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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    How do I use them in game? Will the load auotmaticily?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To load a saved bind file, log into CoH and type "/bind_load_file [path]" where [path] is the path to the mybinds.txt file:
    /bind_load_file c:\games\coh\mybinds.txt
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    (i.e. 95% of the people can get the file, the other 5% have to make it lowercase).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Friendly URL names are the debil.
    Down with AOL!

    User Guide for ya...
    New Users
    0. Launch City of Bindings.exe
    1. In the [Bind Trigger Key] drop-down, select the keyboard key or mouse button to assign a command to.
    2. If you want your bind activated by using a combination of keys, select a secondary key from the [Bind Chord Key] drop-down.
    3. In the [Command #1] drop-down, select the first command you want to run when the bind is executed.
    4. If the command chosen in step 3 accepts parameters, enter them in the [Parameters] field.
    5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additonal command you want to execute with this bind.
    6. Click [Store Bind Data]
    7. Repeat steps 1-6 for each additional bind you want to set up.
    8. Click [Save All Binds]

    Making edits/changes to mybinds.txt
    0. Launch City of Bindings.exe
    1. To load exisiting bind data, click [Load Bind Data] and browse to mybinds.txt
    2. Edit an existing bind by selecting the bind from the [Select Existing Bind] drop-down
    3. Make your changes
    4. Click [Store Bind Data]
    5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each bind that you want to change
    6. To add new binds, refer to 'New Users' instructions 1-10.
    7. When done making changes, click [Save All Binds].