Universal Enhancement & Store Guide (v1.2)




Hi. I just spent time reading this first post of this guide ... and don't understand a damn thing.

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NP it isn't all obvious.

How do you even get these numbers??

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Well some of them were made up for the example, but some have been dropped in posts by dev's about how the system works. Most of those Dev posts are now deleted in forum clean ups so we only have commentaries that mention them.

20 endurance to use and recharges in 20 seconds use
2 SO endurance reduction enhancements which are 33.30% each
2 SO reload reduction enhancements which are 33.30% each
(both even with your level) which gives a 1.00 each

would work like this: 20 / 1.66 (where does this number come from???) = 12.05.

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The formula for an Enh that reduces something is
Modified value = Base value / (1+total Enh vlaue).

Enh value for most SO's is .33. For 2 SO's that would be .66.

So for a power with some base value of 20, say End cost, 2 SO End reducers would give a modified value of 20 / (1+ .66) = 12.05 approximately.

The formula for determining exactly how much boost an enhancement at a specific level is as follows:

+3 = *1.15
+2 = *1.10
+1 = *1.05
0 = *1.00
-1 = *.90
-2 = *.80
-3 = *.70

So, say you're level 31. You have a level 29 SO, and a level 34 SO. The level 29 SO gives you a 26.6% boost, and the level 34 gives you a 38.3% boost. This works the same, whether that 34 is a plain 34, or a 32++.

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And this? Can anyone please explain in simple terms?

I'm begging here because I can't understand all this short lingo stuff and haven't found a thread that simply explains it.

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Enh that are higher level that your level give a greater bonus. If you are level 25 and you have a 25++ or 27 Enh, that is 2 levels higher than yours, then the bonus that Enh gives is 10% bigger, ie multiplied by 1.1.

Similarly Enh which are lower level than you give a lesser bonus. If you are level 26 then your level 25 Enh only give you 90% of their usual bonus.

So an SO that normally gives 20% bonus, say a Def bonus SO, would give you 22% if it was two levels higher than your character and 18% if it was one level lower than your character.

Hope that helps.

regards, Screwloose.
"I am not young enough to know everything."

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Hrm, I think I do. I'll be printing this puppy out tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to explain.



After much nashing of teeth, I realised that no one who has any of their broadcast channels on would be able to tell me how to obtain what I refer to as Odd enhancements. If you go to any of the stores in Steel Canyon or Skyway, you will discover that they only sell DOs for certain types of enhancements, egsample you can buy a level 15 damage DO but not a level 15 cone range enhancement. Likewise at level 25 with SOs. I dont remeber which one it was, but I desperately needed one of these and recieved no help what so ever. Well here it is, all you ever wanted to know about the DO/SO situation.

What I refer to as Normal Enhancements, ones you can buy in optimal form in the normal shops are
Defense Buff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Recharge (Attack rate)
Damage Resistance
Stun (Disorient duration)

The rest are what I call Odd enhancments, the ones you can not buy in shops at their optimal for per level. You can purchase all enhancements from contacts indescriminantly. Contacts are recieved acording to level, I have distributed them into tiers and list what the sell

Level 15-19 Tier 3 Sell level 15 and 20 DOs
Level 20-24 Tier 4 Sell level 20 and 25 DOs and level 25 SOs
Level 25-29 Tier 5 Sell level 25 and 30 DOs and level 30 SOs

With this list and some contact developement, you should have no trouble obtaining the DOs or SOs you need. Each Contact muct be developed to the 2nd line in the meater to sell all of the enhancements they offer. At any time you can go to your last contact and they will forward you to your current level contact through other contacts. This is true even if you are level 49 and havent done 1 single mission.

Good Luck and I hope this helps.



You can purchase all enhancements from contacts indescriminantly.

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I don't mean to nit pick here,... but I've gotten all of my contacts to their highest trust with me... I can get all 5 types of enhancers of my level tier. The problem is, I cannot get them all from one contact or even from the 5 SO contacts... in fact, all 5 of my SO contacts only sell A) of their own type and B) regarding SOs and DOs below store purchase level, only the ENHs of the non-power 10s. So, in reality, I have to goto the stores to get, say, a damage SO or ACC SO.



I've been searching for the locations of Icon stores for twenty minutes. You got my hopes up.

Um... could you include a chapter on Icon?



As an addendum to the epic stores, you should add General Hammond in Firebase Zulu. You can do one mission for him and he sells all SO origins 40+. I like going there since there are fewer pedestrians to push me around while upgrading.



Thanks Zealot!
This is EVERYTHING I wanted to know!
You're awesome!



Why do they make this game so confusioning D&D is similar than this game system and D&D is complicated to most people. Makes me wonder why people even bother trying to figure this stuff out cause you after you start doing all this math you got take into account CAPS the developers will restrict you anyways. Seems really dumb to even have the ++ system impliemented into the game first place if its only a tenth a percentage. Third why don't doesn't the game simply just tell you ingame assume you level 15, you highlight power X says (15-20) base damage. You find an ENCHANCEMENT (10) it gives 10% higher damage ENCH(11) gives 11% then when developers say they want to rebalance the game limit damage to 10% you highlight 11% says capped at 10% only 10% will affect I don't get why you need to take this game to one hundredth power X lvl X base. Then you have cap limiting you so you can't really do it and then when you go to RESISTANCE or HOLD or SOMETHING else the ENHANCEMENT is totally different yet still says 11 even in reality it is something waky like 5.01% so long as your a blaster and if your a controller its 6.01% and if your capped its 6.01% but capped at 4.98% unless your attacking a bigger mob what the hell!!!!!

This is game is wacked... I played Lineage II, Guild Wars, Dark Age of Camelot which have complicated systems too but not so it makes no sense. You have no idea after one release to the next can you out right tell me what is the cap on a controller with power X damage with 6 slots power and two I have are ++ and three are over my level by 2 and 1 under would be without calculation nightmare.
Dark Age of Camelot has 3 REALMS and over 6 RACES and under that over 6 SUBJOBS to balance powers and overly complex system of manufacturing goods but at least it makes sense I know my sword says I need to be level 5 (15-20) and I am going to hit between 15-20 and if I enchant it I can get 10% bonus +5 and it all clearly says it on the weapon so I know 10% of time I slash something I am going to get +5 on someone. They have the same COLOR CON system but if you hit someone higher then you its just a simple % difference in your overall ability to hit.
and they get a simple %+ to their damage for ever level above yours. And when they have CAPS they reduce the ITEMs or POWERs so you can't possibly do it in the first place so I CAN'T do it!!!

Now all their stuff is pretty complicated too with each race having different hit points and items and powers grow with each level but hell it's better then calculating this system of nonsense every time I want to put something into my low level character and find out it's worthless because of my other power.

Please someone has to precalculate all caps and enchments it seems nuts maybe X*3*4 except blaster get 3x2* power -3 cap as long as not over 600% works for you guys but I think the whole system seem overdone when in end its based what slots you put where seems crazy.

So to be serious now, can someone post a simplest example say a ENH using only my level and tell me CAP Restriction on it's POWERs and DEFENSEs % and SLOW/HOLD all based on ENH assuming 6 slots are all try to be used. Or is this simple question simply impossible cause of all the powers need to be listed extra? Do all def powers start out the a certain percentage?



Well, I went thru the stores again since Update 5 (though I still have yet to find the sell-back only stores in the Shadow Shard...) and this is the best sell-back strategy to get the most influence per sale:

Sell back to Freedom Corps stores or NPCs in Talos Island, Independence Port, Skyway City and Steel Canyon. Atlas Park and Galaxy City Freedom Corps Basic Trainers will gouge you a little. You can also sell back Training Enhancements to the Croatoa Store NPCs for the best price as well!

Sell back only to the same origin stores or NPCs in Talos Island, Independence Port, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Founder's Falls and Brickstown.

Sell back only to the same origin stores or NPCs in Talos Island, Independence Port, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Founder's Falls and Brickstown.

I thought that the sell-back prices from Ghost Falcon (Peregrine Island)/General Hammond (Firebase Zulu)/Col. Barry Woodhouse (Rikti Crash Site)/Other Shadow Shard NPCs was the worst (about 33%-38% of retail across the board), but the Croatoa Store NPCs sell-back their same-origin enhancements at 17% and non-origin enhancements at 8.5% of the retail price! Yikes!



Is this still current? I'm mostly interested in the which mobs drop which SOs.

TIA, Bobaloo



Any chance someone could update the drop list. It's like 3 years old now. It is also missing all the villian.



FYI There is a store in Faultline that you can unlock with the right mission that sells a limited assortment of SO enhancements. Complete the Penelope Yin (I believe this is the right contact) story arch and you can go into Mr. Yin's store. These are lower level than other SO enhancements (20ish) and what you can buy depends on your origin.

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It's Penelope's final mission, which will net you the Rescuer badge. The SOs in the store are 13, 17, and 21, which means you could buy them for a level 10 alt or friend.

However, the types of SOs are limited to only one type per origin:

Mutant/Natural - damage
Tech - Endurance Reducer
Magic - Accuracy
Science - Recharge

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Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



IS there a listing somewhere of what the different Origin Enh's translate to? For example a damage enhancement could be Lei Too's bracelet or Benedict's force crusher, or Numb-Nuts Follicle depending on the origin. It would be nice to have a chart translating which is which so if I'm on my Natural Peacebringer I don't have to spend 10 minutes trying to find what a Natural To-Hit ench is called...


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Never mind, found one:


Very nice one too!



So, no one knows what drops what on the villian side. Bummer



Is there an Enhancemant & Store guide somewhere for the Villians??