28 -
This is going to be a silly question, but I'm just back after a long break, so please don't destroy me:
Can you get purple drops off of ANY level 47+ mobs or is it only specific types? -
My Melee UI
This is the UI I use for most of my melee focused characters -- 1920x1200, always play in 3rd person -
Yes, I have gotten an arc bonus on each of the Dev Choice arcs I've done after I selected "Standard Rewards"
** Please note that I love modding the game, I've started and added to many posts on the topic. I'm just making an observation here **
There is a map mod on mapquest that is entirely hand-crafted. It didn't take any files from the game at all, and thus does not violate even the most strict interpretation of the TOS. (The TOS specifically refers to modifying any game files.)
[/ QUOTE ]
To this statement, and all others of this type, you missed section c that CuppaJo posted:
(c) create any derivative works in respect of the Software or the Service;
[/ QUOTE ]
If you make a map, or texture, or sound or anything else of the like to be used with the game, it is a derivative. Additionally, once the game is loaded into memory, the memory space which the game occupies is part of the "software." Since any new files you put in to be loaded by the game would now be occupying the memory space, you have just altered the software.
The Spyder -
I'm rather disappointed in the removal of the threads. It was nice being able to refer people to my thread on removing sounds rather than having to explain everything over and over again.
I've been messing around with this, trying to get a key to do most of my bubblers work for me.
So i have the first command being target_freind_prev, then the next two commands are check and have power exec name in them... But when i save all i get is
tilde "target_friend_prev
Any suggestions?
[/ QUOTE ]
My bad, I have a typo in the program for target_friend_prev. I'll fix it and put an updated version as soon as I get home. Sorry about that.
Alright -- it's fixed and uploaded, let me know if you have any other problems please
City of Bindings -
once you have your file generated, just make sure you save it in your City of Heroes play directory then type
/bind_load <file name>
you don't have to type "/bind_load" twice, just one time giving it the name of your bind file as the parameter -
Yes, if you could PM the error message and / or send me your bind file so I can see exactly what is causing the error, that'd be superb.
Thank you,
spyder -
bump due to the increased number of PMs I've started getting about this
If anyone has any extremely large bind files that they could test with this, I'd be much obliged. I have no issues on my system, but a friend running Win2k gets an application error when loading his bind file for some reason (I can load the exact same one).
If you do have any issues, please either e-mail me or PM me with your system specs so I can try to track down the problem.
Cheers -
The "Reset Bind Data" button will cancel out of edit mode and let you set up a new bind key (and will "forget" all changes you were making). Not sure if you mean something more in depth than that, if so let me know and I'll make it happen.
I'll add Prestige Power Rush tonight and re-up the file.
I'm not sure why that didn't work for you, I just repeated those steps and it created the bind, displayed it in the preview and also output it to the output file. Where there other steps you had performed before hand, if so let me know so I can try to reproduce the problem.
Cheers -
Has anyone had any issues with the newest version (missing powers or troubles loading bind files in particular)?
Corrected the issue with team_select (Actually all commands that took a parameter that was only 1 character long)
Added in the missing powers mentioned (if you don't see any more that should be there, let me know)
Added in a menu
Added in the option to preview your bind file so you can see it before writing it out to file
Added in a button to reset / clear out a bind on which you are working
New City of Bindings file -
Alrighty -- I've been busy with RL work, but I've got some free time now:
Are there any issues with the current version that I need to fix?
Are there any additions / changes that you would like to see in the program?
If so, please drop me an e-mail and let me know and we'll see what I can do to accomodate your request.
jjflanigan@perfectweb.org -
2 ways....use the Default Keybindings button in your options, or redo the bind to this:
/bind enter "beginchat"
[/ QUOTE ]
actually have to use -- /bind enter "startchat" beginchat requires a parameter to be sent in when used. -
When you say "guide," what exactly do you mean? Do you mean a help file for how to create / use binds properly, or an actual guide just for using the tool itself (no instructions on how binds work, just how to use City of Bindings to create them).
I forgot to update the About box to add in my contact information so that people can just e-mail me with questions / suggestions, so I'll update that in the morning and upload it. As for the donations, I'd rather not...I'm doing this to help out and because I absolutely love programming (especially when it's something that many others will find useful). Although it is extremely gratifying that someone would suggest that -
I actually have 4 different copies of the same file on my web-server because, for some reason, different Operating Systems seem to reach the file differently (i.e. 95% of the people can get the CityofBindings.zip file, the other 5% have to make it lowercase).
Are there any requests/suggestions for things people think are missing out of the utility at this time that they would like to see added, or that they think would improve the application in any way? -
corrected another typo in the powers list.
Corrected the issue with loading bind files, I had set the program to only load in 75 binds while I was testing it and forgot to change it. It is now set to handle up to 512 bind sets within a single file, so you shouldn't have anymore issues loading. (file on server is updated to 2.1.5, make sure that is the version you use please)
Please let me know if anything else comes up. -
Could someone who is having difficulty loading the bind files e-mail me your .txt file with the binds? I'm going to trace through and see where the problem is coming in.
Thank you,
The Spyder -
Version 2.1 is up now
-- completed ability to load in bind files (beta)
-- corrected issue with power list on powexec_auto
-- adjusted default to not close application on "enter"
The loading of bind files is not very complex, because of that it will only work with properly formatted bind files, with quotation marks as well as only a single bind per line (i.e.):
numpad0 "say Running$$powexec_name Sprint$$++autorun"
lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport"
etc and so forth.
As always, let me know if you have any issues, comments, or suggestions. -
I'll work on a user guide soon.
After you create a bind, make sure you Store Bind Data before you save it to a file. Once you store one or more binds, you can save it to the file then open the file in any text editor to view the final results.
The Spyder -
As a side note -- If any has, or knows where I could pull up, a list of all the toggle commands (the ones that use '+', '-' and '++'), I'll go ahead and put those into a drop down list so no one will have to try to remember them.
Any other suggestions, feel free to e-mail or PM me.