The Teleport FAQ




As questions about the Teleport power seem to be a hot topic at the moment I thought compiling a FAQ on it would be a good idea.

I hope this FAQ will be helpfull to some,
so here we go:

1. Q: Should I take Teleport or Fly as my travel power?

A: That really depends. Both have their pros and cons.
Fly is more intuitive (more easy) to use. It can get you everywhere, drains less endurance, you can use it for scouting around and it is generally safer to travel around with.
Teleport is way faster if used correctly over short to medium distances when it doesn't burn through your whole endurance bar. Over longer distances where you have to rest in between it usually is still faster even if not by a large margin. But it can cause you to take falling damage if you don't port in time again in midair or you can inadvertedly jump into a pack of enemies that you didn't see.

In combat, if you're a hero using ranged powers mostly you will probably find Hover/Fly more useful to keep yourself out of harms way. But if you're a meleeing hero you could find Teleport Foe/Self more to your liking as it can get you in the thick of battle quickly or a fleeing enemy back to you.

After all it depends on your personal preferences what travel power you find cooler. You may only be sure on this until you've tried both.


2. Q: Can I select a destination on the overhead map and teleport there?

A: No!


3. Q: That sucks! How does Teleport (self) work then?

A: Teleport Self is strictly line of sight with a maximum range of 300 feet. After you activate the power you get a ground target cursor. Put the cursor where you want to go and press the left mouse button. You will go through a short animation and teleport to your destination after using up 15 units endurance.
After that you are put in the built in hover mode. This immobilizes you for its short duration (about 2 seconds!?)) but you can still do everything else in the meantime, like teleport again, smack a foe or use another power ... just not move.
If you were moving before the port for some reason, for example because you began falling after taking too long to port again while in the air, you will still be put in hover mode but retain the momentum from before teleporting. That is you will continue to fall without being able to move on your own until hover wears off.


4. Q: I heard Teleport sucks because it uses way too much endurance per port. Can I enhance the power effectively somehow?

A: Teleport self can be equipped with either Increase Range or Reduce Endurance Cost enhancements.

Range is increased by 10% per DO or 20% per SO enhancement. Endurance cost is decreased by 16.7% per DO or 33.3% per SO respectively. Base range is 300 feet while base endurance cost is 15.
So using one DO range enhancer increases range to 330 feet and one endurance cost enhancer reduces cost to 12.5.
With the range enhancer and a full endurance bar (100 end) you can do 6.67 jumps of 330 feet each and cover 2200 feet. With the endurance cost reducer you can do 8 jumps of 300 feet each covering 2400 feet. Using more enhancers widens this gap even more.
So in conclusion: Use endurance cost enhancements before using range increasers!
Of course there will be a yet unknown cap on optimal endurance reduction ( 3 SOs should reduce endurance drain by 99.9%). After this it would seem wise to slot in range enhancers.


5. Q: I also heard you really need Hover to get around with Teleport safely? Then I heard it comes with its own hover built in. What's up with this?

A: The built in hover is really just there to eneable you to chain teleport through the air without falling down and hurting yourself in the process. It's relatively short and doesn't give you enough time to look around and decide on the route you want to take before letting you go. You really should have your route preplanned and just chainport in rapid succession without Hover.
If you want the comfort of being able to float in the air for longer and enjoy the sight I'd definitely advise on taking Hover. If you can live with Teleport being just a quick means of travel you don't have to take it. I probably won't either.


6. Q: How can I get on rooftops etc. with teleport?

A: The most obvious method is porting high above the rooftop and then porting back down on it but there is a better way to accomplish the same thing:
When teleporting, just target a destination just slightly below the edge of the roof. You will appear floating near the rooftop. Now just face towards it and try to move forward onto the roof. You won't be able to until you hover period expires but then you will jump on it and be there in just one simple port. You can do the same thing with other higher ledges.


7. Q: What's that infamous keybind I've heard rumors about that will change my teleport experience entirely?

A: /bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport"


8. Q: Oookayy!? And what does it do exactly?

A: Hold down your qualifier key for Teleport (left shift in this case) and just left-click with your mouse at the spot you want to go. This makes Teleporting around as easy as point and click as it gets rid of the additional targeting with the ground target cursor after activating your teleport power.
I find this bind invaluable if you plan on taking Teleport without taking Hover, too.
While you can chose another qualifier (like alt or control) in your bind if you want it is mandatory to bind to your left mouse button as this bind exploits the 'select' feature of this button.

Likewise you could create a bind like [/bind lcontrol+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport Foe"] to use the same feature with your Teleport Foe (or Friend) power.

If you want to know more about how keybinding works have a look at my favorite threads:
The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1) by Curveball and
Post your /bind's here by Grotus


9. Q: Does Teleport Self have any applications in combat?

A: Yes, for example you can port directly into the fray and unleash your wrath on your surprised enemies. While you can't move while the built in hover state is active you can surely use your powers. PBAoEs (Point Blank Area of Effect) seem to be a good choice with this tactic.
Also you can use Teleport to get out of hairy situations. Just plan in Teleports windup time and endurance cost before it's too late to flee ... err ... tactically retreat.
As an added bonus you can even Teleport while immobilized/snared/rooted as long as your not mesmerized/sleepy/stunned.


Todo: expanding this FAQ on Teleport Friend, Foe and Group.

If you have any ideas, tips etc. feel free to add them here.



Thanks, very well written. Definetly good info for those of us who haven't used TP yet.



"Of course there will be a yet unknown cap on optimal endurance reduction ( 3 SOs should reduce endurance drain by 99.9%). After this it would seem wise to slot in range enhancers."

3 SO's would reduce the cost of Teleport by 50%. Since the reduce endurance cost enhancement modifier affects a denominator rather than a numerator, the equation would be:

(base cost)*(1/(1+(sum of endurance reduction modifier))


15 endurance * (1/(1+(33.33%+33.33%+33.33%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(100%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(1))

15 endurance * (1/2)

7.5 endurance

You can further reduce this by slotting in + or ++ enhancements, but with 3 SO ++ enhancments, I 'think' you only reduce the cost to ~7.14. I forget if +'s increase the percentage by 5% per plus or add 1% =/.

I would vote for binding the teleport bind to left control since shift+tab cycles backwards through targets and alt accesses the secondary power bar menu.

Btw, great guide =D.



Thanks sleepy for pointing out my error. Makes much more sense that way.

So I've completely overhauled point 4 of the FAQ. Unfortunately I can't edit the original any longer but it should read now:


4. Q: I heard Teleport sucks because it uses way too much endurance per port. Can I enhance the power effectively somehow?

A: Teleport self can be equipped with either Increase Range or Reduce Endurance Cost enhancements.

Range is increased by 10% per DO or 20% per SO enhancement. Endurance cost is decreased by 16.7% per DO or 33.3% per SO respectively. Base range is 300 feet while base endurance cost is 15.

The formulas are as follows:

endurance cost = (base cost) / ( 1 + (sum of endurance reduction modifiers) )
range of port = (base range) * ( 1 + (sum of range enhancement modifiers) )

max ports = (max endurance) / (endurance cost)

max range = (max ports) * (range of ports)

So using one DO range enhancer increases range to 330 feet and one endurance cost enhancer reduces cost to 12.86.
With the range enhancer and a full endurance bar (100 end) you can do 6.67 jumps of 330 feet each and cover 2200 feet. With the endurance cost reducer you can do 7.78 jumps of 300 feet each covering 2333 feet.

Another thing to note is that the time per teleport is constant so slotting in endurance enhancers increases how far you can go without needing to rest and range enhancers reduce the time it take you to get somewhere.

As you can also see range enhancers increase linearly while you have reduced gains with endurance enhancers the more you stack them. For instance you can halve endurance costs with 3 SOs but 6 SOs just reduce cost to 1/3. So there has to be a point where slotting another range enhancer gets you more total range out of your endurance bar than you would get by a endurance reducer. Extensive calculations have shown this sweet point to be 4 SO endurance cost enhancers. After that you gain more value out of range enhancers.

Another interesting configuration (at least to me) is with three enhancement slots into Teleport self. If you'd slot them with 3 SO endurance reducers you could cover 4000 feet in 13.3 jumps. BUT if you put just one SO range enhancer in instead of a endurance reducer you can cover the same 4000 feet distance with one endurance bar in just 11.1 jumps effectively being there faster!




Thanks DarthKex! As a future Self Teleporter, it's great to get the skinny on the power. A very good FAQ!



Great FAQ!
I might add--(these only apply if you have Hover to complement your TP.)

<ul type="square">[*]When u have to travel the entire length of a zone, skyscrapers can be a real pain, if you don't off-center a couple of your ports beforehand. Otherwise, when you're forced to go around a skyscraper, you can overshoot.
[*]Ease your Heroes' TP Headaches by using your Nav Bar and Map to full effect. That means 'Click &amp; Set' those WayPoints, and create Thumbtacks. Not only will you always know when you're off course; you'll also know how far you have to travel, which can give u the info to calculate your port's distance &amp; rate.
[*]While soloing, you wonder if your Hero is wearing a Safety Orange Hunter's Vest 'cuz your unsuccessful snipe attacks aggroes whole mob every single time. On these occassions, TP will make it okay... Don't think horizontal ports, think vertical. When the mob charges, right-click to have character looking straight up, and port. then port one more time. w/ 2 vertical ports, i've never been followed. Just in case, this only works when you're outside! :-) But with 6 frantic ports horizontally, Tsoo Sorcerers follow me with no problems and take me out...[/list]



I just got teleport last week, and using the bind, it rocks. One other great use for teleport is for Stone or Invuln Tankers. You can teleport while using your Root/US ability. Since these make you basically invulnaerable to knockback, sleep etc. this is a great combination. It can be a pain teleporting around in a big group, but in small groups or solo it rocks.




I love Tp. I can usually beat everyone to whereever we are going.



I have one question about using the teleport bind. I can port easily using the shift bind, but I can't keep holding down the shift key and do multiple ports using a mouse click, I have to release shift and re-press it for each port. Is this the way it's supposed to work or something with my keyboard settings?



Nice and good FAQ. Maybe just a short addition, which I read elsewhere and am using now: scroll/switch to First Person Mode while porting, that avoids the constant drawing of the porting animation and is a tick faster, IMHO.



As an added bonus you can even Teleport while immobilized/snared/rooted as long as your not mesmerized/sleepy/stunned.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you TP when caught inside a Tesla cage and the like?



The Tesla Cage is a sleep, so no, you can't. I could be wrong about it being a sleep effect, but I don't think I am. Another great use for Teleport Foe is if you group with a tanker usinng Unyielding Stance, teleport the enemies next to him/her.



tesla cage is a hold - you can't do diddly =(.



Hi all - nice faq i got tp yesterday and all is fine except i dont seem to be able to get 300feet out of it when i teleport any tips on where on the screen to left shift / left click and teleport to get max distance ? is it aiming at the ground or in the air? any tips would be great as i seem to get places quickly but id like a bit more distance



I don't know where the 300 feet has come from you actually start being able to port 100feet, with one DO range enhancement on I can now go 120feet but the 300 feet is nonsense, or at least it is a lvl 15!



wierd. i cannot change the bind to /bind fbutton+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport" without the left mouse button becoming always the teleport button



I don't know where the 300 feet has come from you actually start being able to port 100feet, with one DO range enhancement on I can now go 120feet but the 300 feet is nonsense, or at least it is a lvl 15!

[/ QUOTE ]
isnt coh distance in yards? 300 feet = 100 yards i think maybe thats what ur getting confused



Yes, 300 feet is right, you'll go 100 at a time in game because it measures in yards.



I don't know where the 300 feet has come from you actually start being able to port 100feet, with one DO range enhancement on I can now go 120feet but the 300 feet is nonsense, or at least it is a lvl 15!

[/ QUOTE ]
isnt coh distance in yards? 300 feet = 100 yards i think maybe thats what ur getting confused

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is approximately 100 metres for those metrically inclined.

As far as range v's endurance goes, has anyone considered the differences when used in a combat environment over it's uses as a pure travel power?

What I mean by this is that if you are using it to escape from persuers, does the extra 10 yards/metres make any noticeable difference when escaping from the villains' ranged weapons or is the base 100 yards/metres sufficient to make them lose interest in one hop?

I could add this as a question to the FAQ but might be worth getting some feedback first from people who have had the power longer than me and have fought a greater range of enemies than me.



All I have to say is this...Teleport totally ROCKS!

I just received this last night, and after only about 20 minutes of playing with the power, and setting up the keybinding, and adding 3 lvl 15 end reductions, I can tp almost all the way across a zone, and beat my teammates that are flying. I can now get on top of the tallest buildings. To all the people that are complaining about tp...would you like some cheese to go with your whine? I love this power, and it added a whole new dimention to the game for me.



TP is awesome to bug out from those hairy battles if the battle is outside 'cuz you have the space to maneuver, but inside your very limited with ceilings, corners, and other obstacles.



Just some food for thought for everyone (including myself) who uses TP. Using End redux as opposed to range will also grant a little more than the simple calculations would lead you to believe. The missing element is that you are regaining endurance while you go. While this is not a whole lot, it can add a couple ports to your total. It may not seem like it at first glance but you have to think about a few factors.
1) The more you reduce it the less time it takes for you to regen enough for 1 more port.
2) The more you enhance it the longer you go, so the more time you have to regain end.
3) When slotting end redux instead of range, you are using the power more times, which means that you have more time animating and porting, which gives you more time to regain endurance.

I believe this makes a difference because I can chain-port as fast as I can (with 3 DO end redux) and burn through my whole end bar in .9 mi, or I can let pause just a second (in non-lagged zones) and let the animation of appearing finish, and port again before i start falling, and if I do that consistantly I can go almost 1.5 mi on one bar of endurance.

Anyways, just wanted to throw that out for everyone.

--random hero



How good is tp for escaping when you are dying in a middle of fight if it's indoor? Do you actually have time to tp out? Don't the hits actually follow you when you tp?



Now for the kicker, has anyone found a good use for group TP?

I was considering taking this power but I can't think of a good use, or maybe I'm missing something? For travel it seems like its just easier to port self then recall friend, and for getting out of dodge, it seems like it would be easier to have everyone use their own travel powers in the immediate, then you can recal friend if neccisary. Any ideas, comments?



About group teleport - rather than teleport yourself and then recall friend each of your teammates (if they survive), it's like teleporting everyone for 1/3 the distance of regular teleport.

It basically cuts out the waiting/interrupt time for recall friend. I'm not sure if it still stuns your teammates after you use it, though. I don't think it's very useful since I personally use recall/teleport combo since I usually only duo.

As for being hit while you're teleporting, yes, if someone fires a shot at you before you teleport it will follow you and have a chance to hit you after you teleport. The upshot is that it will take longer for the shot to land and I 'think' that the damage is not subtracted until the animation hits you, thus allowing you to regen more life...kinda hard to test. It's the same with any other travel power except teleport is the fastest way to get out of range, assuming you have enough endurance and skill at using teleport to maneuver indoors, since you don't 'exist' in the distance in between teleports.