Custom Bind Generator (now version 2.1)




Sorry for the delay, added in Prestige Power Rush and uploaded to server

City of Bindings



If anyone has any extremely large bind files that they could test with this, I'd be much obliged. I have no issues on my system, but a friend running Win2k gets an application error when loading his bind file for some reason (I can load the exact same one).

If you do have any issues, please either e-mail me or PM me with your system specs so I can try to track down the problem.




bump due to the increased number of PMs I've started getting about this



Hi...just downloaded you bind file and extracted it to my desktop, opened it up and ran it. Everytime I try and "open bind file" it crashes. I'm using the bind file CoH generated. If you want the error msg let me know...thanks



Yes, if you could PM the error message and / or send me your bind file so I can see exactly what is causing the error, that'd be superb.

Thank you,




Nice stuff! Thanks for the effort. Gave you props for it in star ratings.

Yes, a guide would be useful, but I'm having fun playing around with it right now.

After this is done, to load that file, I would type this in the chat box, correct?



/bind_load_file mybind.txt

Is this right?



*bump* nice work! Will enjoy!



once you have your file generated, just make sure you save it in your City of Heroes play directory then type

/bind_load <file name>

you don't have to type "/bind_load" twice, just one time giving it the name of your bind file as the parameter



I've been messing around with this, trying to get a key to do most of my bubblers work for me.

So i have the first command being target_freind_prev, then the next two commands are check and have power exec name in them... But when i save all i get is

tilde "target_friend_prev

Any suggestions?



Would it be possible to do a Move Forward with Mouselook when _both_ Left and Right Mouse buttons are pressed?

Thanks !



I've been messing around with this, trying to get a key to do most of my bubblers work for me.

So i have the first command being target_freind_prev, then the next two commands are check and have power exec name in them... But when i save all i get is

tilde "target_friend_prev

Any suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]

My bad, I have a typo in the program for target_friend_prev. I'll fix it and put an updated version as soon as I get home. Sorry about that.


Alright -- it's fixed and uploaded, let me know if you have any other problems please

City of Bindings



wow.. great thing.. started playing around with it.. but i find a problem... i can't bind something to any of the bind chord keys only.. for example if i wanted to bind fly to go on and off with the tap of left alt key... can u fix this?



Just found this thread and figured it hasn't been bumped in a bit so...




Is there a way to change costumes with a bind? I tried to find it in the list but couldn't find it. Would I have to type that on my own?



Putting a /bind_loadfile command in your binds makes life easier too.

Since I'm constantly changing my binds, I got sick of typing it in every time.

I now have a bind that is" L /bind_loadfile c:\keybinds\war.txt "

This means when I hit the L on my keyboard, it loads my bind file again. This bind file is for my Warshade, hence the name War. =). Just a quick note to the new bind users




To change costumes, jus tgo to the options menu and assign a number or something of the sort to each costume. Myself, i use 1, 2, 3, 4 for all four costumes. I believe this is the easiest way. correct me if I'm wrong.



to do costumes quickly:

/cc # starting at 0 for the first costume slot.

EG: /cc 0, /cc 1, /cc 2, /cc 3



Great program.

Rumppa Bump Bump

"Having a level 50 doesn't make you an expert"




At last no more of that dreaded purple text!!



Excellent program!
Finally I can do all those fun binds I thought about first but was too thickheaded/lazy to do by hand



Only thing that I see as mission are all the Kheldian powers. Will this be updates in the future?



Putting a /bind_loadfile command in your binds makes life easier too.

Since I'm constantly changing my binds, I got sick of typing it in every time.

I now have a bind that is" L /bind_loadfile c:\keybinds\war.txt "

This means when I hit the L on my keyboard, it loads my bind file again. This bind file is for my Warshade, hence the name War. =). Just a quick note to the new bind users


[/ QUOTE ]

That's a very good idea.

I do it a little differently: I have the /bindloadfile command in the first line of my bind file. This way, whenever I open a file to edit it, it's a simple matter to scroll to the top, copy the line, and paste the line into CoX. The line parses as garbage when the file is loaded, but it does not break the binds in any way.



Putting a /bind_loadfile command in your binds makes life easier too.

Since I'm constantly changing my binds, I got sick of typing it in every time.

I now have a bind that is" L /bind_loadfile c:\keybinds\war.txt "

This means when I hit the L on my keyboard, it loads my bind file again. This bind file is for my Warshade, hence the name War. =). Just a quick note to the new bind users

[/ QUOTE ]

That's exactly what I do, though I added $$em thumbsup at the end of the line. That way, I get a visual that my binds have indeed loaded.

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