Custom Bind Generator (now version 2.1)




Not as elegant as Lil_Pips Hero Builder, but this is a simple program to let you generate a bind file. You can select your commands from a pull down list, as well as all of the various trigger and chord keys. It has a place to enter in the parameters for each command as well, and will take care of assembling the bind in the correct format, then allowing you to save it out to a file for use in the game. Also displays "examples" for each command available. All data is pulled from the Unofficial Bind thread in these forums, and credit is given to all who contributed in the About section of the program.

I only spent about an hour working on this tonight, so it doesn't have the ability to load in existing binds and edit them yet, but that will get added in when I have a chance.

If you use this and find it useful in anyway, please let me know. Also, if you find certain aspects of it not user-friendly or would like to have something added, just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Thank you -- The Spyder
Download City of Bindings



Looks great, but a list of the powers would be nice when listed for the parameters.
Kudo's for the great work

Currently playing:
Lady Breeze (50 fire/storm)
Moon-kiss (44 tri-form warshade)
Scarlet Whisper (33 sonic/energy)
Ravenflight (41 archer/elec)



interesting, i'll give it a try. thx for the effort spyder.



Looks good from the quick glance I gave it.



Version 1.3 is available at the link now.


selecting powexec_name now provides you with a list of powers to select as parameters

"custom" command option to allow you to use things such as +mouse_look, ++autorun, etc in your bind.

Ability to go back and make a change to a previous bind you set up prior to saving it to file (drop down list with all created binds)

Next up will be the ability to load previous binds out of a file, I got started on that, but didn't have time to finish it due to work expecting me to actually do my job tonight.


The Spyder



This is great, and will save me a lot of time looking up command. Thanks.



As a side note -- If any has, or knows where I could pull up, a list of all the toggle commands (the ones that use '+', '-' and '++'), I'll go ahead and put those into a drop down list so no one will have to try to remember them.

Any other suggestions, feel free to e-mail or PM me.



Wow, this will save me alot of time. Thanks!



Looking good. Thanks for donating your time and effort to help out the community.

I wonder if I could suggest a few things:

a: maybe some sort of basic help or guide? right now, I'm not really sure how this is working.

b: maybe add another box somewhere on it that compiles your bind into proper syntax so you can see it as your working on it? I see it saves a txt file called mybind.txt but I see nothing in it.

Of course, my confusion could just be operator error.

Anyway, thanks again.




I'll work on a user guide soon.

After you create a bind, make sure you Store Bind Data before you save it to a file. Once you store one or more binds, you can save it to the file then open the file in any text editor to view the final results.

The Spyder



very nice.... gg



Version 2.1 is up now

-- completed ability to load in bind files (beta )
-- corrected issue with power list on powexec_auto
-- adjusted default to not close application on "enter"

The loading of bind files is not very complex, because of that it will only work with properly formatted bind files, with quotation marks as well as only a single bind per line (i.e.):

numpad0 "say Running$$powexec_name Sprint$$++autorun"
lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport"

etc and so forth.

As always, let me know if you have any issues, comments, or suggestions.



Everytime I try to load my binds....which is all I have tried since I got the crashes on me.



Looks great but the load bind function must have a problem. I tried to load mine on windows xp and it just crashes.



Could someone who is having difficulty loading the bind files e-mail me your .txt file with the binds? I'm going to trace through and see where the problem is coming in.

Thank you,

The Spyder



Corrected the issue with loading bind files, I had set the program to only load in 75 binds while I was testing it and forgot to change it. It is now set to handle up to 512 bind sets within a single file, so you shouldn't have anymore issues loading. (file on server is updated to 2.1.5, make sure that is the version you use please)

Please let me know if anything else comes up.



corrected another typo in the powers list.



Great little utility - thanks! Can't wait to try this out.



You spent an hour on this? WOW you're a genius.
Can't wait for the updates




Very nice (though you might want to change the 'C' to 'c' in the link -- had to make it lower-case to DL).



I actually have 4 different copies of the same file on my web-server because, for some reason, different Operating Systems seem to reach the file differently (i.e. 95% of the people can get the file, the other 5% have to make it lowercase).

Are there any requests/suggestions for things people think are missing out of the utility at this time that they would like to see added, or that they think would improve the application in any way?



Help for a noob bind user,
Is there a way to get your bind.txt files to load automatically without using the /bind_load_file command?

I've searched but can't seem to figure it out.



I think it's great.

All you need in a simple guide on how to use it. PLEASE

I would also encourage you to put your name on it and a place where people could donate a few bucks to you.



When you say "guide," what exactly do you mean? Do you mean a help file for how to create / use binds properly, or an actual guide just for using the tool itself (no instructions on how binds work, just how to use City of Bindings to create them).

I forgot to update the About box to add in my contact information so that people can just e-mail me with questions / suggestions, so I'll update that in the morning and upload it. As for the donations, I'd rather not...I'm doing this to help out and because I absolutely love programming (especially when it's something that many others will find useful). Although it is extremely gratifying that someone would suggest that



(i.e. 95% of the people can get the file, the other 5% have to make it lowercase).

[/ QUOTE ]

Friendly URL names are the debil.
Down with AOL!

User Guide for ya...
New Users
0. Launch City of Bindings.exe
1. In the [Bind Trigger Key] drop-down, select the keyboard key or mouse button to assign a command to.
2. If you want your bind activated by using a combination of keys, select a secondary key from the [Bind Chord Key] drop-down.
3. In the [Command #1] drop-down, select the first command you want to run when the bind is executed.
4. If the command chosen in step 3 accepts parameters, enter them in the [Parameters] field.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additonal command you want to execute with this bind.
6. Click [Store Bind Data]
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for each additional bind you want to set up.
8. Click [Save All Binds]

Making edits/changes to mybinds.txt
0. Launch City of Bindings.exe
1. To load exisiting bind data, click [Load Bind Data] and browse to mybinds.txt
2. Edit an existing bind by selecting the bind from the [Select Existing Bind] drop-down
3. Make your changes
4. Click [Store Bind Data]
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each bind that you want to change
6. To add new binds, refer to 'New Users' instructions 1-10.
7. When done making changes, click [Save All Binds].