Love COH..but releasing on a Holy day?
I know it's not my post, but...
First off, why are you so angry against this? Do you feel more empowered by joining the other posters who obviously don't care about what day it is?
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I don't feel empowered by joining anything. I didn't know what day it was. I didn't care what day it was. I'm not Jewish personaly, but I'm sure if I were devout, my religion would be put before a video game. Sometimes, people just post stuff to start an arguement.
Read the whole thread and you'll find out I'm not Jewish. I never made it a personal issue. I find it wrong that people are insensitive to the fact that some people are into their faith, and into the game, and have to choose.
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Why is there a choice? Again, if your devout, there is no choice. Your GOD owns you. You go worship your God, you don't [censored], and you don't go to hell. Thinking about a video game while your at church? Isn't that one of those 11 Commandments? "Thou Shalt Not MMORPG During My Holy Day"
Let's say you're SO wants to get married on the same day that your favorite football team is in the Superbowl. You'd be torn, right?
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Well, maybe it's just me, but NO. If my child were going to get married, I'd attend the marriage. It's my child. Besides, what's an SO? If your Single Origin wants to get married?
That's all I'm saying, that people are forced into making a choice today, one a social issue, and another something that they find very entertaining. Most rational people will chose the social thing. A bunch of them will be upset over that. They could have made this tomorrow, or Monday. Picking today just happened to be a day that some people find important for other reasons.
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Nobody was forced to do anything. I didn't know it was coming. I logged on today, and to my suprise, the Issue 2 was up! How exciting. Did I feel forced to play? No. No guns where held to anyones head. No man with a bullwhip and a Gimp mask stood over you while you sat at the computer, or at your church, and told you "You must think about CoH".
Ya'll need decaf or something. You'll get to play, it's a lengthy event. So you didn't get it day one? Who here pre-ordered Halo 2... are we expecting to get it innitial release? I'm not. There are 450+ preorders at my Electronics Boutique. 3rd shipment maybe. It'll all be alright.
Ok, you're not getting it. If the content is here and gone when only part of the people who can play it are available, then it's cheating the other people who want to play.
To make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm assuming (look out) that Cryptic will keep this content up all day and hopefully for 24 hours, then there's nothing to worry about.
If it changes, they some people missed it. But if the typical gamer who is on for 2-3 hours a day every day can't get the content because it was only for 8 hours while they were working, then it's a shame for them.
And please stop with the agressive tone. I'm asking for a discussion if you will, not a dungflinging contest.
I think it's time for me to channel CuppaJo:
Can't we just agree to disagree?
If the holy day is so holy to you, why don't you focus on this time of renewal and blessings for the year to come instead of a [censored] game?
No offense, but you can't have it both ways.
It's either an important HOLY day and utterly trumps the game in every conceivable way such that playing in some imaginary world wouldn't be tempting or it isn't in which case who gives a crap.
So tell us, do you feel like your relationship with God, the creator of heaven and earth, this omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being of infinite justice and mercy, who I think is supposed to be very important if you're religious is interfering in your game playing?
People at work miss it too. They have to be at work, presumably or they would have chosen not to be at work. If people don't have to be at work, and they are, then they have chosen to be at work. If you don't want to do the religious thing, and yet you do it anyway, I have to wonder what you get out of it and why even care? You're not being forced to do it.
As for me, I'm going to eat some brisket for our Rosh Hashana meal and won't be playing, even though I am home and non-Jewish.
SO means Significant Other, I don't know if I'm talking to straight men, straight women, or gay men or women, and am trying to be inoffensive.
As long as they keep the content the same for 24 hour bursts, I'll be fine with it. Changing it up, regardless if they are throwing in the next phase or whatnot, would make me feel like I'm missing content, and not getting a shot to do what others are.
And I'm probably a little fired up because I've had all day to think about it.
If the holy day is so holy to you, why don't you focus on this time of renewal and blessings for the year to come instead of a [censored] game?
No offense, but you can't have it both ways.
It's either an important HOLY day and utterly trumps the game in every conceivable way such that playing in some imaginary world wouldn't be tempting or it isn't in which case who gives a crap.
So tell us, do you feel like your relationship with God, the creator of heaven and earth, this omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being of infinite justice and mercy, who I think is supposed to be very important if you're religious is interfering in your game playing?
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*kills the horse, burns it, throws it into a nuklear reactor, and drops the reactor into a wormhole*
Please learn to read before you write. That is all.
I'm greatful for new content, and LOVING my gaming in COH, but releasing today is a little disrespectful.
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Only to the select few who are 1) Jewish, and b) take the game more seriously than their religion.
Ok, you're not getting it. If the content is here and gone when only part of the people who can play it are available, then it's cheating the other people who want to play.
To make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm assuming (look out) that Cryptic will keep this content up all day and hopefully for 24 hours, then there's nothing to worry about.
If it changes, they some people missed it. But if the typical gamer who is on for 2-3 hours a day every day can't get the content because it was only for 8 hours while they were working, then it's a shame for them.
And please stop with the agressive tone. I'm asking for a discussion if you will, not a dungflinging contest.
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When you state a position that has any sort of real validity, maybe it will be discussed in a more calm demeanor...
Again, the "bummer" feeling is understandable... To become so insensed as to post a "you hate my religion?!" type of remark is beyond ridiculous.
Again, there is NO WAY on this or any other planet, and in no dimension of the multiverse, that the devs could schedule it to "be fair" to every last player.
I pose the challenge to you again.
Find a day and time that EVERY LAST PLAYER can log in without "conflict" (how people can view a video game as a "conflict" over real life leaves me with a deep sadness over the fate of the human race...) with real life "commitments", then I'm sure the devs will do it.
Please. Post it. I want to know when they can do something that is "fair" to EVERYONE...
In summation: It's not an issue of fair or unfair, cheating players, anti-[enteryourreligionhere], or any such thing. It was released at a time most convenient for the poeple who work on and maintain the game FOR A LIVING... You know...the people with the red names? The ones who CREATE the thing?
All else is secondary to what works best for THEM... And that is as it should be.
I escaped from religious goings-on just a few minutes to check the boards..
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You say this, you escaped.... from your religious observances yet you feel CoH was disrespectful?
shut up.
I escaped from religious goings-on just a few minutes to check the boards..
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You say this, you escaped.... from your religious observances yet you feel CoH was disrespectful?
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And I'm probably a little fired up because I've had all day to think about it.
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...and...see...therein lies the virtue of waking up earlier than normal and reading the boards first thing in the morning, like I do!
I have to be at work at noon...I was up at 8am, reading the forums...if there was nothing going on, I'd have gone back to bed... Update #2 live AND Invasion?! I logged on and played until I was almost late for work. I got a taste of what I'm going to get to enjoy over the weekend.
I'm at work now too, you see? But I don't feel they're being unfair, cheating me, etc... I also don't think they are being disrespectful of my Work Ethic (referring to the OP, not you) by releasing it during the day...
Hi all.
Cryptic/NCsoft doesn't discriminate against individuals due to sex, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, etc.
Likewise, we don't favor or make special concessions for any of the above.
We try to bring you the latest, greatest content we possibly can, as soon as we can. We feel that we owe that to you as our customer. The requirements for releasing a new Free Expansion Update are as follows:
1. Is it ready?
2. Are the relevant employees in the office to push it live and oversee its deployment in case there are any problems?
3. Are there players online actively awaiting it?
If the answer to all three of those are "Yes" it's going to go live -- period. Nothing else is taken into consideration, nor should it be...for it's our job is to bring you the game. We're sorry if it's not the best time for all of you, but it's never going to be quite the right time for everyone, so we just bring it to you when it's ready and you enjoy it when you can.
By the way, L'Shana Tova to those of you observing today.
This thread is now officially closed.
Thanks much everyone,
Let's say you're SO wants to get married on the same day that your favorite football team is in the Superbowl. You'd be torn, right?
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...crack baby... Am I right?
WTH kind of a comment is that?! For [censored]'s sake HELL NO I wouldn't be torn!
IMHO, if you are torn between getting married and watching your favorite sports team, you're either too immature to get married, or you don't love them.
That was a ridiculously poor comparison...
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Buddy, take a deep breath and relax a second. Now go back and read the whole thing.
That's why I'm still at work. That's why few people of the Jewish faith have really spoken up. We have our priorities. Though you can bet I really want to get back to that game.
That's all I'm saying. Some people have values that they put ahead of the game. My referance earlier to 1AM on New Years Day was basically to mean that most likely you'd not be online, and be passing out after that. Not getting up till noon the next day. Then pissed that you missed 11 hours of it already.
If I'm not being clear, ask fro clarification. Don't get all excited about it though, I'm not attacking you at all, please don't attack me. At least not till PvP