Blue Steel Praetorian?




I always wondered how blue steel got away with it, but maybe when other cops saw the body one of them threw a gun on the floor next to it and whispered "Ok, that was my unregistered, extra non-issue piece, Steel...remember when IA comes you tell 'em he pulled a gun...."



I always wondered how blue steel got away with it, but maybe when other cops saw the body one of them threw a gun on the floor next to it and whispered "Ok, that was my unregistered, extra non-issue piece, Steel...remember when IA comes you tell 'em he pulled a gun...."

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There are two explanations I can think of...

First off, the pre-clockbody Clockwork King was suspected to be a super-powered cop-killer (using robots controlled via telekinesis). Assuming that because he was super-powered, Blue Steel could actually let loose and stop pulling punches, he beats the Clockwork King into a pulp. He stops when he realizes that the Clockwork King does not, in fact, have any kind of specially endowed resilience like most heroes do and stops. The use of super powers to combat super powers is completely sensible, so it would have been forgivable to accidentally brutalize a murderer on the grounds that they were assumed to be tougher than that (cops have gotten away with injuring and ending up killing a hemophiliac because they could not have known that the acceptable level of force they were using would end up being lethal).

The second plausible possibility is simply that Blue Steel was never suspected of brutalizing the Clockwork King. As far as I know, they were the only two people at the scene. If Blue ended up nearly killing the Clock King in a fit of rage (which is plausible, there is a remarkable camaraderie among cops: one of the reason so few cop-killers actually get brought in alive) and he never admitted that he beat the Clock King so badly, it would be perfectly reasonable that the PPD would simply brush everything under the carpet, especially since Blue Steel is such a fine and upstanding member of both the superhuman and police communities otherwise. The amount of favors and leeway that are allowed to police is actually larger than most people realize, and, unless all of this was brought to light, it would most likely never get seen by the public.



it would be perfectly reasonable that the PPD would simply brush everything under the carpet, especially since Blue Steel is such a fine and upstanding member of both the superhuman and police communities otherwise. The amount of favors and leeway that are allowed to police is actually larger than most people realize, and, unless all of this was brought to light, it would most likely never get seen by the public.

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Great, so not only is he a murderer, he's a corrupt cop as well. That's... very reassuring.



Anyone know why there isn't a Praetorian version of Blue Steel?

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An evil Blue Steel would destroy the multiverse!

Praetorians exist so we can defeat them (with varying degrees of difficulty). An evil Blue Steel, on the other hand, would be impossible to defeat (in fact, the mission briefing to fight him will just explain how he defeated you and your entire team, and then log you out and delete your character).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
