Jurassik info (Devouring Earth Monster)




Funny that this thread come up.

Last night I soloed Adamastor at lvl 29 (he was also lvl 29)

Took me about 5 minutes to do it. but spent 10 minutes keeping his attencion till some SG got in zone for the badge.



Jurassik was created in Crey's Folley. Crey's Folley is the only original hazard zone without a monster spawn. Thereby it should be in Crey's to fit in with Adamastor, Kracken, Babbage.



Talk about insane spawn rates....

Was wandering around PP and ran into the Kraken. I am lvl 37 so I get nothing for it but I helped out the lower level heroes fighting him... Not 10 second later he respawed infront of us.

Took him out and he respawned 10 seconds later in the exact same spot again.

he did this a total of 4 timses before giving up and not re-spawning.

Was fun to help out



Ya that happened to me too. My SG was taking out some Hydras and the Kraken pops. We fight him down and while we are resting he pops again maybe 45 seconds after he droped.

Only happened twice but still we were suprised to see him soo fast.



[quoteWow, that's cool. The few times I've gotten that far on the Synapse TF, Babbage was all over us as we exited the Clockwork Lord mission. It would be hard not to get aggro'd by him.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's really interesting because the Babbage ambush spawns after the mission *before* the Clockwork King mission...

Beowulf -
Too many Alts, not enough 50's. Story of my life...



Does anyone know if there are any trends in where in Crey's Folly he shows up?



How was a 9 month old thread even still around to be bumped?

Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb



Well, I and a full team just took out Jurassik in Crey's Folley yesterday, in one of his spawn points as indicated by a map of CF from vidiotmaps.com ...

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World



dev posted threads never auto-delete



Lol, it always takes me so long to notice the date.

"Jurrasik isnt spawning in Crey's Folley? But he was just up yesterday!"