Universal Enhancement & Store Guide (v1.2)




Great guide.

Something that might be helpful would be to list the various cost factors for each enhancement type. For example, damage and accuracy enhancements cost more than hold duration or endurance drain enhancements. The factors should be available by going to a store that sells SOs of all enhancements, getting costs for each of them (of the same level), then dividing by the level.

This could help to determine which enhancements to junk when you're out killing and don't want to go back to sell.



Gah. Sounds like a boatload of additional work, Scrapulous. I'll consider it, but no promises.



Someone already did the research. I found it in a post somewhere on the forums a while ago and copied it to my notes:

Relative enhancement values

Endurance Reduction,93
Recharge Reduction,93
Cone Range Increase,88.27
Range Increase,80
Recovery Increase,80
Disorient Duration,73
Accuracy Debuff,73
Defefense Debuff,73
Immobilzation Duration,73
Defense Buff,70
Hold Duration,66
Resist Damage,66
Run Speed,66
Sleep Duration,66
Flight Speed,63
Activation Acceleration,60
Confusion Duration,56
To-Hit Buff,50
Fear Duration,46
Endurance Drain,23




For non-Power 10 DO enhancements, you have to wait to purchase level 25 versions (usable at level 22, 10 levels later than the Power 10). Non-Power 10 SO enhancements are available in either level 30 or 35 versions, requiring you to wait until level 27, 30, or 32 to be able to buy and use them (depending on your Origin, and whether or not you have helpful higher level friends).

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Thanks for the great guide! After being an altaholic for the last couple of months, I've finally managed to get one of my characters on the verge of 22nd-level. So a couple of questions spring to mind:

Question 1: where does a character going to find these non-P10 DO Enhancements? We're talking about a minimum of 22nd level, so am I right in assuming they're in the origin shops in Talos and Independence Port?

Question 2: Supposedly a 22nd-level character can also buy SO's at that level (for like 30k a pop). How does he get those?



Question 1: where does a character going to find these non-P10 DO Enhancements? We're talking about a minimum of 22nd level, so am I right in assuming they're in the origin shops in Talos and Independence Port?

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Question 2: Supposedly a 22nd-level character can also buy SO's at that level (for like 30k a pop). How does he get those?

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At the same stores mentioned in Question 1.



Thanks much!



So, how exactly are you supposed to learn about the NPC stores in Founders' Falls and Brickstown? Jolly-Roger is currently SL 32, and I don't recall any of his contacts saying, "Hey! Go find Agent Six in Founders' Falls. She has enhancements you can use!" And when I talked to her, she mentioned Omega Watch. I've no idea who/what that is, either. I definitely feel like I'm missing a link here...

Is this a case of players accidentally finding the NPC stores, and getting word out? Or is there an existing in-game mechanic, that gets your character introduced (and helps them find) these individuals?



So you need to be 27 OR 32 to get the mission from the high level stores?



I've no idea what level is required for Agent Six. She's in the middle of the Gaspee, in Founders' Falls. And that place is still deadly for me. You have to perform a stealth insertion to get to her, I swear...

But yes, I got her mission at SL 32. That's all I can say.



So you need to be 27 OR 32 to get the mission from the high level stores?

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You need to be level 30 to get the mission for all the FF/Brickstown Contact-stores, and level 40 to get Ghost Falcon's mission.

This results in people being able to use enhancements sold by those stores before they can get the mission (Can use L30 SOs at 27).

Hopefully, changes to enhancements sold by contacts in Issue 2 will make this a non-issue.



Any truth to the assertion in the Prima guide that there is actually a cap to enhancements? For example, according to the guide, the first SO would boost damage 33%, the second 3% and so on to a cap of 40%

BTW - Excellent guide. Thanks for putting this together.



What sort of changes are they planning to make to enhancements with issue 2?

I admit it. I don't play on Test very often.

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2134817#post2134817"]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



Someone already did the research. I found it in a post somewhere on the forums a while ago and copied it to my notes:

Relative enhancement values

Endurance Reduction,93
Recharge Reduction,93
Cone Range Increase,88.27
Range Increase,80
Recovery Increase,80
Disorient Duration,73
Accuracy Debuff,73
Defefense Debuff,73
Immobilzation Duration,73
Defense Buff,70
Hold Duration,66
Resist Damage,66
Run Speed,66
Sleep Duration,66
Flight Speed,63
Activation Acceleration,60
Confusion Duration,56
To-Hit Buff,50
Fear Duration,46
Endurance Drain,23


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These are base prices for training enhancements. Anyone know if research has been done on base prices for DOs and SOs?



I'm wondering about enh max's as well. Is there a point when having multiple SO's (say 4 damage) will no longer give a noticable bonus or is there no limit to the percent bonus you can add via enh?



Heres a nice in-game map I use that will help you find those stores. Best thing about the map is it dosent overwrite any files and is packed as an .exe or .rar file and comes with a uninstaller enjoy!


I just copy/pasted the link. I take no credit for this map, just sharing.





I LOVE that you can by SO's in IP and TI, (in issue 2) but I can't help but notice that you can't buy certain SO's (notably lvl30 NP10's incl end rec). Do the stores in bricks and FF carry these?

If we are still restricted from buying the nonpower 10 enhancements until we get the SO contact mission, then basically do we still have to beg for higher lvl players to shop for us?

Seems like putting NP10 SO shops in areas that are deep purple to the lvl 27-29 types who wish to buy them is a better solution. Some risk, but reward without harassment.

Alternatively lowering the mission to lvl 27 would also work.

Why would the devs "fix" the enhancement begging problem, and then do it incompletely? They are obviously smart enough to know the critical level points. What am I missing?




I found that if you get your relationship with an Independence Port contact high enough you are offered such things as Level 30 Endurance Recovery SOs ... which before the patch you could only acquire after reaching level 30 yourself and doing a mission for a specific origin contact. One problem though is that the IP contacts also seem to deal in specific origins, so once a particular contact starts selling you stuff it may or may not be useful to you.



Each of your 5 contacts deals with a different origin type.

If you read the info for each contact you should be able to narrow down which one is going to sell you SO's of your origin and work on getting that Contact to max friendliness.

Note that this availability of nonPower10 Enh from contacts is still being fine tuned on the Testing Server, so it may not be completely bug free on the Live servers and will be undergoing further tweaks.

regards, Screwloose.
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Contact sales of non-Power 10 DOs and SOs is still being worked on. Until it's finalized and correct, I'm not going to even consider how to revise the guide to reflect this. I am working on the Training Room with each patch there to provide feedback on that to help ensure that things happen right.



I too Am curious on whether or not and if so how ther enhancement cap works. Is there a point where you can't get more use our of another slot of X on a power.

For instance if I have five slots on Sniper blast, 3 dam 1 acc and a activation Accel, all SO's, and I put a 6th slot on, and put another damage in it, will it still boost it or have a reach a cap, and should put another acc in it?

Does anyone know or is there a guide regarding this?

Speed Cap on swift, may be a better example, when is it useless to keep putting speed in swift? or Defense buffs on hover or stealth. Does anyone know?



I remember one of the devs saying not to long ago (I believe it was statesman, going to look for the actual quote) that enhancements alone will not allow you to hit the cap, but with other powers contributing, leaderships, auras, buffs, etc. then they can be reached. So it's usually pretty safe to just use enhancements as you want..



I know this is an old thread but when I lvl'd the other night and needed a Endurance Recharge Enhancement SO Level 30 I purchased from my contact inside the hospital in IP. Most contacts are selling enhancements now and are origin specific. This one is a Mutant contact and has ALL SO enhancements at lvl 25 & 30 I believe. 30 for sure.

Try out these AE arcs: 58376, 121698 & 143827

Badges? Did someone say badges? Sign me up!



I know. A revision of this guide to reflect the changes of the Power 10, and either inclusion of contact enhancement sales, or a seperate guide for those, are in the works. I'm just very, very busy so when they'll be completed and posted is unknown.



Hi. I just spent time reading this first post of this guide ... and don't understand a damn thing.

Endurance Reduction Enhancements and Recharge Reduction enhancements reduce the cost of time of a power, rather than adding to its effects. On these type of enhancements, the bonus amount is added to 1 and then the endurance cost or recharge time of a power is divided by that number. The formula for that is: base / (1 + bonus) = new value. As an example, a power that takes 20 endurance to use and recharges in 20 seconds, if enhanced with 2 SO endurance reduction enhancements and 2 SO reload reduction enhancements (both even with your level) would work like this: 20 / 1.66 = 12.05. So, the power would then cost 12 endurance, and reload in 12 seconds. Interrupt Time Reduction enhancements -may- work the same way, I haven't seen a definite dev statement one way or the other.

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How do you even get these numbers??

20 endurance to use and recharges in 20 seconds use
2 SO endurance reduction enhancements which are 33.30% each
2 SO reload reduction enhancements which are 33.30% each
(both even with your level) which gives a 1.00 each

would work like this: 20 / 1.66 (where does this number come from???) = 12.05.

I don't understand! I would like to know since I play with my husband and I am a tanker.

The formula for determining exactly how much boost an enhancement at a specific level is as follows:

+3 = *1.15
+2 = *1.10
+1 = *1.05
0 = *1.00
-1 = *.90
-2 = *.80
-3 = *.70

So, say you're level 31. You have a level 29 SO, and a level 34 SO. The level 29 SO gives you a 26.6% boost, and the level 34 gives you a 38.3% boost. This works the same, whether that 34 is a plain 34, or a 32++.

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And this? Can anyone please explain in simple terms?

I'm begging here because I can't understand all this short lingo stuff and haven't found a thread that simply explains it.